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This series contains audio recordings of unmixed and unedited materials used to create radio commercials for Gerald Ford’s 1976 primary campaign. In addition to unedited versions of radio spots this series contains production elements such as lead-ins and voice overs. Speakers include First Lady Betty Ford, Senator Charles Percy, Senator Barry Goldwater, North Carolina Governor Richard Holzhauser, former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller. This series also contains audio recordings related to Ronald Reagan’s primary campaign against Gerald Ford, including New Hampshire radio spots and a Florida press conference.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Primary Election Unmixed Radio Audio Recordings … This series contains audio recordings of unmixed and unedited materials used to create radio commercials for Gerald Ford’s 1976 primary campaign. In addition to unedited versions of radio spots this series contains production elements such as lead-ins and voice overs. Speakers include First Lady Betty Ford, Senator Charles Percy, Senator Barry Goldwater, North Carolina Governor Richard Holzhauser, former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, and Vice President …
The series contains James Cannon's notes relating to the transcripts of Trevor Armbrister's interviews with President Gerald Ford.
Collection: James M. Cannon Research Interviews and Notes
James Cannon's Notes and Excerpts from Trevor Armbrister's Interviews with Gerald Ford … The series contains James Cannon's notes relating to the transcripts of Trevor Armbrister's interviews with President Gerald Ford. …
The series contains depositions, medical exhibits, and medical illustrations released by the Assassination Records Review Board to the public in July 1998. The material primarily documents the work of the doctors and photographers present at President John F. Kennedy's autopsy.
Collection: David W. Belin Papers
Assassination Records Review Board's Kennedy Assassination Medical and Autopsy Files … The series contains depositions, medical exhibits, and medical illustrations released by the Assassination Records Review Board to the public in July 1998. The material primarily documents the work of the doctors and photographers present at President John F. Kennedy's …
This series consists of Robert Anderson's personal correspondence.
Collection: Robert Anderson Papers
Correspondence Files … This series consists of Robert Anderson's personal correspondence. …
This series contains a mixture of full editions and clippings, predominantly from various ethnic newspapers written in English and foreign languages, featuring stories about Dr. Myron Kuropas, White House meetings with ethnic groups, and ethnic concerns and endorsements relating to the 1976 Presidential campaign. Clippings from mainstream newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post that pertain to ethnic affairs, particularly in relation to the election, are also included.
Collection: Myron B. Kuropas Papers
Newspaper Files … This series contains a mixture of full editions and clippings, predominantly from various ethnic newspapers written in English and foreign languages, featuring stories about Dr. Myron Kuropas, White House meetings with ethnic groups, and ethnic concerns and endorsements relating to the 1976 Presidential campaign. Clippings from mainstream newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post that pertain to ethnic affairs, particularly in relation to the election, are also …
This series consists of schedules, letters, telegrams, speeches, background information, and briefing materials related to trips made by Arthur Burns, primarily in his official capacity as the U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Although most of the material is routine trip planning records, there is some substantial material related to diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union pertaining to Berlin, and relations between U.S. military bases in West Germany and the surrounding communities.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Trip Files … This series consists of schedules, letters, telegrams, speeches, background information, and briefing materials related to trips made by Arthur Burns, primarily in his official capacity as the U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Although most of the material is routine trip planning records, there is some substantial material related to diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union pertaining to Berlin, and relations between U.S. military bases in West Germany and the surrounding …
This series consists of memoranda, notes, reports, schedules, letters, and telegrams compiled by Arthur Burns during his service as the U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Included in the series is a subseries of notes and memoranda to the file that document Burns’ meetings with West German officials, primarily Helmut Schmidt, and his correspondence with Secretary of State George Shultz and President Ronald Reagan. These documents provide insight into the political behavior of Schmidt, West German foreign and domestic policies and politics, Burns’ assessment of West German leaders and policies, and U.S.-West German relations. Other topics represented in the series include West German relations with East Germany and the Soviet Union, conditions in Berlin, arms control, deployment of atomic weapons in Europe, U.S. defense spending, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), trade, and international and economic conditions. Also included in the series are administrative records related to Burns’ appointment, resignation, and selection of an aid, and a register of meetings and daily schedules.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Ambassador's Subject Files … This series consists of memoranda, notes, reports, schedules, letters, and telegrams compiled by Arthur Burns during his service as the U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Included in the series is a subseries of notes and memoranda to the file that document Burns’ meetings with West German officials, primarily Helmut Schmidt, and his correspondence with Secretary of State George Shultz and President Ronald Reagan. These documents provide insight into the political behavior of …
This series consists of photographs audio recordings related to Michael Farrell's work as Director of the White House Visitors Office. Subjects represented in the photographs include a group of handicapped individuals from Grand Rapids, Michigan, visiting the White House on April 29, 1976; the Rose Garden, Air Force One, and the Presidential Seal; and a 1973 trip to Hawaii. Audio recordings include a tour of the White House; the National Archives “Sounds of History;” Explorer Leader Development; the 1974 National Explorer President’s Conference; and “Amana Presents America: 200 Years Young.”
Collection: Michael J. Farrell Files (Ford Administration)
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of photographs audio recordings related to Michael Farrell's work as Director of the White House Visitors Office. Subjects represented in the photographs include a group of handicapped individuals from Grand Rapids, Michigan, visiting the White House on April 29, 1976; the Rose Garden, Air Force One, and the Presidential Seal; and a 1973 trip to Hawaii. Audio recordings include a tour of the White House; the National Archives “Sounds of History;” Explorer Leader …
This series contains news clippings, memoranda, correspondence, notices, notes, reports, press briefs, news wire reports, opinion polls, polling data, and other materials covering various political scandals, events, trends, and Roy Wetzel’s role as an NBC News executive. Topics include scandals and government investigations surrounding President Bill Clinton and members of Congress, Watergate, Koreagate, Operation Desert Storm, presidential elections, and the political balance of Congress. Also included are materials on operational issues handled by Wetzel while working in broadcast news at NBC, including his time directing their Election Unit.
Collection: Roy Wetzel Papers and Audiovisual Materials
General Subject Files … This series contains news clippings, memoranda, correspondence, notices, notes, reports, press briefs, news wire reports, opinion polls, polling data, and other materials covering various political scandals, events, trends, and Roy Wetzel’s role as an NBC News executive. Topics include scandals and government investigations surrounding President Bill Clinton and members of Congress, Watergate, Koreagate, Operation Desert Storm, presidential elections, and the political balance of …