Displaying 1371 - 1380 of 1890 results
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This series contains correspondence, memoranda, speeches, scheduling proposals and logs, guest and invitation lists, programs, question and answer sheets, press releases, printed material, proposals and studies, resumes and recommendations. Topics include Office of Public Liaison functions and meetings with private sector individuals and interest group organizations, legislation, presidential personnel appointments, and private sector research.
Collection: Wayne H. Valis Files
Wayne Valis' Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, speeches, scheduling proposals and logs, guest and invitation lists, programs, question and answer sheets, press releases, printed material, proposals and studies, resumes and recommendations. Topics include Office of Public Liaison functions and meetings with private sector individuals and interest group organizations, legislation, presidential personnel appointments, and private sector …
This series contains carbon copies of outgoing letters drafted by Nancy Howe (First Lady Betty Ford's personal assistant), and Elizabeth O'Neill's predecessors: Marba Perrott (director of correspondence) and Thomas McCoy (acting director of correspondence). The materials concern the First Lady and issues of interest to her.
Collection: Elizabeth M. O'Neill Files
Nancy Howe, Marba Perrott, and Thomas McCoy's Chronological Files … This series contains carbon copies of outgoing letters drafted by Nancy Howe (First Lady Betty Ford's personal assistant), and Elizabeth O'Neill's predecessors: Marba Perrott (director of correspondence) and Thomas McCoy (acting director of correspondence). The materials concern the First Lady and issues of interest to …
This series contains copies of speeches given by Jeanne Holm to women's organizations. Topics include women's rights and issues of interest to women.
Collection: Patricia Lindh and Jeanne Holm Files
Jeanne Holm's Speeches … This series contains copies of speeches given by Jeanne Holm to women's organizations. Topics include women's rights and issues of interest to women. …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, briefing papers, question and answer briefing sheets, press releases, proclamations, and background and printed material. The material focuses on women's rights and issues of interest to women. Specific topics include State of the Union inserts, Women's Equality Day Proclamations and First Lady Betty Ford's views on women's issues.
Collection: Patricia Lindh and Jeanne Holm Files
Patricia Lindh's and Jeanne Holm's Files on Ford Administration Statements on Women's Issues … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, briefing papers, question and answer briefing sheets, press releases, proclamations, and background and printed material. The material focuses on women's rights and issues of interest to women. Specific topics include State of the Union inserts, Women's Equality Day Proclamations and First Lady Betty Ford's views on women's …
This series contains materials relating to Peter Sorum's advance work for First Lady Betty Ford and other members of President Gerald R. Ford's family. It includes briefing books, correspondence, memoranda, schedules, secret service deployment diagrams, fact sheets, airport and venue schema, seating arrangements, event brochures and tourist information, newspaper clippings, thank you notes, press releases, copies of original photos, handwritten notes from Sorum and his staff members, and State Department telegrams.
This file documents over 200 trips taken and events attended by members of the First Family. The events include the Republican National Convention, fundraising dinners and luncheons, awards ceremonies, funerals, festivals, conferences, concerts and artistic performances, art exhibits, and receptions for visiting dignitaries to name just a few. Documentation on an overseas trip to West Germany, Poland, Finland, Romania, and Yugoslavia (which also includes information on Japan, Mexico, and Martinique), a trip to Alaska, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Hawaii, and a domestic trip to Vail, Colorado for Christmas, are particularly complete since official briefing books are available for those trips.
Collection: Peter H. Sorum Papers
Trip Files … This series contains materials relating to Peter Sorum's advance work for First Lady Betty Ford and other members of President Gerald R. Ford's family. It includes briefing books, correspondence, memoranda, schedules, secret service deployment diagrams, fact sheets, airport and venue schema, seating arrangements, event brochures and tourist information, newspaper clippings, thank you notes, press releases, copies of original photos, handwritten notes from Sorum and his staff members, and State …
This series contains mostly National Security Council memoranda relating to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, the Vietnamese War and the Mayaguez incident.
