Displaying 161 - 170 of 1890 results
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This series contains schedule proposals, briefing papers, memoranda, correspondence, talking points, agendas, and recommended phone call forms. Materials concern President Gerald R. Ford's meetings with members of Congress, bipartisan and Republican leadership; presidential trips; White House social invitations; the 1975 State of the Union Address; presidential vetoes and general information on the 94th Congress. Also included here are correspondence, applications and clearance forms on congressional-sponsored candidates for appointments to government jobs and requests from the public for jobs in government.
Collection: Max L. Friedersdorf Files
Max Friedersdorf's Administrative Subject Files … This series contains schedule proposals, briefing papers, memoranda, correspondence, talking points, agendas, and recommended phone call forms. Materials concern President Gerald R. Ford's meetings with members of Congress, bipartisan and Republican leadership; presidential trips; White House social invitations; the 1975 State of the Union Address; presidential vetoes and general information on the 94th Congress. Also included here are correspondence, …
This series contains logs showing personnel appointments, congressional mail concerning appointments, resignations, and clearance of appointments with House of Represenatives Minority Leader John Rhodes.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Patronage Logs … This series contains logs showing personnel appointments, congressional mail concerning appointments, resignations, and clearance of appointments with House of Represenatives Minority Leader John Rhodes. …
This series contains letters, notes, certificates, programs, periodicals, and newspaper clippings. The materials trace Gerald R. Ford (and his family) from high school through his early post-presidential years, covering primarily his career as a legislator from Michigan in the U.S. House of Representatives, as Vice President, and President.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Scrapbooks
Scrapbooks … This series contains letters, notes, certificates, programs, periodicals, and newspaper clippings. The materials trace Gerald R. Ford (and his family) from high school through his early post-presidential years, covering primarily his career as a legislator from Michigan in the U.S. House of Representatives, as Vice President, and …
This series contains copies of letters that Counsellor to the President Melvin Laird wrote to persons outside the White House (government officials, the media, and the public) mostly concerning domestic affairs, energy policy, economic policy, and legislation.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Nixon Administration White House Chronological Files … This series contains copies of letters that Counsellor to the President Melvin Laird wrote to persons outside the White House (government officials, the media, and the public) mostly concerning domestic affairs, energy policy, economic policy, and …
This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, lists, briefing books, and transcripts. This is a fragmentary series concerning primarily two of the White House Conferences on Domestic and Economic Affairs - South Florida (February 25, 1975) and Milwaukee (August 25, 1975).
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Ford Administration White House Subject Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's correspondence, lists, briefing books, and transcripts. This is a fragmentary series concerning primarily two of the White House Conferences on Domestic and Economic Affairs - South Florida (February 25, 1975) and Milwaukee (August 25, …
This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda, speeches, lists, and briefing materials concerning long-range national security and budget planning in the Department of Defense and his work as an aide to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. The files include various projections, estimates, and recommendations along with planning guidance, policy guidance, budget plans, strategy papers (including nuclear warfare strategy), and net assessments. Specific topics include the Vietnam War, the 1970 mid-year report to the President, and the work of the Defense Program Review Committee.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Planning Files … This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda, speeches, lists, and briefing materials concerning long-range national security and budget planning in the Department of Defense and his work as an aide to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. The files include various projections, estimates, and recommendations along with planning guidance, policy guidance, budget plans, strategy papers (including nuclear warfare strategy), and net assessments. Specific topics include …
This series contains copies of memoranda, correspondence, talking papers, briefing papers, and lists. It was copied from Melvin Laird's official Department of Defense files by a special team of staff members late in his term as Secretary of Defense in order to document the key issues he handled. National security and defense topics include: all-volunteer force, Cambodia, chemical / biological warfare research, drug abuse in the military, EC-121 (a Navy aircraft shot down by North Korea), equal opportunity and race relations, F-15 procurement, Indochina, Japan, Korea, Laos, MIRV (Multiple Independently-Targetable Reentry Vehicle - including A-X / Close Air Support), MK-48 Torpedo, Middle East and Israel, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), POW / MIA (Prisoners of War / Missing in Action), People's Republic of China, Procurement, SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), Safeguard ABM (Antiballistic Missile), Shipbuilding, Strategy of Realistic Deterrence, Taking Stock of the Department, Thailand, and Vietnam (especially the Vietnam War).
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Department of Defense Historical Project Files … This series contains copies of memoranda, correspondence, talking papers, briefing papers, and lists. It was copied from Melvin Laird's official Department of Defense files by a special team of staff members late in his term as Secretary of Defense in order to document the key issues he handled. National security and defense topics include: all-volunteer force, Cambodia, chemical / biological warfare research, drug abuse in the military, EC-121 (a Navy …
This series contains invitations, name identification cards, correspondence, and memoranda related to a "homestate reception" (Michigan friends and family) at the Capitol Hill Club for Gerald Ford following his swearing-in as Vice President on December 6, 1973.
Collection: Peter H. Sorum Papers
Gerald Ford Vice Presidential Reception Files … This series contains invitations, name identification cards, correspondence, and memoranda related to a "homestate reception" (Michigan friends and family) at the Capitol Hill Club for Gerald Ford following his swearing-in as Vice President on December 6, …
This series contains memoranda and telegrams related to U.S. relations with countries of the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. It includes especially substantive materials on the Vietnam War (including Laos and Cambodia), U.S. and refugee evacuations from South Vietnam, the Mayaguez incident, and the process of normalizing relations with the People's Republic of China. There are separate files for National Security Study memorandums concerning individual countries.
Collection: National Security Council East Asian and Pacific Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Country Files … This series contains memoranda and telegrams related to U.S. relations with countries of the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. It includes especially substantive materials on the Vietnam War (including Laos and Cambodia), U.S. and refugee evacuations from South Vietnam, the Mayaguez incident, and the process of normalizing relations with the People's Republic of China. There are separate files for National Security Study memorandums concerning individual …
This series contains National Security Council staff member Richard Solomon's working files of memoranda and background materials concerning U.S. relations with the People's Republic of China.
Collection: National Security Council East Asian and Pacific Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Richard Solomon's Subject Files … This series contains National Security Council staff member Richard Solomon's working files of memoranda and background materials concerning U.S. relations with the People's Republic of China. …