Displaying 1881 - 1890 of 1890 results
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This series contains a draft of Edward and Frederick Schapsmeier's book "Gerald R. Ford's Date With Destiny: A Political Biography" (New York: Peter Lang, 1989), with handwritten annotations by President Ford. The book covers the President's early life, his career in the U.S. House of Representatives (including his work as Minority Leader of the House), his short time as Vice President, and Presidency (including the 1976 presidential campaign), and the early years of his post-presidency.
Collection: Edward L. Schapsmeier and Frederick H. Schapsmeier Book Manuscript
Book Manuscript for Biography of Gerald R. Ford … This series contains a draft of Edward and Frederick Schapsmeier's book "Gerald R. Ford's Date With Destiny: A Political Biography" (New York: Peter Lang, 1989), with handwritten annotations by President Ford. The book covers the President's early life, his career in the U.S. House of Representatives (including his work as Minority Leader of the House), his short time as Vice President, and Presidency (including the 1976 presidential campaign), and the …
This series contains incoming and outgoing memoranda, letters, telegrams, talking points, speeches, and messages drafted by Peter Rodman. The materials concern most aspects of his work on foreign affairs matters during the presidency of Gerald R. Ford. The file contains Rodman's correspondence, his memoranda to National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft and others, letters that he drafted for the National Security Adviser's signature, suggestions or draft language for Presidential speeches, and talking points for meetings. The bulk of the letters that Rodman drafted for Kissinger or Scowcroft to sign were routine in nature. The file contains occasional mentions of meeting memoranda of conversations drafted by Rodman, but copies of the memoranda of conversations are not included.
Collection: Peter W. Rodman Files
Peter Rodman's Chronological Files … This series contains incoming and outgoing memoranda, letters, telegrams, talking points, speeches, and messages drafted by Peter Rodman. The materials concern most aspects of his work on foreign affairs matters during the presidency of Gerald R. Ford. The file contains Rodman's correspondence, his memoranda to National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft and others, letters that he drafted for the National Security Adviser's signature, suggestions or …
This series consists of a single report on a public opinion poll of the views of a sample of county chairmen and Republican Party leaders toward George Romney and Richard Nixon as potential Presidential candidates in the 1968 campaign, including how the candidates would handle national issues. The report describes the sample population in terms of demographic characteristics and political attitudes.
Collection: Robert M. Teeter Papers
Republican County Chairmen Survey … This series consists of a single report on a public opinion poll of the views of a sample of county chairmen and Republican Party leaders toward George Romney and Richard Nixon as potential Presidential candidates in the 1968 campaign, including how the candidates would handle national issues. The report describes the sample population in terms of demographic characteristics and political …
This series contains Committee to Re-Elect the President memoranda from Robert Teeter or his assistant Ted Garrish to H. R. Haldeman, Attorney General John Mitchell, Clark MacGregor and other senior advisers. They concern 1972 presidential campaign polling strategies, programs and survey results of candidate strengths and weaknesses in particular states, with particular voter groups, and on national campaign issues, such as abortion, busing, crime, drug abuse, economics, environmental protection, and the Vietnamese War.
Collection: Robert M. Teeter Papers
1972 Presidential Campaign Memoranda … This series contains Committee to Re-Elect the President memoranda from Robert Teeter or his assistant Ted Garrish to H. R. Haldeman, Attorney General John Mitchell, Clark MacGregor and other senior advisers. They concern 1972 presidential campaign polling strategies, programs and survey results of candidate strengths and weaknesses in particular states, with particular voter groups, and on national campaign issues, such as abortion, busing, crime, drug abuse, …
This series contains correspondence between James M. Wilson and other foreign service officers, ambassadors, military personnel, and foreign officials and diplomats. Most of the correspondence is of a personal nature, relating to such topics as: embassy social affairs, exchange of gifts, contacts with old friends, and arrangements for speaking to various organizations. Frequent references to his official duties appear in the letters, however. The number of letters from the early and later years of his career is small, with relatively large files concerning his years as U.S. Minister to Thailand and the Philippines.
