Displaying 1771 - 1780 of 1890 results
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This series contains survey data, reports, memoranda, correspondence, charts, publications, press releases, and clippings related to a series of four public opinion surveys commissioned by the Educational Testing Service and conducted by the research firms of Robert M. Teeter and Peter D. Hart. These surveys measured the attitudes of the general public, parents, educators, and policymakers on education, education reform, teacher quality, standards, and higher education. Topics include school performance, accountability, funding, parental involvement, the role of federal and state governments in education, standardized testing, teacher training and retention, costs for higher education, student aid programs, the No Child Left Behind Act, and other aspects of President George W. Bush's education plan.
Collection: Robert M. Teeter Papers
Educational Testing Service Surveys … This series contains survey data, reports, memoranda, correspondence, charts, publications, press releases, and clippings related to a series of four public opinion surveys commissioned by the Educational Testing Service and conducted by the research firms of Robert M. Teeter and Peter D. Hart. These surveys measured the attitudes of the general public, parents, educators, and policymakers on education, education reform, teacher quality, standards, and higher …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, press releases, publications and training manuals. The materials concern Robert Horn's work as Executive Secretary of the Presidential Clemency Board and the operation of the Board, including rules, regulations and procedures developed by the board members and staff, and administrative matters such as budget/finance, personnel, office space, training, organization, press relations, and public comments. Some materials also concern the work of the Board on granting conditional clemency for those accused of draft or military absence offenses during the Vietnam War.
Collection: Robert J. Horn Papers
Presidential Clemency Board Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, press releases, publications and training manuals. The materials concern Robert Horn's work as Executive Secretary of the Presidential Clemency Board and the operation of the Board, including rules, regulations and procedures developed by the board members and staff, and administrative matters such as budget/finance, personnel, office space, training, organization, press relations, and public comments. Some …
Collection: David Mathews Papers
Social Security Administration Memoranda …
Collection: David Mathews Papers
Social and Rehabilitation Service Memoranda …
Collection: David Mathews Papers
Office of Management and Budget General File …
Collection: Glenn R. Schleede Papers
Domestic Council Weekly Briefing Reports …