Displaying 1571 - 1580 of 1890 results
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This series contains survey data, reports, memoranda, correspondence, publications, charts, and clippings related to a series of public opinion surveys conducted by Robert M. Teeter's and Peter D. Hart's research firms. These surveys were commissioned by The Council for Excellence in Government and were often funded by private corporations. They questioned the general public, government workers, and business leaders on their attitudes toward the role and effectiveness of all levels of government and young adult interest in public service careers. Several surveys from 2000-2003 studied the use of the Internet and other technologies in the move toward more "e-government" services. These studies explored respondents' current experience with technology, the growth of "e-government" services, expectations for the future, and related issues such as government accountability, privacy, national identification cards, online voting, and the usefulness of "e-government" in fighting and preparing for terrorism in a post-September 11th America. Also included in this series is a public survey related to homeland security that documents public attitudes (including an oversample of adults in New York and California) toward emergency preparedness, confidence in and effectiveness of government, domestic terrorism, the federal government's color-coded threat alert system, and the use of technology as a tool against security threats.
Collection: Robert M. Teeter Papers
The Council for Excellence in Government Surveys … This series contains survey data, reports, memoranda, correspondence, publications, charts, and clippings related to a series of public opinion surveys conducted by Robert M. Teeter's and Peter D. Hart's research firms. These surveys were commissioned by The Council for Excellence in Government and were often funded by private corporations. They questioned the general public, government workers, and business leaders on their attitudes toward the role and …
This series contains memos, letters, forms, resumes, and other personnel files for Presidential Clemency Board members and staff.
Collection: Robert J. Horn Papers
Presidential Clemency Board Staff Name Files … This series contains memos, letters, forms, resumes, and other personnel files for Presidential Clemency Board members and staff. …
Collection: David Mathews Papers
Office of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Memoranda …
Collection: A. James Reichley Interview Transcripts
Nixon Administration White House Staff Interviews …
This series contains index cards prepared by Anne Kamstra that document autograph requests for President Gerald Ford. Cards typically include the recipient's name and address, requesters name, suggested inscription, date of request, and date answered. Most requests are for signed photographs; some requests are for items provided by the requester, including programs, newspapers, and quilts. Occasionally, cards are accompanied by correspondence between Kamstra and other staff members discussing whether or not to fulfill the request, and if so, how.
Collection: Anne Kamstra Files (Ford Administration)
Autograph Request Cards … This series contains index cards prepared by Anne Kamstra that document autograph requests for President Gerald Ford. Cards typically include the recipient's name and address, requesters name, suggested inscription, date of request, and date answered. Most requests are for signed photographs; some requests are for items provided by the requester, including programs, newspapers, and quilts. Occasionally, cards are accompanied by correspondence between Kamstra and other staff …
Collection: Stanley S. Scott Papers
Incoming Correspondence Files …