Displaying 291 - 300 of 1890 results
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Collection: James M. Cannon Papers
Post-Ford Administration Files …
Collection: White House Congressional Mail Files (Ford Administration)
Outgoing Correspondence by Date …
This series contains memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, other White House staff members, and department and agency officials; correspondence with members of Congress; speeches; reports; testimony; hearings transcripts; and clippings. The material concerns the congressional intelligence investigations, administration reforms of the intelligence community, and other intelligence matters. Topics include: George Bush confirmation hearings for Director of Central Intelligence, Church and Pike Committee investigations of intelligence community abuses, work of the Intelligence Coordinating Group in formulating the administration's response, Henry Kissinger contempt citation, Commission on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Activities within the United States (Rockefeller Commission), congressional oversight committee legislation, establishment of the Intelligence Oversight Board, President Ford's intelligence reorganization decisions and executive order, and the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).
Collection: John O. Marsh Files (Ford Administration)
John Marsh's Intelligence Subject Files … This series contains memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, other White House staff members, and department and agency officials; correspondence with members of Congress; speeches; reports; testimony; hearings transcripts; and clippings. The material concerns the congressional intelligence investigations, administration reforms of the intelligence community, and other intelligence matters. Topics include: George Bush confirmation hearings for Director of …
Collection: John O. Marsh Files (Ford Administration)
John Marsh's Bicentennial Subject Files …
Collection: Jay T. French Files (Ford Administration)
Jay French's Presidential Clemency Board Subject Files …
Collection: Arthur F. Quern Files (Ford Administration)
Janet H. Brown's Subject Files …
Collection: Marvin H. Kosters Files (Ford Administration)
Marvin Koster's General Subject Files …
Collection: L. William Seidman Files (Ford Administration)
William Seidman's Conference on Inflation Events Files …
Collection: L. William Seidman Files (Ford Administration)
William Seidman's Name Files …
Collection: Birge S. Watkins Files (Ford Administration)
Birge Watkins' Subject Files …