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The series contains James Cannon's notes relating to the transcripts of Trevor Armbrister's interviews with President Gerald Ford.
Collection: James M. Cannon Research Interviews and Notes
James Cannon's Notes and Excerpts from Trevor Armbrister's Interviews with Gerald Ford … The series contains James Cannon's notes relating to the transcripts of Trevor Armbrister's interviews with President Gerald Ford. …
The series contains depositions, medical exhibits, and medical illustrations released by the Assassination Records Review Board to the public in July 1998. The material primarily documents the work of the doctors and photographers present at President John F. Kennedy's autopsy.
Collection: David W. Belin Papers
Assassination Records Review Board's Kennedy Assassination Medical and Autopsy Files … The series contains depositions, medical exhibits, and medical illustrations released by the Assassination Records Review Board to the public in July 1998. The material primarily documents the work of the doctors and photographers present at President John F. Kennedy's …
This series consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and fact sheets regarding campaign issues, fundraising, voter and media requests for information, and campaign events and analysis. Much of the material consists of letters from the public requesting information on President Gerald Ford's positions on issues, and the responses of the President Ford Committee Research Office Answer Desk to those letters. The presence of extensive correspondence from the public inquiring about President Ford's stance on particular issues, as well as his goals and achievements, illustrates public interest in particular foreign and domestic policy issues. The public frequently inquired about: the economy, energy, crime, agriculture, civil rights, abortion, gun control, the Panama Canal treaty, and foreign relations with Israel and Rhodesia.
Collection: Donald Robert Quartel Papers
President Ford Committee Answer Desk Chronological Files … This series consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and fact sheets regarding campaign issues, fundraising, voter and media requests for information, and campaign events and analysis. Much of the material consists of letters from the public requesting information on President Gerald Ford's positions on issues, and the responses of the President Ford Committee Research Office Answer Desk to those letters. The presence of …
This series consists of a representative sample of mail from the general public to First Lady Betty Ford, or to both President and Mrs. Ford. A large portion of this material consists of requests for presidential greetings for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, bar mitzvahs, weddings, births, and holiday greetings. Public opinion mail topics include Mrs. Ford’s interview on the "60 Minutes" television program, her breast cancer surgery in September 1974, her participation in citizens band (CB) radio, abortion, and other social issues. Also included are requests for “paw-tographs” from “Liberty,” the Ford family dog; and greetings sent to the Fords’ for holidays and anniversaries, get well messages, and thank-you letters.
Collection: White House Social Files Bulk Mail Files
Bulk Mail Sample … This series consists of a representative sample of mail from the general public to First Lady Betty Ford, or to both President and Mrs. Ford. A large portion of this material consists of requests for presidential greetings for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, bar mitzvahs, weddings, births, and holiday greetings. Public opinion mail topics include Mrs. Ford’s interview on the "60 Minutes" television program, her breast cancer surgery in September 1974, her participation in citizens …
This series consists for the most part of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters.
This series contains clippings, letters, invitations, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Social Office Name Files
White House Social Office Name Files … This series consists for the most part of correspondence with the general public by First Lady Betty Ford, her children, and her staff. The material concerns views on public issues, expressions of support or criticism, holiday greetings, invitations, schedule requests, and plans, assistance requests and offers, and other matters. This series contains clippings, letters, invitations, and …
This series contains book drafts, correspondence with publishers and authors of individual chapters, and galley proofs. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird. Laird published three books in this time period - "A House Divided", "Conservative Papers", and "Republican Papers". The first was a statement of Laird's views. The other two were compilations of papers by various authors presenting alternatives to the policies of President Lyndon Johnson's administration.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Congressional Files on Melvin Laird's Books … This series contains book drafts, correspondence with publishers and authors of individual chapters, and galley proofs. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird. Laird published three books in this time period - "A House Divided", "Conservative Papers", and "Republican Papers". The first was a statement of Laird's views. The other two were compilations of papers by various authors …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, testimony, speeches, briefing papers, transcripts, press releases, reports, notes, desk calendars, publications, and newspaper clippings. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird. Important national security topics include: anti-ballistic missiles, military aircraft, Nixon Doctrine, Baroody and Laird correspondence and speeches, Blue Ribbon Defense Panel, defense budget, George McGovern's defense posture in the 1972 presidential campaign; congressional relations, annual defense report, Vietnam War and the Vietnamization program, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), personnel matters, public affairs activities and plans, Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT), transition from Congress to the Department, Baroody trips to military installations, and all volunteer armed forces.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, testimony, speeches, briefing papers, transcripts, press releases, reports, notes, desk calendars, publications, and newspaper clippings. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird. Important national security topics include: anti-ballistic missiles, military aircraft, Nixon Doctrine, Baroody and Laird correspondence and speeches, Blue Ribbon Defense …
This series contains Melvin Laird's speeches, remarks, and testimony during most of his tenure as Secretary of Defense. The statements concern the operation of the Department of Defense and a wide variety of defense and national security issues, including many on the Vietnamese War.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Secretary of Defense Public Statements … This series contains Melvin Laird's speeches, remarks, and testimony during most of his tenure as Secretary of Defense. The statements concern the operation of the Department of Defense and a wide variety of defense and national security issues, including many on the Vietnamese …