Collection: National Security Council East Asian and Pacific Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Indochina Chronological Files … This series contains mostly National Security Council memoranda relating to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, the Vietnamese War and the Mayaguez incident. …
This series contains Dawn Sibley's copies of memoranda, handwritten notes, state media plans, reports, advertising copy, President Ford Committee (PFC) and White House directives, media budgets, and media buying forms used in her role as the media director during the primary elections for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the PFC. Topics include the 1976 presidential campaign, media strategy, state media plan revisions, media buying for the Ronald Reagan campaign, and state issues and demographics. Also present are advertising scripts and charts related to media costs. A local broadcast operating guide defines procedures and the function of various media buying forms.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Dawn Sibley's Files on the Primary Elections … This series contains Dawn Sibley's copies of memoranda, handwritten notes, state media plans, reports, advertising copy, President Ford Committee (PFC) and White House directives, media budgets, and media buying forms used in her role as the media director during the primary elections for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the PFC. Topics include the 1976 presidential campaign, media strategy, state media plan revisions, media buying for …
This series contains Carol Karasick's copies of memoranda, draft and final state media plans, worksheets, Nielsen rating reports and media buying forms used in her role as the director of media planning during the primary elections for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee (PFC). Much of the series concerns strategic and budget revisions to state media plans for the 1976 presidential campaign. Also included are handwritten quantitative planning papers on such topics as media coverage, availability and costs, and effective and spill-over dollars. Also present are detailed demographic data, various state buying guidelines, and authorizations for political broadcast (APB's).
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Carol Karasick's Files on the Primary Elections … This series contains Carol Karasick's copies of memoranda, draft and final state media plans, worksheets, Nielsen rating reports and media buying forms used in her role as the director of media planning during the primary elections for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee (PFC). Much of the series concerns strategic and budget revisions to state media plans for the 1976 presidential campaign. Also included …
This series contains Dawn Sibley's memoranda, correspondence, notes, working papers, tables, charts, contracts, network program schedules and ratings, and printouts of media expenditures used in her role as the media director during the 1976 general election for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee (PFC). Topics include advertising strategy and tactics, media planning for prioritized states and special voter groups, budgets, Jimmy Carter advertising activity, network buying and requirements, network political coverage, various legal matters, and Federal Election Commission guidelines. Included are a media buying forms and procedures guide, demographic and market data, and media plans and Republican National Committee - CBS correspondence.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Dawn Sibley's Files on the General Election … This series contains Dawn Sibley's memoranda, correspondence, notes, working papers, tables, charts, contracts, network program schedules and ratings, and printouts of media expenditures used in her role as the media director during the 1976 general election for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee (PFC). Topics include advertising strategy and tactics, media planning for prioritized states and special voter …
This series contains Carol Karasick's copies of memoranda, media plans, charts, tables, lists, maps, newspaper advertisements, contracts and tearsheets, budgets, and media buying forms used in her role as the director of media planning during the 1976 presidential general election for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee (PFC). Topics include media plans for selected states and special voter groups, analyses and recommendations of markets and expenditures, the Texas media budget, broadcast buying guidelines, and newspaper advertising. Included is detailed demographic and market data for locality and special voter groups. Also included are master newspaper lists, insertion orders detailing publication date, size and position of ad, and copies and samples of tearsheets submitted as proof of publication. Also filed here are invoices, payment correspondence, and broadcast authorizations.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Carol Karasick's Files on the General Election … This series contains Carol Karasick's copies of memoranda, media plans, charts, tables, lists, maps, newspaper advertisements, contracts and tearsheets, budgets, and media buying forms used in her role as the director of media planning during the 1976 presidential general election for Campaign '76 Media Communications, the advertising arm of the President Ford Committee (PFC). Topics include media plans for selected states and special voter groups, analyses …