Collection: James M. Wilson Papers
Correspondence Files … This series contains correspondence between James M. Wilson and other foreign service officers, ambassadors, military personnel, and foreign officials and diplomats. Most of the correspondence is of a personal nature, relating to such topics as: embassy social affairs, exchange of gifts, contacts with old friends, and arrangements for speaking to various organizations. Frequent references to his official duties appear in the letters, however. The number of letters from the early and …
This series contains James M. Wilson's reports, memoranda, and correspondence documenting his work as U.S. Minister in Manila, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. Deputy Representative for Micronesian Status Negotiations, and State Department Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and then Coordinator for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. Major topics include U.S. - Philippines relations, Micronesian status negotiations, human rights, the Vietnam War, and general consular activities.
Collection: James M. Wilson Papers
Chronological Files … This series contains James M. Wilson's reports, memoranda, and correspondence documenting his work as U.S. Minister in Manila, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. Deputy Representative for Micronesian Status Negotiations, and State Department Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and then Coordinator for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. Major topics include U.S. - Philippines relations, Micronesian status negotiations, human rights, the …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, lists, agenda, minutes, cables, printed materials, clippings, itineraries, newsletters, and reports that are most directly related to business delegations to and from China. The materials concern coordination and logistical support for business delegations.
The Delegations from China subseries relates to the industry and host companies, financial records, and reports. The Delegations to China subseries relates to the presentation of technical seminars. The General Files subseries contains incoming and outgoing cables, correspondence, and memoranda. The Issues Files subseries relates to business and economic issues affecting trade with China. The Delegations Material subseries contains documents related to the details of handling delegations. The Subject Files subseries contains articles on China trade issues, background for newsletters, and texts of speeches given by staff.
Collection: United States - China Business Council Records
Delegations Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, lists, agenda, minutes, cables, printed materials, clippings, itineraries, newsletters, and reports that are most directly related to business delegations to and from China. The materials concern coordination and logistical support for business delegations. The Delegations from China subseries relates to the industry and host companies, financial records, and reports. The Delegations to China subseries relates to the presentation of …
This series contains correspondence, reports, background materials, agenda items, draft resolutions and reports, statements, United States position book, an international bibliography, newspaper clippings and press releases. Topics include proceedings of the International Women's Year Conference in Mexico City, U.S. resolutions, the adjacent Tribune Conference and related events.
Collection: Patricia Lindh and Jeanne Holm Files
Patricia Lindh's Files on the International Women's Year Conference … This series contains correspondence, reports, background materials, agenda items, draft resolutions and reports, statements, United States position book, an international bibliography, newspaper clippings and press releases. Topics include proceedings of the International Women's Year Conference in Mexico City, U.S. resolutions, the adjacent Tribune Conference and related …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, guidelines, reports, studies, draft proposals and resolutions, agendas, speeches, minutes, notes, newspaper clippings, newsletters, press releases, printed materials and publications. Topics include regulations for federal employees, Gerald Ford administration policy on women's rights, departmental plans and events for International Women's Year, and international conferences on issues of interest to women.
Collection: Patricia Lindh and Jeanne Holm Files
Patricia Lindh's and Jeanne Holm's Federal Government Reference Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, guidelines, reports, studies, draft proposals and resolutions, agendas, speeches, minutes, notes, newspaper clippings, newsletters, press releases, printed materials and publications. Topics include regulations for federal employees, Gerald Ford administration policy on women's rights, departmental plans and events for International Women's Year, and international conferences on issues of …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, clippings, publications, speeches, press releases, leases, insurance forms, inventories, staff lists, briefing books, building diagrams, brochures, and notes related to Robert Visser's role as General Counsel for the President Ford Committee (PFC). Topics include legal affairs, ballot security, delegate selection, federal and state election laws, communication with the Federal Election Commission and the Republican National Committee, campaign finance, insurance, claims against the PFC, presidential and advocate campaign travel, campaign volunteers, and other topics related to Gerald Ford's campaign during the 1976 presidential election. Material related to the 1976 Republican National Convention concern planning and the adoption of convention rules (in particular Rule 18, "The Justice Resolution"). Also there are documents related to the development of both the 1976 Presidential Campaign Liquidation Trust and Campaign '76 Media Communications, Inc. (the advertising arm of the PFC).
Collection: Robert P. Visser Papers
General Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, clippings, publications, speeches, press releases, leases, insurance forms, inventories, staff lists, briefing books, building diagrams, brochures, and notes related to Robert Visser's role as General Counsel for the President Ford Committee (PFC). Topics include legal affairs, ballot security, delegate selection, federal and state election laws, communication with the Federal Election Commission and the Republican National …