Displaying 1391 - 1400 of 1890 results
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This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to education and educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities) both public and private; including the requirements, standards, training programs, facilities, staff and students."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Education … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to education and educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities) both public and private; including the requirements, standards, training programs, facilities, staff and students." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "all material, including messages, pertaining to legal, recognized, and suggested holidays and observances."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Holidays … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "all material, including messages, pertaining to legal, recognized, and suggested holidays and observances." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to such matters as establishment, disestablishment, organization, reorganization, location or relocation and reports from, to or about bilateral and multilateral organizations." It includes records related to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United Nations.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on International Organizations … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to such matters as establishment, disestablishment, organization, reorganization, location or relocation and reports from, to or about bilateral and multilateral organizations." It includes records related to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United Nations. This series contains clippings, invitations, …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material of a personal or quasi-personal nature written to the President [Gerald R. Ford] or his family."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on the President (Personal) … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material of a personal or quasi-personal nature written to the President [Gerald R. Ford] or his family." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains professional and occasional personal correspondence, memoranda, reports, professional papers, telegrams, news clippings, invitations, articles, and printed materials. Most of the correspondence is between Dr. Arthur F. Burns and his professional colleagues in the banking community and academia. Other correspondents are corporate officers, lobbyists, economic consultants, government officials and concerned citizens. Many retired economists maintained an ongoing correspondence with Dr. Burns. The largest files contain extensive papers on economic theory and forecasting, the majority of which are concerned with national issues such as banking and government policy, the work of the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve System, and occasionally international monetary affairs.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Name Correspondence Files … This series contains professional and occasional personal correspondence, memoranda, reports, professional papers, telegrams, news clippings, invitations, articles, and printed materials. Most of the correspondence is between Dr. Arthur F. Burns and his professional colleagues in the banking community and academia. Other correspondents are corporate officers, lobbyists, economic consultants, government officials and concerned citizens. Many retired economists maintained an …
This series contains reading copies of speeches given by First Lady Betty Ford, including two from the eight month period when Gerald R. Ford was Vice President. It also includes speeches from the period before Frances K. Pullen was writing for Mrs. Ford. The reading copies were used by Mrs. Ford in delivering the speeches and are often annotated in her hand. Many speeches relate to the presidential campaign, cancer, the Bicentennial, and the Equal Rights Amendment.
Collection: Frances K. Pullen Files
Frances Pullen's Speech Reading Copies … This series contains reading copies of speeches given by First Lady Betty Ford, including two from the eight month period when Gerald R. Ford was Vice President. It also includes speeches from the period before Frances K. Pullen was writing for Mrs. Ford. The reading copies were used by Mrs. Ford in delivering the speeches and are often annotated in her hand. Many speeches relate to the presidential campaign, cancer, the Bicentennial, and the Equal Rights …
This series contains correspondence, mostly between Richard Cheney and businessmen, local officials, and the general public. It consists mostly of carbon copies of outgoing letters and attached photocopies of incoming letters. The originals of many of the incoming letters appear in the President Gerald R. Ford's White House Central Files. Although occasional items from the early part of the administration are included, the bulk of the series dates from Cheney's service as Assistant to the President after November 1975. The correspondence concerns legislation, invitations, congratulations, personnel matters, and the 1976 presidential campaign. Some specific topics on which a significant amount of material appears are: bilingual education program budget cut, common situs picketing legislation, National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Act, maximum allowable cost program, antitrust legislation, and the Energy Conservation and Oil Policy Act.
Collection: Richard B. Cheney Files
Correspondence Files … This series contains correspondence, mostly between Richard Cheney and businessmen, local officials, and the general public. It consists mostly of carbon copies of outgoing letters and attached photocopies of incoming letters. The originals of many of the incoming letters appear in the President Gerald R. Ford's White House Central Files. Although occasional items from the early part of the administration are included, the bulk of the series dates from Cheney's service as Assistant …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, vote tabulations, background material, draft legislation and printed material created or accumulated by William Kendall and occasionally by his predecessor Tom Korologos concerning legislative issues in the Senate. Significant subjects include legistative liaison, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, energy policy, military spending, two hundred mile fishing limit, and uranium enrichment. Vietnam coverage from President Richard Nixon's administration includes tabulations on votes to end the war and records of telephone reactions from members of Congress when notified of the mining of North Vietnamese harbors.
Collection: William T. Kendall Files
William Kendall's Legislative Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, vote tabulations, background material, draft legislation and printed material created or accumulated by William Kendall and occasionally by his predecessor Tom Korologos concerning legislative issues in the Senate. Significant subjects include legistative liaison, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, energy policy, military spending, two hundred mile fishing limit, and uranium enrichment. Vietnam coverage …
The series contains interview transcripts created by the Ford Library of James Cannon's tape recorded interviews with Gerald Ford's White House and congressional staff members, administration officials, members of Congress, and Ford friends.
Collection: James M. Cannon Research Interviews and Notes
Transcripts of James Cannon's Interviews with Gerald Ford Associates and Others … The series contains interview transcripts created by the Ford Library of James Cannon's tape recorded interviews with Gerald Ford's White House and congressional staff members, administration officials, members of Congress, and Ford …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to passenger and freight transportation by rail, highway or water, including services such as stevedoring, packing, loading and unloading, pipeline transportation, and warehousing."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Transportation … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to passenger and freight transportation by rail, highway or water, including services such as stevedoring, packing, loading and unloading, pipeline transportation, and warehousing." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …