Displaying 1531 - 1540 of 1890 results
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This series contains memoranda, cables, schedules, diagrams, and press clippings associated with President Gerald Ford's travel to Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the People’s Republic of China, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Spain, Soviet Union, Vatican City, and Yugoslavia. Much of the information was compiled into scheduling and advance briefing books.
Collection: Terrence O'Donnell Files (Ford Administration)
Foreign Trips Files … This series contains memoranda, cables, schedules, diagrams, and press clippings associated with President Gerald Ford's travel to Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the People’s Republic of China, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Spain, Soviet Union, Vatican City, and Yugoslavia. Much of the information was compiled into scheduling and advance briefing …
This series contains Presidential trips briefing books, schedules, memoranda, letters, speeches, diagrams, and various lists associated with Gerald Ford's 1976 Presidential campaign. The President’s briefing books followed a standard layout that in most cases contained an overview of state party officials, President Ford Committee structure in the state, Jimmy Carter campaign overview and strategy analysis, a state profile, talking points on state issues, a regional press analysis, and a section on revenue sharing funds that had been allocated to the particular state.
Collection: Terrence O'Donnell Files (Ford Administration)
Campaign Trips Files … This series contains Presidential trips briefing books, schedules, memoranda, letters, speeches, diagrams, and various lists associated with Gerald Ford's 1976 Presidential campaign. The President’s briefing books followed a standard layout that in most cases contained an overview of state party officials, President Ford Committee structure in the state, Jimmy Carter campaign overview and strategy analysis, a state profile, talking points on state issues, a regional press analysis, …
This series consists of records related to background investigations performed on individuals considered for Presidential appointments as justices of the District of Columbia Superior Court.
Collection: Jane Dannenhauer Files
District of Columbia Superior Court Justice Candidate Background Investigation Case Files … This series consists of records related to background investigations performed on individuals considered for Presidential appointments as justices of the District of Columbia Superior …
The series contains letters, reports, newspaper clippings, and photographs collected by James L. Trimpe concerning the Grand Rapids South High School championship football team of 1930 and subsequent reunions of the team. Material concerning President Gerald R. Ford, a member of the team, is included.
Collection: James L. Trimpe 30-30 Club Scrapbook
Scrapbook … The series contains letters, reports, newspaper clippings, and photographs collected by James L. Trimpe concerning the Grand Rapids South High School championship football team of 1930 and subsequent reunions of the team. Material concerning President Gerald R. Ford, a member of the team, is …
This series contains memorandums and letters compiled primarily during James Lynn’s service as Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Correspondents in this series include the President, OMB colleagues, representatives of Federal agencies, Members of Congress, business leaders, and the press. The series includes memorandums to President Gerald Ford advising him on enrolled bills and proposed policy statements. Also included in the series are letters to Members of Congress and Federal agencies on OMB policies and legislation affecting the budget, often in response to the correspondent’s requests for information on a specific topic. Copies of reports requested by the correspondents are sometimes attached to the correspondence.
Collection: James T. Lynn Papers
Chronological Correspondence Files … This series contains memorandums and letters compiled primarily during James Lynn’s service as Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Correspondents in this series include the President, OMB colleagues, representatives of Federal agencies, Members of Congress, business leaders, and the press. The series includes memorandums to President Gerald Ford advising him on enrolled bills and proposed policy statements. Also included in the series are letters to …
This series contains material concerning the 1976 Presidential campaigns of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. The bulk of the series consists of speech transcripts, press releases, campaign research statistics, and policy statements (with a slight emphasis on the economy), as well as background material and news clippings on both major candidates. A small amount of material relates to Republican primary candidate Ronald Reagan.
Collection: James T. Lynn Papers
1976 Presidential Campaign Files … This series contains material concerning the 1976 Presidential campaigns of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. The bulk of the series consists of speech transcripts, press releases, campaign research statistics, and policy statements (with a slight emphasis on the economy), as well as background material and news clippings on both major candidates. A small amount of material relates to Republican primary candidate Ronald …
This series contains reports, letters, memorandums, and notes compiled during James Lynn’s services as Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The material relates to a wide variety of topics, including: the Federal budget, compensation of Federal employees, housing, cargo shipping preferences, the New York City financial crisis, regulatory reform, taxation, unemployment, and uranium enrichment.
Collection: James T. Lynn Papers
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Subject Files … This series contains reports, letters, memorandums, and notes compiled during James Lynn’s services as Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The material relates to a wide variety of topics, including: the Federal budget, compensation of Federal employees, housing, cargo shipping preferences, the New York City financial crisis, regulatory reform, taxation, unemployment, and uranium …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, manuals, and pamphlets. Major topics include rule making within the administrative agencies of the executive branch, regulatory agency reform and reorganization, and judicial review. Other topics include strengthening Federal regulatory agency management, mining claims on public lands, equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, selective service rules and procedures, and retirement regulations for civil service appointees.
Collection: John W. Barnum Papers
Administrative Conference of the United States Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, manuals, and pamphlets. Major topics include rule making within the administrative agencies of the executive branch, regulatory agency reform and reorganization, and judicial review. Other topics include strengthening Federal regulatory agency management, mining claims on public lands, equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, selective service rules and procedures, and retirement …
This series contains correspondence, notes, clippings, and reports. Major topics include the bilateral air agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom, industrial competitiveness, and regulatory reform. Other topics include airline deregulation, steel mergers, Japanese government promotion of the steel industry, and market concentration in corporate mergers. There is also a wide ranging compilation of written works by John Barnum’s colleagues at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Collection: John W. Barnum Papers
Post-Government Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, notes, clippings, and reports. Major topics include the bilateral air agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom, industrial competitiveness, and regulatory reform. Other topics include airline deregulation, steel mergers, Japanese government promotion of the steel industry, and market concentration in corporate mergers. There is also a wide ranging compilation of written works by John Barnum’s colleagues at the American …
This series contains a portrait of Leo Cherne, who served as chair of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and one copy negative of Cherne shaking hands with President Gerald R. Ford.
Collection: Leo Cherne Papers
Leo Cherne's Audiovisual Materials … This series contains a portrait of Leo Cherne, who served as chair of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and one copy negative of Cherne shaking hands with President Gerald R. Ford. …