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This series contains letters received by the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign from the general public about campaign conduct and strategy. A carbon copy of the staff response (in most instances a form letter) is attached.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
General Comments Correspondence Files … This series contains letters received by the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign from the general public about campaign conduct and strategy. A carbon copy of the staff response (in most instances a form letter) is …
This series contains lists and occasional reports of the President Ford Committee's (PFC) local leadership during Gerald Ford's 1976 election campaign. The files may have originally been compiled by Jack Stiles, working as delegate monitor and special consultant to the PFC chairman out of the Political Office prior to his death in April 1976. Included are updates from throughout the primary and general campaign.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
President Ford Committee State Organization Files … This series contains lists and occasional reports of the President Ford Committee's (PFC) local leadership during Gerald Ford's 1976 election campaign. The files may have originally been compiled by Jack Stiles, working as delegate monitor and special consultant to the PFC chairman out of the Political Office prior to his death in April 1976. Included are updates from throughout the primary and general …
This series contains correspondence between the White House or President Ford Committee (PFC) and individual Republican National Convention delegates; reports from Cabinet members, Senators, and others making calls to delegates on behalf of President Gerald R. Ford; memoranda and status reports from PFC field staff or local Republicans; biographical forms filled out by delegates; and caucus team briefing materials prepared for use at state caucuses at the convention. The materials concern efforts to solicit support for President Ford among uncommitted delegates to the Republican National Convention during the 1976 election campaign. Although there are files on each state delegation, the largest and most significant files concern states with uncommitted delegates. The files on states which held primaries and bound delegates to follow the results are smaller.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Delegate State Files … This series contains correspondence between the White House or President Ford Committee (PFC) and individual Republican National Convention delegates; reports from Cabinet members, Senators, and others making calls to delegates on behalf of President Gerald R. Ford; memoranda and status reports from PFC field staff or local Republicans; biographical forms filled out by delegates; and caucus team briefing materials prepared for use at state caucuses at the convention. The materials …
This series contains polling data and analysis on President Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign compiled by Market Opinion Research (MOR) of Detroit, Michigan. The President Ford Committee (PFC) contracted with MOR to conduct these surveys, but MOR occasionally subcontracted the work to the firm Decision Making Information. The files contains the results of several national surveys, three waves of general election polling in PFC priority states, and six statewide daily tracking studies for the last few days of the general election. Polling data and analysis from key states early in the primary period are especially strong. MOR often conducted a study analysis of voters several months before the primary, ran daily tracking studies as the election approached, and then completed a post-election analysis. As campaign funds became tighter later in the primary season, the number of polls per state dropped. They conducted no polling in several minor or uncontested primaries or even in some key primaries such as Ohio or New Jersey that occurred very late. A comparison of primary campaign MOR contracts with the polling data shows the set to be fairly complete, although no results appear from a survey commissioned for the Michigan primary.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Market Opinion Research Polls … This series contains polling data and analysis on President Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign compiled by Market Opinion Research (MOR) of Detroit, Michigan. The President Ford Committee (PFC) contracted with MOR to conduct these surveys, but MOR occasionally subcontracted the work to the firm Decision Making Information. The files contains the results of several national surveys, three waves of general election polling in PFC priority states, and six …
This series contains photocopies of newspaper articles on Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign, often with a cover sheet highlighting the most important stories. These summaries were apparently produced by the President Ford Committee (PFC) and cover September 22 to November 1, 1976. In addition many issues of News and Comment (the President's daily news summary) and occasional copies of the PFC newsletter appear. Ralph Stanley apparently maintained this file.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Campaign News Summaries … This series contains photocopies of newspaper articles on Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign, often with a cover sheet highlighting the most important stories. These summaries were apparently produced by the President Ford Committee (PFC) and cover September 22 to November 1, 1976. In addition many issues of News and Comment (the President's daily news summary) and occasional copies of the PFC newsletter appear. Ralph Stanley apparently maintained this …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, congressional bills, notes, Federal Election Commission (FEC) advisory opinions, court briefs, press releases, and publications compiled by Robert Visser, President Ford Committee (PFC) general counsel during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. The materials concern such topics as FEC reports submitted by the PFC and other campaign committees, the Supreme Court decision invalidating portions of the Federal Election Campaign Act and the passage of new amendments to that law, drafting FEC regulations, and complaints filed against various campaign committees.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Robert Visser's Federal Election Commission Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, congressional bills, notes, Federal Election Commission (FEC) advisory opinions, court briefs, press releases, and publications compiled by Robert Visser, President Ford Committee (PFC) general counsel during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. The materials concern such topics as FEC reports submitted by the PFC and other campaign committees, the Supreme Court decision …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, drafts, copy, notes, lists, printed matter, logs and invoices compiled by Mark Rosenker, President Ford Committee (PFC) deputy press secretary during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. The material relates to press office policy and broadcast operations, especially the radio actuality program that Bill Hart and Rosenker operated throughout 1976. Included are advisory and policy memoranda, drafts of media messages, budgets, and daily and weekly activity reports.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Mark Rosenker's Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, drafts, copy, notes, lists, printed matter, logs and invoices compiled by Mark Rosenker, President Ford Committee (PFC) deputy press secretary during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign. The material relates to press office policy and broadcast operations, especially the radio actuality program that Bill Hart and Rosenker operated throughout 1976. Included are advisory and policy memoranda, drafts of …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, mailing lists, expense reports, press releases, resumes, speeches, talking points, news clippings, status reports, public opinion polls, and post-election analyses. The material concerns Thomas Ruffin's work as Director of Administration of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. The materials concern the identification of leaders within particular special interest voter groups, selection of PFF personnel, scheduling and expenses for PFF desks, and PFF and PFC administrative activities. Particularly valuable is a post-election evaluation of the PFF operation. This series also contains information on the Democrats for Ford campaign, including a lengthy state mailing list.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Thomas Ruffin's Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, mailing lists, expense reports, press releases, resumes, speeches, talking points, news clippings, status reports, public opinion polls, and post-election analyses. The material concerns Thomas Ruffin's work as Director of Administration of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. The materials concern the identification of leaders within particular …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, mailing lists, expense reports, press releases, press conference transcripts, speeches and speakers' kits, status reports, polling data, news clippings, meeting agendas, and notes. The material concerns Pamela Curtis' work as Regional Coordinator of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Most of the file concerns women's issues and the effort to attract women voters. Also present are materials documenting the regional PFF operation and state PFF activities.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Pamela Curtis' Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, mailing lists, expense reports, press releases, press conference transcripts, speeches and speakers' kits, status reports, polling data, news clippings, meeting agendas, and notes. The material concerns Pamela Curtis' work as Regional Coordinator of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. Most of the file concerns women's issues and the effort to …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, schedules, speeches, newsletters, mailing lists and rosters, budget proposals, factbooks and speaker's kits, press releases, resumes, and printed material. The material concerns the work of desk director Martin Dinkins and special consultant Robert Keyes of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. The materials concern Black Desk activities including advocate scheduling and speeches, and contacts with key African-Americans. Researchers may find fact sheets, local activities files, identification of African-American issues by the Ford organization, state lists of volunteers, Jimmy Carter "factbooks" and clippings especially useful.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Black Desk Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, schedules, speeches, newsletters, mailing lists and rosters, budget proposals, factbooks and speaker's kits, press releases, resumes, and printed material. The material concerns the work of desk director Martin Dinkins and special consultant Robert Keyes of the People for Ford (PFF) office of the President Ford Committee (PFC) during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. The materials concern Black Desk activities …