Displaying 391 - 400 of 1890 results
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This series consists of briefing memorandums and other background information for Presidential meetings. The memorandums describe the purpose, background details, and press plan, and include talking points and a list of participants.
Collection: Warren Rustand and William Nicholson Files (Ford Administration)
Presidential Briefing Material Files … This series consists of briefing memorandums and other background information for Presidential meetings. The memorandums describe the purpose, background details, and press plan, and include talking points and a list of …
This series contains letters that President Gerald Ford received inviting him to visit various places during his presidency, including schools, churches, cities, and to participate in various activities, including ski trips, golf, and college commencement ceremonies.
Collection: Warren Rustand and William Nicholson Files (Ford Administration)
Invitations Files … This series contains letters that President Gerald Ford received inviting him to visit various places during his presidency, including schools, churches, cities, and to participate in various activities, including ski trips, golf, and college commencement …
This series contains correspondence, invoices, event programs and schedules, speech cards, and scripts relating to Robert Orben’s work as a consultant to executives and corporations, which included: humor, speechwriting, editing services, and leading workshops. The files contain materials concerning his clients, which included: Campbell Soup Company, Eastern Airlines, and Shell Oil Company. The bulk of this series is comprised of materials representing his long-term business relationship with IBM. This includes planning notes and scripts for IBM’s varied recognition events and business retreats as well as comedy material for presenters and managers.
Collection: Robert Orben Papers
Corporate Files … This series contains correspondence, invoices, event programs and schedules, speech cards, and scripts relating to Robert Orben’s work as a consultant to executives and corporations, which included: humor, speechwriting, editing services, and leading workshops. The files contain materials concerning his clients, which included: Campbell Soup Company, Eastern Airlines, and Shell Oil Company. The bulk of this series is comprised of materials representing his long-term business relationship …
This series consists of a log recording the movements of President Gerald Ford around the White House complex. Each entry includes the date, time, location, signal, and the name of the officer making the entry.
Collection: U.S. Secret Service. Executive Protective Service Collection (Ford Administration)
President’s White House Movement Log … This series consists of a log recording the movements of President Gerald Ford around the White House complex. Each entry includes the date, time, location, signal, and the name of the officer making the entry. …
This series consists of post logs indicating the time that President Gerald Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, First Family members, and visitors entered and exited the White House Executive Residence, or Mansion. A monthly report on the number of visitors each day is also included.
Collection: U.S. Secret Service. Executive Protective Service Collection (Ford Administration)
Mansion Movement Post Logs … This series consists of post logs indicating the time that President Gerald Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, First Family members, and visitors entered and exited the White House Executive Residence, or Mansion. A monthly report on the number of visitors each day is also …
This series consists of logs of press appointments. Entries in each log include the name of the visitor, date of birth, affiliation, the name of the White House staff member that authorized the appointment, arrival gate and time, and the time the appointment was received at the post.
Collection: U.S. Secret Service. Executive Protective Service Collection (Ford Administration)
Press Appointment Logs … This series consists of logs of press appointments. Entries in each log include the name of the visitor, date of birth, affiliation, the name of the White House staff member that authorized the appointment, arrival gate and time, and the time the appointment was received at the …
This series consists of President Gerald Ford’s daily schedule. Each schedule entry includes the time and a description of the event.
Collection: U.S. Secret Service. Executive Protective Service Collection (Ford Administration)
President’s Schedules … This series consists of President Gerald Ford’s daily schedule. Each schedule entry includes the time and a description of the event. …
This series consists of letters, memorandums, telegrams, invitations, articles, and newspaper clippings compiled by Arthur Burns during his service as the U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. The bulk of this series consists of routine and courtesy correspondence and invitations. Included throughout the series is material related to embassy operations, exchanges with senior West German political leaders (especially Bundestag members and state Minister-Presidents), international cultural affairs, international education and exchanges, international business matters, the German-American Tricentennial, peace movements, youth, visits of U.S. officials (including President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush), visits of West German officials to the U.S., dealings with Soviet Union officials regarding Berlin, NATO, national security, military bases in West Germany, and U.S. activities in the Caribbean and Central America.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Ambassador's Correspondence Files … This series consists of letters, memorandums, telegrams, invitations, articles, and newspaper clippings compiled by Arthur Burns during his service as the U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. The bulk of this series consists of routine and courtesy correspondence and invitations. Included throughout the series is material related to embassy operations, exchanges with senior West German political leaders (especially Bundestag members and state Minister-Presidents), …
This series consists of an audio recording of Henry Kissinger's appearance at an American Society of Newspaper Editors meeting on April 13, 1976, and photographs relating to the Medal of Freedom and two nominees for the award, James McCain and Earl D. Osborn.
Collection: David R. Gergen Files
David Gergen's Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of an audio recording of Henry Kissinger's appearance at an American Society of Newspaper Editors meeting on April 13, 1976, and photographs relating to the Medal of Freedom and two nominees for the award, James McCain and Earl D. …
This series contains memorandums, letters, reports, speeches, press releases, clippings, and invitations from James Lynn service as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The material relates primarily to the Federal budget process, the White House Summit Conference on Inflation, Lynn’s confirmation hearings for the post of OMB Director, Federal housing programs, and the President Gerald Ford's State of the Union address.
Collection: James T. Lynn Papers
General Files … This series contains memorandums, letters, reports, speeches, press releases, clippings, and invitations from James Lynn service as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The material relates primarily to the Federal budget process, the White House Summit Conference on Inflation, Lynn’s confirmation hearings for the post of OMB Director, Federal housing programs, and the President Gerald Ford's State of the Union …