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This series contains memoranda and other material on James Connor's activities in the White House as assistant to Donald Rumsfeld and later as Staff Secretary. The files also include materials on Connor's 1974 and 1975 scheduling and advance work and scattered information on contacts with Cabinet officials and their staffs, although most of the latter is located in the Cabinet Secretary Subject Files. Particularly well documented is White House Office administration, including Rumsfeld's efforts to reduce the size of the staff and institute tighter controls over the president's scheduling operations. Other subjects covered are early planning efforts for the 1976 presidential campaign; energy policy review, including nuclear power, uranium enrichment and a critique of Energy Resources Finance Corporation (ERFCO); and Connor's activities as White House liaison on the selection of White House Fellows. The series contains numerous memoranda and notes exchanged between Connor and Chiefs of Staff Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney.
Collection: James E. Connor Files
Staff Secretary's Subject Files … This series contains memoranda and other material on James Connor's activities in the White House as assistant to Donald Rumsfeld and later as Staff Secretary. The files also include materials on Connor's 1974 and 1975 scheduling and advance work and scattered information on contacts with Cabinet officials and their staffs, although most of the latter is located in the Cabinet Secretary Subject Files. Particularly well documented is White House Office administration, …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to the acquisition and dissemination of information on agricultural programs; experiment station programs; research in crop and livestock production; farm management; pest control; marketing; home economics and nutrition." The series also includes much on agricultural legislation.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Agriculture … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to the acquisition and dissemination of information on agricultural programs; experiment station programs; research in crop and livestock production; farm management; pest control; marketing; home economics and nutrition." The series also includes much on agricultural legislation. This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to safety regulation, air commerce, air freight, development of aeronautics, the control and use of navigable air space, research and development of air navigation facilities, development and operation of a common system of air traffic control and navigation for civil aircraft, and aviation policy." It also includes material related to presidential review of Civil Aeronautics Board decisions, airlines, airports, aircraft development, airline regulatory reform, and legislation.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Civil Aviation … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to safety regulation, air commerce, air freight, development of aeronautics, the control and use of navigable air space, research and development of air navigation facilities, development and operation of a common system of air traffic control and navigation for civil aircraft, and aviation policy." It also includes material related to …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "all material pertaining to conserving, developing, preserving, protecting and discovering natural resources." It also contains records related to animals, forests, oil, minerals, rivers, and water projects.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Natural Resources … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "all material pertaining to conserving, developing, preserving, protecting and discovering natural resources." It also contains records related to animals, forests, oil, minerals, rivers, and water projects. This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "for material pertaining to consultative assistance for the prevention and control of disease, hospital operation, conducting research in biology and medicine, blood donations, enforcing interstate quarantine regulations and conducting medical and hospital care programs; pollution and controls." It also includes material related to drug abuse.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Health … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "for material pertaining to consultative assistance for the prevention and control of disease, hospital operation, conducting research in biology and medicine, blood donations, enforcing interstate quarantine regulations and conducting medical and hospital care programs; pollution and controls." It also includes material related to drug abuse. This series contains …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to public roads, such as streets, highways, expressways, turnpikes, freeways, parkways, bridges, tunnels, over and underpasses, sidewalks, routes and markers."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Highways and Bridges … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to public roads, such as streets, highways, expressways, turnpikes, freeways, parkways, bridges, tunnels, over and underpasses, sidewalks, routes and markers." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to human and civil rights, the promotion and denial of such rights, discrimination or discriminatory practices and matters relating to segregation, ideologies and voting rights, including communications from the public expressing views or complaints about such matters." It includes material related to busing and the rights of women, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Human Rights … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to human and civil rights, the promotion and denial of such rights, discrimination or discriminatory practices and matters relating to segregation, ideologies and voting rights, including communications from the public expressing views or complaints about such matters." It includes material related to busing and the rights of women, African …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material concerning political matters of national, state and local interest. Include material such as conventions, elections, voting, messages, campaigns, platforms, candidates, political parties, committees, clubs and dinners." It contains records related to the 1976 Presidential campaign, including the campaigns of Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Walter Mondale, and Robert Dole. This series also includes material related to the President Ford Committee, the Republican Party, the Republican National Convention, campaign debates, presidential involvement in gubernatorial and congressional elections, and presidential messages to political groups.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Political Affairs … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material concerning political matters of national, state and local interest. Include material such as conventions, elections, voting, messages, campaigns, platforms, candidates, political parties, committees, clubs and dinners." It contains records related to the 1976 Presidential campaign, including the campaigns of Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald …
This series contains briefing papers on potential 1976 presidential campaign debate issues, flash cards containing concise response suggestions, memoranda from advisers, notes by President Gerald Ford, and other materials given to Ford in preparation for his three debates with Jimmy Carter. Most items are marked with the stamp "The President Has Seen..." and many contain marginalia and underlinings in Ford's hand.
Collection: White House Special Files Unit Files
Ford - Carter Debates Files … This series contains briefing papers on potential 1976 presidential campaign debate issues, flash cards containing concise response suggestions, memoranda from advisers, notes by President Gerald Ford, and other materials given to Ford in preparation for his three debates with Jimmy Carter. Most items are marked with the stamp "The President Has Seen..." and many contain marginalia and underlinings in Ford's …
This series contains case files containing correspondence, resumes, and writing samples from persons interested in joining the Editorial Staff. While material from throughout the administration is included, many of the applications date from the early months of 1976 when several new speechwriters were sought and hired.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Robert Hartmann's Speechwriter Job Applications Files … This series contains case files containing correspondence, resumes, and writing samples from persons interested in joining the Editorial Staff. While material from throughout the administration is included, many of the applications date from the early months of 1976 when several new speechwriters were sought and …