Displaying 1511 - 1520 of 1890 results
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This series contains copies of outgoing memoranda and correspondence of the Directors of the Presidential Personnel Office. The correspondence relates to Presidential appointments.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Director's Chronological Files … This series contains copies of outgoing memoranda and correspondence of the Directors of the Presidential Personnel Office. The correspondence relates to Presidential appointments. …
This series consists of files related to Presidential appointments within Federal departments during the administration of Gerald R. Ford. The files contain appointment clearance requests, resumes, correspondence, press releases, appointment information (authority, method, number, term, and salary), biographical statements, requests to President Ford to appoint, letters of resignation, and background information on boards and commissions within departments.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Presidential Personnel Office Central File Job Files for Departments … This series consists of files related to Presidential appointments within Federal departments during the administration of Gerald R. Ford. The files contain appointment clearance requests, resumes, correspondence, press releases, appointment information (authority, method, number, term, and salary), biographical statements, requests to President Ford to appoint, letters of resignation, and background information on boards and …
This series consists of correspondence and resumes related to individuals seeking Presidential appointments, both administrative and senior level. A significant portion of these files relate to former congressional staffers.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Operations Office Executive Inventory #1 Files … This series consists of correspondence and resumes related to individuals seeking Presidential appointments, both administrative and senior level. A significant portion of these files relate to former congressional …
This series consists of individuals seeking Presidential appointments, both administrative and senior level.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Operations Office Executive Inventory #4 Files … This series consists of individuals seeking Presidential appointments, both administrative and senior level. …
This series contains schedules, memoranda, contact lists, brochures, diagrams, and clippings. The materials relate to domestic trips taken by members of the Presidential family when not accompanied by the President. Although much of the material relates to trips taken only by First Lady Betty Ford, they also document trips when the First Lady was accompanied by her children, and still others when the children traveled individually.
Collection: Byron M. "Red" Cavaney Files
First Family Trips Files … This series contains schedules, memoranda, contact lists, brochures, diagrams, and clippings. The materials relate to domestic trips taken by members of the Presidential family when not accompanied by the President. Although much of the material relates to trips taken only by First Lady Betty Ford, they also document trips when the First Lady was accompanied by her children, and still others when the children traveled …
This series contains correspondence and subject files pertaining to Presidential appointments to boards and commissions. The files include vacancy reports, correspondence, decision memoranda, press releases, departmental committee schedules, and recommendations related to appointments.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Boards and Commissions General Files … This series contains correspondence and subject files pertaining to Presidential appointments to boards and commissions. The files include vacancy reports, correspondence, decision memoranda, press releases, departmental committee schedules, and recommendations related to …
This series consists of correspondence and resumes, primarily related to individual seeking, recommended, or under consideration for a Presidential appointment.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Natural Resources Name Files … This series consists of correspondence and resumes, primarily related to individual seeking, recommended, or under consideration for a Presidential appointment. …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, press releases, speeches, speech drafts, manuals, pamphlets, and clippings. A major theme within this series is background information on the Watergate affair as it pertains to personnel and agencies within the Treasury Department. The other materials address a wide variety of topics, including: General Revenue Sharing program, the Privacy Act, and Treasury Department reorganization, employee conflicts of interest, Emergency Loan Guarantee Board, securities reform, agricultural subsidiaries for the dairy industry, finance, and railway improvement.
Collection: Edward C. Schmults Papers
Treasury Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, press releases, speeches, speech drafts, manuals, pamphlets, and clippings. A major theme within this series is background information on the Watergate affair as it pertains to personnel and agencies within the Treasury Department. The other materials address a wide variety of topics, including: General Revenue Sharing program, the Privacy Act, and Treasury Department reorganization, employee conflicts of interest, …
This series consists primarily of 35mm and 70mm color negatives of photographs taken by Mr. James D. Haldaman in his capacity as Senior Photographer for the Historical Committee for the Gerald R. Ford Museum Dedication Week. They depict the dedication of the Ford Presidential Museum as well as events held during the corresponding "Celebration on the Grand” in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on September 14-19, 1981. Events include the Grand Rapids trout and salmon contest; Gerald R. Ford Stamp Collection viewing and auction; Ford Museum Presidential Parade; Bob Hope television special; and fireworks displays.
Collection: James D. Haldaman Photographs and Papers
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists primarily of 35mm and 70mm color negatives of photographs taken by Mr. James D. Haldaman in his capacity as Senior Photographer for the Historical Committee for the Gerald R. Ford Museum Dedication Week. They depict the dedication of the Ford Presidential Museum as well as events held during the corresponding "Celebration on the Grand” in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on September 14-19, 1981. Events include the Grand Rapids trout and salmon contest; Gerald R. Ford …
This series consists of black and white and color photographs related to Robert Ingersoll’s career activities as Ambassador to Japan (1972-1973), Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs (1974) and Deputy Secretary of State (1974-1976). Among them are State Department, White House, and other photos on topics such as Japan, Vietnam, and Ambassador Graham Martin. It also includes auto-penned signature photos of Ronald Reagan, George W. and Laura Bush, and a photo signed by George H.W. Bush.
Collection: Robert S. Ingersoll Papers
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of black and white and color photographs related to Robert Ingersoll’s career activities as Ambassador to Japan (1972-1973), Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs (1974) and Deputy Secretary of State (1974-1976). Among them are State Department, White House, and other photos on topics such as Japan, Vietnam, and Ambassador Graham Martin. It also includes auto-penned signature photos of Ronald Reagan, George W. and Laura Bush, and a photo signed by …