Displaying 1861 - 1870 of 1890 results
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This series contains correspondence, memoranda, briefing papers, presidential speeches and message drafts, Question and Answer briefing sheets, fact sheets, reports, charts, tables, biographies, press releases, congressional bills and reports and testimony, articles and clippings, and printed material. Major topics include: science policy, energy policy, environmental protection, auto emissions and clean air act standards; leasing of the outer continental shelf for oil production; establishment of an Office of Science and Technology Policy; strip mining; and nuclear energy questions of waste management, safeguards, plutonium production, uranium enrichment, Alaska pipeline, earthquake prediction, coal and natural gas usage, funding for energy research and development, the naval petroleum reserves, and nuclear power and policy. Documentation on questions of nuclear energy is especially significant, particularly regarding the decisions and drafts in 1976 leading up to the Robert Fri report in September and President Gerald Ford's statement on nuclear policy of October 28. The series contains material especially from Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA), Federal Energy Administration (FEA), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Office of Budget and Management (OMB).
Collection: Glenn R. Schleede Files
Glenn Schleede's Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, briefing papers, presidential speeches and message drafts, Question and Answer briefing sheets, fact sheets, reports, charts, tables, biographies, press releases, congressional bills and reports and testimony, articles and clippings, and printed material. Major topics include: science policy, energy policy, environmental protection, auto emissions and clean air act standards; leasing of the outer continental shelf for oil …
This series contains primarily copies of incoming letters from members of Congress and copies of agency replies sent to Glenn Schleede for his information. Occasionally it includes original incoming letters and draft replies by Schleede. All relate to the President Gerald Ford's energy policies and programs.
Collection: Glenn R. Schleede Files
Glenn Schleede's Congressional Correspondence … This series contains primarily copies of incoming letters from members of Congress and copies of agency replies sent to Glenn Schleede for his information. Occasionally it includes original incoming letters and draft replies by Schleede. All relate to the President Gerald Ford's energy policies and …
This series contains primarily correspondence and memoranda to and from former Assistant Director of the Domestic Council, Kathleen Ryan. Additional items include briefing papers, agenda, schedule proposals, press releases, and printed material. Major topics are space shuttle development and other activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the awards ceremony in 1975 for the National Medal of Science, National Science Foundation projects, and establishment of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Collection: Glenn R. Schleede Files
Kathleen Ryan's Subject Files … This series contains primarily correspondence and memoranda to and from former Assistant Director of the Domestic Council, Kathleen Ryan. Additional items include briefing papers, agenda, schedule proposals, press releases, and printed material. Major topics are space shuttle development and other activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the awards ceremony in 1975 for the National Medal of Science, National Science Foundation projects, and …
This series contains carbon copies of all outgoing letters. The file location of the complete correspondence is written in the upper right-hand corner of the letter. This series indexes all mail individually answered by Vice President Gerald Ford or his staff, but does not index mail answered with a form letter or unanswered mail. In addition, it does not index responses to letters of congratulations received by Ford upon his nomination and confirmation.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Gerald Ford's Correspondence Control (Index) Files … This series contains carbon copies of all outgoing letters. The file location of the complete correspondence is written in the upper right-hand corner of the letter. This series indexes all mail individually answered by Vice President Gerald Ford or his staff, but does not index mail answered with a form letter or unanswered mail. In addition, it does not index responses to letters of congratulations received by Ford upon his nomination and …
This series contains mostly routine correspondence from constituents asking for assistance in dealing with government agencies, along with the responses from Vice President Gerald Ford's office and the agencies. The requestors asked the Vice President to intervene in cases involving missing or incorrect pension or social security checks, attempts to qualify for medical and education benefits, personnel matters (especially in the armed services), and other problems.
Also included in this file are occasional unanswered letters concerning matters other than casework. Apparently the staff filed such letters in this series when no appropriate category could be found in other series.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Gerald Ford's Case Files and Individuals Files … This series contains mostly routine correspondence from constituents asking for assistance in dealing with government agencies, along with the responses from Vice President Gerald Ford's office and the agencies. The requestors asked the Vice President to intervene in cases involving missing or incorrect pension or social security checks, attempts to qualify for medical and education benefits, personnel matters (especially in the armed services), and other …
This series contains correspondence between Vice President Gerald Ford (or his staff), the public, and government officials on topics of a routine nature. While the staff handled much of the material, the Vice President or his personal secretary Mildred Leonard dealt with correspondence from personal acquaintances. This series also contains correspondence and reports concerning organizations to which the Vice President belonged by statute, among them the Domestic Council Committee on the Right of Privacy, the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, and the U.S. Capitol Historical Society.
Among the larger files in the series are those concerning Vice Presidential travel and appearances, congratulatory messages to and from the Vice President, greetings, staff positions, recommendations, Republican Party and Republican campaigns for office, requests for autographs and photographs, and thank you letters.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Gerald Ford's General Files … This series contains correspondence between Vice President Gerald Ford (or his staff), the public, and government officials on topics of a routine nature. While the staff handled much of the material, the Vice President or his personal secretary Mildred Leonard dealt with correspondence from personal acquaintances. This series also contains correspondence and reports concerning organizations to which the Vice President belonged by statute, among them the Domestic Council …
This series contains John Marsh's correspondence, memoranda, speeches and resumes concerning defense issues and military and foreign affairs. Specific topics include the Central Intelligence Agency, National Guard and reserve affairs, and missing in action / prisoners of war. The series also includes some of Vice President Gerald Ford's speeches and correspondence Marsh drafted for the Vice President's signature.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
John Marsh's Subject Files … This series contains John Marsh's correspondence, memoranda, speeches and resumes concerning defense issues and military and foreign affairs. Specific topics include the Central Intelligence Agency, National Guard and reserve affairs, and missing in action / prisoners of war. The series also includes some of Vice President Gerald Ford's speeches and correspondence Marsh drafted for the Vice President's …
This series contains schedules, passenger lists, flight manifests, flight itineraries, briefing notes, news media billings, in flight expense forms, seating charts from trips made by Vice President Gerald Ford, and correspondence to media organizations requesting reimbursement for passage aboard Air Force II. It documents John Marsh's work as Assistant to Vice President Ford for Defense and International Affairs.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
John Marsh's Trip Files … This series contains schedules, passenger lists, flight manifests, flight itineraries, briefing notes, news media billings, in flight expense forms, seating charts from trips made by Vice President Gerald Ford, and correspondence to media organizations requesting reimbursement for passage aboard Air Force II. It documents John Marsh's work as Assistant to Vice President Ford for Defense and International …
This series contains memoranda, souvenirs, and correspondence amassed by Ron Brandon prior, during, and following his unsuccessful campaign for Republican National Convention delegate (pledged to Gerald Ford) in the May 1976 Texas presidential primary. A large part of this series is made up of clippings and periodicals from local and metropolitan Texas newspapers.
Collection: Ron Brandon Papers
Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, souvenirs, and correspondence amassed by Ron Brandon prior, during, and following his unsuccessful campaign for Republican National Convention delegate (pledged to Gerald Ford) in the May 1976 Texas presidential primary. A large part of this series is made up of clippings and periodicals from local and metropolitan Texas …
This series contains Walter Mote's correspondence relating to requests for assistance in dealing with government agencies or requests for information. Mote's staff did much of the case work rather than referring it to government agencies for a response.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers
Walter Mote's Case Files … This series contains Walter Mote's correspondence relating to requests for assistance in dealing with government agencies or requests for information. Mote's staff did much of the case work rather than referring it to government agencies for a …