Displaying 1851 - 1860 of 1890 results
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This series contains copies of Domestic Council memoranda circulated to senior White House staff members for comment and editing before being submitted to President Gerald Ford. Included are enrolled bill and resolution reports; proposed federal budget and appropriations requests and budget rescissions; and drafts of decision memoranda, signing and veto statements, proclamations, proposed legislation, executive orders, messages to Congress, policy statements, and occasional letters and memoranda. Many documents contain evidence of editing by Robert Hartmann or his staff or reflect the work of the Editorial Staff's research office in checking for factual accuracy.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Robert Hartmann's Domestic Council Memoranda … This series contains copies of Domestic Council memoranda circulated to senior White House staff members for comment and editing before being submitted to President Gerald Ford. Included are enrolled bill and resolution reports; proposed federal budget and appropriations requests and budget rescissions; and drafts of decision memoranda, signing and veto statements, proclamations, proposed legislation, executive orders, messages to Congress, policy statements, …
This series contains copies of draft memoranda circulated to senior White House staff members for comment and editing prior to being submitted to President Gerald Ford. They relate in part to issues and legislation, but more frequently concern presidential decisions on administrative matters, issuance of executive orders, proposed studies, approval of staff projects, decisions on presentation of medals and awards, and proposed letters. Nearly half of the documents in this sequence were drafted by the Office of Management and Budget.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Robert Hartmann's Staff Secretary Memoranda … This series contains copies of draft memoranda circulated to senior White House staff members for comment and editing prior to being submitted to President Gerald Ford. They relate in part to issues and legislation, but more frequently concern presidential decisions on administrative matters, issuance of executive orders, proposed studies, approval of staff projects, decisions on presentation of medals and awards, and proposed letters. Nearly half of the …
This series contains copies of memoranda from Max Friedersdorf to White House staff and President Gerald Ford. Memos for the period before January 1975 were primarily prepared for William Timmons, assistant to the president for legislative affairs, and concern requests from members of the House of Representatives relayed through Friedersdorf. After January 1975, memos were prepared by Friedersdorf in his role as director of the White House liaison with Congress, therefore the focus is much broader.
Collection: Max L. Friedersdorf Files
Max Friedersdorf's Memo Chronological Files … This series contains copies of memoranda from Max Friedersdorf to White House staff and President Gerald Ford. Memos for the period before January 1975 were primarily prepared for William Timmons, assistant to the president for legislative affairs, and concern requests from members of the House of Representatives relayed through Friedersdorf. After January 1975, memos were prepared by Friedersdorf in his role as director of the White House liaison with …
This series contains Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's memoranda to and from White House staff and agency officials; fact sheets; proposed bills; press releases; vote tallies; correspondence to and from members of Congress, congressional staff and the public; committee reports; clippings, and publications. The materials concern legislation, legislative liaison, issues, bill signing ceremonies, the organization and operation of Congress, congressional requests, disaster declarations, grant notifications, presidential trips, and State of the Union addresses. In terms of issues and legislation, many of the larger files concern energy issues such as coal leasing, Energy Policy and Conservation Act, natural gas deregulation, Naval Petroleum Reserves, Nuclear Fuels Assurance Act (uranium enrichment), oil import fees, strip mining and synthetic fuels. Other well documented issues include: Arab Boycott, Clean Air Act amendments, intelligence investigations (especially the work of the House Select Committees on Intelligence), public works employment act, revenue sharing, the Sinai agreements of 1975, taxes, trade policy, military aid to Turkey, the war in Vietnam and Cambodia, and voter registration.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's General Subject Files … This series contains Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's memoranda to and from White House staff and agency officials; fact sheets; proposed bills; press releases; vote tallies; correspondence to and from members of Congress, congressional staff and the public; committee reports; clippings, and publications. The materials concern legislation, legislative liaison, issues, bill signing ceremonies, the organization and operation of Congress, …
This series contains Max Friedersdorf's (October - December 1974) and Charles Leppert's (May 1976 - January 1977) carbon copies of outgoing memoranda and correspondence relating to contacts with members of the House of Representatives concerning personnel matters and presidential appointments. The location of the missing portion of this file is not known.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's Patronage Chronological Files … This series contains Max Friedersdorf's (October - December 1974) and Charles Leppert's (May 1976 - January 1977) carbon copies of outgoing memoranda and correspondence relating to contacts with members of the House of Representatives concerning personnel matters and presidential appointments. The location of the missing portion of this file is not …
The series contains memoranda, correspondence, and schedules. The material concerns the scheduling of Presidential spokesmen (administration officials who accepted invitations on behalf of the President when he was unable to attend).
Collection: Warren K. Hendriks Files (Ford Administration)
State Files … The series contains memoranda, correspondence, and schedules. The material concerns the scheduling of Presidential spokesmen (administration officials who accepted invitations on behalf of the President when he was unable to attend). …
This series contains correspondence drafted by Powell Moore, memoranda to White House staff, legislative action memos, federal grant applications, disaster assistance requests, and White House Personnel Office memos accumulated by Moore in his various legislative liaison and other duties.
Collection: William E. Timmons Files
Powell Moore's Subject Files … This series contains correspondence drafted by Powell Moore, memoranda to White House staff, legislative action memos, federal grant applications, disaster assistance requests, and White House Personnel Office memos accumulated by Moore in his various legislative liaison and other …
This series contains letters received by former President Gerald Ford asking him either to enter or not enter the 1980 presidential campaign.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Bulk Mail Regarding the 1980 Presidential Campaign Files … This series contains letters received by former President Gerald Ford asking him either to enter or not enter the 1980 presidential campaign. …
This series contains correspondence with government officials, attorneys, businessmen, friends, and the general public concerning a wide variety of legal and judicial matters, presidential personnel appointments, and legislation.
Collection: Philip W. Buchen Files
Philip Buchen's General Correspondence Files … This series contains correspondence with government officials, attorneys, businessmen, friends, and the general public concerning a wide variety of legal and judicial matters, presidential personnel appointments, and …
This series consists of speech drafts with notations that specific facts have been verified, related correspondence and memoranda, and briefing materials and pre-advance reports for specific trips by President Gerald Ford. In addition, the series contains background materials such as reports, publications, and newspaper clippings used in drafting and fact checking the speeches and statements.
Collection: Charles H. McCall Files
Draft Speeches and Statements Fact and Style Checking Files … This series consists of speech drafts with notations that specific facts have been verified, related correspondence and memoranda, and briefing materials and pre-advance reports for specific trips by President Gerald Ford. In addition, the series contains background materials such as reports, publications, and newspaper clippings used in drafting and fact checking the speeches and …