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This series contains correspondence, memoranda, clippings, affidavits, and press releases accumulated by the United States delegation of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico. Files for each Ad Hoc Group member contain mostly copies of outgoing correspondence from Executive Director Peter J. Gallagher, administrative assistant Patricia McNabb, and Administrative Officer William Oxley to members of the United States and Puerto Rican delegations. Many of these files also include biographies and copies of appointment affidavits. This series contains correspondence from members of the Puerto Rican delegation to the Washington, D.C. office, a copy of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary report on the Bilingual Courts Act, and copies of other miscellaneous legal documents. Also included are published copies of the report submitted by the first Ad Hoc Advisory Group on the Presidential Vote for Puerto Rico (August 1971) and the report of the second Ad Hoc Group, "Compact for Permanent Union Between Puerto Rico and the United States" (October 1975). Many of the letters in this series also appear in the series "General Correspondence File, 10/1973 - 10/1975" (ARC identifier 625392). This series documents views toward the relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico and the possibility of statehood. Some of the documents appear in both English and Spanish.
Collection: Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards
Subject Correspondence Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, clippings, affidavits, and press releases accumulated by the United States delegation of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico. Files for each Ad Hoc Group member contain mostly copies of outgoing correspondence from Executive Director Peter J. Gallagher, administrative assistant Patricia McNabb, and Administrative Officer William Oxley to members of the United States and Puerto Rican delegations. Many of these files also …
This series contains correspondence, speeches, reports, press releases, clippings, and publications. These fragmentary files concern Melvin Laird's work as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Wisconsin. Key topics include the Republican White Paper on the Vietnam War and Laird's Youth Leadership Workshop held on December 2, 1965.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Congressional Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, speeches, reports, press releases, clippings, and publications. These fragmentary files concern Melvin Laird's work as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Wisconsin. Key topics include the Republican White Paper on the Vietnam War and Laird's Youth Leadership Workshop held on December 2, …
This fragmentary series contains memoranda, correspondence, notes, reports, publications, and lists. The materials concern Melvin Laird's work as Secretary of Defense. Some files contain key letters that he received (including ones from President Richard Nixon and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger) concerning the Vietnam War and other national security topics. Other materials concern the Vietnam War, the management of the Department of Defense, and the historical project conducted in 1972 to gather the key documents from Laird's service with the Department.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Subject Files … This fragmentary series contains memoranda, correspondence, notes, reports, publications, and lists. The materials concern Melvin Laird's work as Secretary of Defense. Some files contain key letters that he received (including ones from President Richard Nixon and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger) concerning the Vietnam War and other national security topics. Other materials concern the Vietnam War, the management of the Department of Defense, and the …
This series contains Counsellor to the President Melvin Laird's speeches, correspondence, schedules, and lists. Most of the speeches touch on domestic affairs and legislation (especially economic and energy policy), although occasional ones concern the Watergate affair.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Nixon Administration White House Speeches and Events Files … This series contains Counsellor to the President Melvin Laird's speeches, correspondence, schedules, and lists. Most of the speeches touch on domestic affairs and legislation (especially economic and energy policy), although occasional ones concern the Watergate …
This series contains correspondence, transcripts, notes, press releases, publications, and clippings. The material concerns a variety of topics in which Melvin Laird was involved after leaving the government, including his work on the boards of directors of several companies. Major topics include: Assessment Review Panel for US Missions in the Soviet Union (concerning breaches of security at embassies), Ernest Fitzgerald whistle-blower investigation, South Korean influence investigation, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) treaties, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, and the USS Maddox (World War II Navy warship).
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Post-Government Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, transcripts, notes, press releases, publications, and clippings. The material concerns a variety of topics in which Melvin Laird was involved after leaving the government, including his work on the boards of directors of several companies. Major topics include: Assessment Review Panel for US Missions in the Soviet Union (concerning breaches of security at embassies), Ernest Fitzgerald whistle-blower investigation, South Korean influence …
This series contains copies of many significant files concerning Melvin Laird's service as Secretary of Defense, including his staff meeting minutes and special documents on various issues that were copied to help record his time as Secretary of Defense.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Selected Classified Files on Melvin Laird's Career … This series contains copies of many significant files concerning Melvin Laird's service as Secretary of Defense, including his staff meeting minutes and special documents on various issues that were copied to help record his time as Secretary of …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, clippings, press releases, lists, minutes, notes, and executive orders. The series concerns a variety of White House legal matters handled by Barry Roth during the Gerald Ford Administration. Although the bulk of the materials dates from the White House period, a few files contain material from his work on the Ford vice presidential staff. The series contains materials created by both William Casselman and Roth and occasional Philip Buchen files.
