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This series contains proposals and background information for President Gerald Ford’s weekly and daily schedule. The proposals list the events along with a brief description. This series also contains the final schedule proposals signed by President Ford.
Collection: Warren Rustand and William Nicholson Files (Ford Administration)
Schedule Proposal Files … This series contains proposals and background information for President Gerald Ford’s weekly and daily schedule. The proposals list the events along with a brief description. This series also contains the final schedule proposals signed by President …
The series contains materials collected after the funeral of former First Lady Betty Ford.
Collection: Betty Ford Funeral Materials
Funeral Subject Files … The series contains materials collected after the funeral of former First Lady Betty Ford. …
The series contains photographs of Nelson Rockefeller's day-to-day activities as Vice President. Ricardo Thomas and Jack Kightlinger took most of the photographs.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration)
Nelson Rockefeller Vice Presidential Photographs … The series contains photographs of Nelson Rockefeller's day-to-day activities as Vice President. Ricardo Thomas and Jack Kightlinger took most of the photographs. …
This series consists of photographs and contact sheets relating to Philip Buchen's personal life and work as counsel to President Gerald R. Ford. Many of the photographs depict Buchen at work, with the Office of Counsel staff, and in various meetings with President Ford and others. Others show him and his wife Beatrice "Bunny" Buchen at social functions, such as state dinners and a Zodiac dinner party they hosted at the Chevy Chase Country Club. Also included are photographs of the Buchens' trips to Katmandu, Nepal, and to the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute For Rehabilitation in Warm Springs, Georgia.
Collection: Philip W. Buchen Papers
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of photographs and contact sheets relating to Philip Buchen's personal life and work as counsel to President Gerald R. Ford. Many of the photographs depict Buchen at work, with the Office of Counsel staff, and in various meetings with President Ford and others. Others show him and his wife Beatrice "Bunny" Buchen at social functions, such as state dinners and a Zodiac dinner party they hosted at the Chevy Chase Country Club. Also included are photographs of the …
This series consists of passenger manifests of flights made by President Gerald R. Ford, Mrs. Betty Ford, and the Ford family on government-owned aircraft. Also included is a chronological list of Air Force One trips of President Ford and a map of Camp David.
Collection: Warren L. "Bill" Gulley Papers
Passenger Manifests … This series consists of passenger manifests of flights made by President Gerald R. Ford, Mrs. Betty Ford, and the Ford family on government-owned aircraft. Also included is a chronological list of Air Force One trips of President Ford and a map of Camp …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to a country, continent, geographic area, foreign governments, their official and ambassadors."
The folders for each country may typically include any or all of such routine exchanges of messages between the President and foreign heads of state as: copngratulations on assumption of office, national day celebrations or national achievements; holiday greetings; condolences; and thank you notes.
Other common topics include: presidential and vice presidential meetings and correspondence with foreign officials, journalists, or American ethnic groups; the presentation of credentials by new ambassadors; and proposed foreign travel by U.S. officials.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Countries … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to a country, continent, geographic area, foreign governments, their official and ambassadors." The folders for each country may typically include any or all of such routine exchanges of messages between the President and foreign heads of state as: copngratulations on assumption of office, national day celebrations or national achievements; …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material from, to or about the Federal Government branches and agencies pertaining to matters such as establishment, disestablishment, organization, reorganization, audits, inspection, investigations, location, relocation, regulations and reports, appointments and endorsements to top positions." Included are Executive departments, independent regulatory agencies, temporary boards and commissions, the White House, Congress and the Federal judiciary.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Federal Government (Organizations) … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material from, to or about the Federal Government branches and agencies pertaining to matters such as establishment, disestablishment, organization, reorganization, audits, inspection, investigations, location, relocation, regulations and reports, appointments and endorsements to top positions." Included are Executive departments, …
This series contains memoranda, letters, and talking points concerning the notification of congressional leaders of the use of American military personnel in the evacuation of Vietnamese refugees, the evacuation of Americans from Phnom Penh and Saigon in 1975 and from Lebanon in 1976, and the rescue of the crew of the cargo ship "Mayaguez".
