Displaying 1451 - 1460 of 1890 results
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Collection: Ron Nessen Papers
President Gerald Ford's Trip Files …
This series contains correspondence, wires, awards, resumes, and newspaper clippings related to Robert Hartmann's work for the Los Angeles Times, as a reporter, Washington Bureau Chief, and Chief of the Rome-based Mediterranean and Middle East Bureau. Included are letters and wires between Hartmann and editors, publishers, and colleagues concerning company policy, stories, assignments, staff, and business matters. Also included is correspondence with Vice President Richard Nixon, state and national political leaders, and Naval Reserve officials. The letters fully document Hartmann's activities, frustrations, and career decisions over two decades, including his resignation. Also present are interviews, untranscribed dictaphone discs, notes, wires stories, and press kits from various assignments, including the 1960 presidential campaign. The series also contains an extensive set of Hartmann's articles in the Times, including serial articles on Nixon's 1958 trip to South America, the Americans for Democratic Action, and Latin America.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Papers
Los Angeles Times Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, wires, awards, resumes, and newspaper clippings related to Robert Hartmann's work for the Los Angeles Times, as a reporter, Washington Bureau Chief, and Chief of the Rome-based Mediterranean and Middle East Bureau. Included are letters and wires between Hartmann and editors, publishers, and colleagues concerning company policy, stories, assignments, staff, and business matters. Also included is correspondence with Vice President Richard …
Collection: Martin R. Hoffmann Papers
Secretary of the Army Scrapbooks …
This series contains miscellaneous very small accessions of papers donated to the Library by various individuals. The materials concern Gerald Ford, his family, and his career.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Oral History Collection
Oral History Transcripts … This series contains miscellaneous very small accessions of papers donated to the Library by various individuals. The materials concern Gerald Ford, his family, and his career. …
Collection: William I. Greener Papers
White House Correspondence Files …
Collection: Ron Nessen Papers
Foreign Guidance for Press Briefings Files …
Collection: Ron Nessen Papers
Correspondence Chronological Files …