Political topics include Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations and decisions, the Supreme Court's Buckley v. Valeo decision which found portions of the election campaign act unconstitutional, legislation passed by Congress to reconstitute the FEC, President Ford Committee (PFC) reports of receipts and expenditures, discussions about the use of White House staff (especially Rogers Morton) in the 1976 presidential campaign, election filing requirements for the 1976 presidential primaries, President Ford's fundraising letters for Republican causes, and the organization and operation of the PFC. Another major topic is the payment of expenses for presidential trips. The series documents many of the White House discussions about the proper allocation of such expenses on trips which involved both political and official events, including decisions to pay from White House, Republican Party, or campaign committee funds.
Another major topic area is government information policy, including archives and access to documents. The series contains much on Freedom of Information policy and specific requests, declassification policy (including the work of the Interagency Classification Review Committee and the related National Security Study Memorandum 229), presidential papers, the handling of gifts received by the President, and the right to privacy.
Other significant topics in this series include audits of White House accounts, appointments to District of Columbia courts, the administration of the resettlement program for refugees from Vietnam and other countries in Indochina, a study of some of the opinions rendered by Judge John Paul Stevens prior to President Ford's decision to appoint him to the Supreme Court, presidential protection and other matters involving the U.S. Secret Service, and standards of conduct (ethics) for the White House staff.
Collection: Barry N. Roth Files
Barry Roth's General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, clippings, press releases, lists, minutes, notes, and executive orders. The series concerns a variety of White House legal matters handled by Barry Roth during the Gerald Ford Administration. Although the bulk of the materials dates from the White House period, a few files contain material from his work on the Ford vice presidential staff. The series contains materials created by both William Casselman and Roth …
This series contains incoming letters and memoranda on a variety of legal matters referred to Barry Roth for his handling, but never answered.
Collection: Barry N. Roth Files
Barry Roth's Unanswered Mail … This series contains incoming letters and memoranda on a variety of legal matters referred to Barry Roth for his handling, but never answered. …
This series contains appointment slips recording information about visitors to the offices of Vice President Gerald Ford (October 1973 - August 1974) and the offices of the Commission on Central Intelligence Agency Activities Within the United States (January - July 1975). The information recorded includes name of the visitor, name of the person requesting the appointment, name of the person being visited, room number, date, time expected, time arrived, notes on the identification used, guard's name, and guard post.
Collection: Barry N. Roth Files
Executive Protective Service Appointment Records … This series contains appointment slips recording information about visitors to the offices of Vice President Gerald Ford (October 1973 - August 1974) and the offices of the Commission on Central Intelligence Agency Activities Within the United States (January - July 1975). The information recorded includes name of the visitor, name of the person requesting the appointment, name of the person being visited, room number, date, time expected, time arrived, …
This series contains memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, the Domestic Council staff, and departmental and agency officials; briefing papers; drafts of Presidential speeches and statements; drafts of legislation; enrolled bills; meeting notes; press releases; reports; occasional correspondence with members of Congress, state and local officials and the general public; and newspaper clippings. This file concerns legislation drafted by the Ford administration or proposed by members of Congress; and the work of the Domestic Council in identifying major domestic policy problems, coordinating the formulation of policy options, initiating factual analyses, reviewing legislative proposals, and establishing guidelines for implementing laws. Major topics include: aircraft noise control, busing for school integration, crime, drug abuse, energy policy, intergovernmental affairs, a nuclear energy policy statement, the political status of Puerto Rico, regulatory reform, revenue sharing, and uranium enrichment.
Collection: James M. Cannon Files (Ford Administration)
James Cannon's Issues Files … This series contains memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, the Domestic Council staff, and departmental and agency officials; briefing papers; drafts of Presidential speeches and statements; drafts of legislation; enrolled bills; meeting notes; press releases; reports; occasional correspondence with members of Congress, state and local officials and the general public; and newspaper clippings. This file concerns legislation drafted by the Ford administration or proposed …