Collection: John O. Marsh Files (Ford Administration)
John Marsh's War Powers Notifications Files … This series contains memoranda, letters, and talking points concerning the notification of congressional leaders of the use of American military personnel in the evacuation of Vietnamese refugees, the evacuation of Americans from Phnom Penh and Saigon in 1975 and from Lebanon in 1976, and the rescue of the crew of the cargo ship …
Most of the documents are from the Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford administrations, although a few documents originating in Lyndon Johnson's administration and one segment regarding the 1963 coup against Ngo Dinh Diem are also present. The bulk of the materials in this series are "backchannel" cables between the U.S. ambassadors in Saigon (Henry Cabot Lodge, Ellsworth Bunker, and Graham Martin, successively) and the President's national security advisers (McGeorge Bundy, Henry Kissinger, and Brent Scowcroft, successively) regarding the situation in South Vietnam or the peace negotiations. In addition, there are State Department cables, usually between the Secretary of State and the U.S. ambassador in Saigon; talking points prepared for meetings between the ambassador and South Vietnamese officials, mainly President Nguyen Van Thieu; reports and memoranda of conversations of those meetings; drafts of speeches and proposed agreements prepared by both sides; military situation reports; and intelligence reports.
The largest segment of the series consists of communications between Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger during the period of the Paris peace talks. They include Kissinger relaying to Bunker details of his secret talks with the North Vietnamese in Paris, and later the formal Paris peace negotiations, including drafts of proposed agreements and negotiations over signing procedures; Bunker's prepared talking points for meetings with President Thieu to relay that information, and his reporting to Kissinger of Thieu's reaction to the information; "think pieces" by both Bunker and Kissinger on the situation in Vietnam and the strategy for handling President Thieu; and post-ceasefire diplomatic maneuvering, implementation of the agreements, and handling of allegations of ceasefire violations. The ambassador also transmitted drafts of major Nixon speeches regarding the peace negotiations to Thieu and relayed Thieu's reaction.
Graham Martin's communications with Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft deal primarily with implementation of the ceasefire, violations of the ceasefire, the question of aid to South Vietnam and congressional relations centered around that issue, contacts with South Vietnamese officials, and the deterioration of the "peace" and the eventual evacuation of South Vietnam by the Americans. Many of the cables relate to diplomatic relations with other countries regarding the situation in Vietnam, including the Soviet Union, Saudi Arabia, France, and the members of the International Commission of Control and Supervision in Vietnam. The cables range from topics as specific as arrangements for the evacuation of certain individuals to philosophical discourses by Martin on the history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam and his role in it.
Some, but not all, letters between Presidents Nixon or Ford and President Thieu are present in these files.
The nearly 200 pages of material dating from Henry Cabot Lodge's tenure as U.S. ambassador to South Vietnam under President John F. Kennedy relate primarily to events, beginning in August 1963, leading up to the November 1963 coup and assassination of President Diem of South Vietnam. They consist mainly of communications between Henry Cabot Lodge and Secretary of State Dean Rusk or McGeorge Bundy, national security adviser, regarding meetings with South Vietnamese officials, intelligence reports, evaluations of the situation, and instructions from Washington.
Collection: Saigon Embassy Files Kept by Ambassador Graham Martin
Copies of Files Removed by Ambassasor Graham Martin … Most of the documents are from the Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford administrations, although a few documents originating in Lyndon Johnson's administration and one segment regarding the 1963 coup against Ngo Dinh Diem are also present. The bulk of the materials in this series are "backchannel" cables between the U.S. ambassadors in Saigon (Henry Cabot Lodge, Ellsworth Bunker, and Graham Martin, successively) and the President's national security advisers …
This series contains memorandums, correspondence, schedules, lists, maps, diagrams, brochures, press releases, and press clippings pertaining to logistical and other planning aspects of domestic trips of President Gerald Ford. Major topics include the Bicentennial celebrations and 1976 Presidential campaign.
Collection: Byron M. "Red" Cavaney Papers
Domestic Trips Files … This series contains memorandums, correspondence, schedules, lists, maps, diagrams, brochures, press releases, and press clippings pertaining to logistical and other planning aspects of domestic trips of President Gerald Ford. Major topics include the Bicentennial celebrations and 1976 Presidential …