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This series contains Director David Gergen's files on nominees for the Medal of Freedom. Many had been nominated during the Richard Nixon administration and remained under consideration during the Gerald Ford administration. Included in the files for some nominees is background on their accomplishments and letters of support from the public and government officials.
Collection: David R. Gergen Files
David Gergen's Medal of Freedom Name Files … This series contains Director David Gergen's files on nominees for the Medal of Freedom. Many had been nominated during the Richard Nixon administration and remained under consideration during the Gerald Ford administration. Included in the files for some nominees is background on their accomplishments and letters of support from the public and government …
This series contains memoranda to President Gerald Ford drafted by Frank Zarb or members of his immediate staff, particularly John Hill and Eric Zausner. It documents the work of the Federal Energy Administration and the Energy Resources Council, both headed by Zarb. The memoranda include biweekly statistics concerning oil imports, domestic production, usage and conservation. Also included are proposals for meetings or telephone calls; talking points designed to aid the President in preparing for energy policy meetings; background material on a variety of energy-related topics; information on the progress of legislative initiatives; and early drafts of the President's energy messages. Major topics include: energy policy, decontrol of oil prices, nuclear energy, production incentives, conversion to coal, the Alaska pipeline, liquefied natural gas, windfall profits tax, energy conservation, divestiture, and the price of oil imports. Zarb also provided the President with briefings on energy policy options as developed by the Energy Resources Council and talking points on energy issues to aid him in preparing for Cabinet meetings. Presidential responses are attached to several of Zarb's memoranda. It is unclear whether or not this series is complete.
Collection: Frank G. Zarb Papers
Memoranda to the President … This series contains memoranda to President Gerald Ford drafted by Frank Zarb or members of his immediate staff, particularly John Hill and Eric Zausner. It documents the work of the Federal Energy Administration and the Energy Resources Council, both headed by Zarb. The memoranda include biweekly statistics concerning oil imports, domestic production, usage and conservation. Also included are proposals for meetings or telephone calls; talking points designed to aid the …
This series contains newspaper clippings related to former President Richard Nixon during the decade after he left office. Many of the articles discuss the books published in this period about Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal.
Collection: Gerald L. Warren Papers
Subject Files Relating to Richard M. Nixon … This series contains newspaper clippings related to former President Richard Nixon during the decade after he left office. Many of the articles discuss the books published in this period about Richard Nixon and the Watergate …
This series contains Leslie Janka's case files containing memoranda of conversations (memcons) and briefing papers on presidential meetings with members of Congress, mostly on foreign affairs and defense issues. Major topics include the embargo on arms transfers to Turkey, the federal budget for national defense, and legislative liaison with Congress.
Collection: National Security Council Press and Congressional Relations Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Leslie Janka's Congressional Meetings Files … This series contains Leslie Janka's case files containing memoranda of conversations (memcons) and briefing papers on presidential meetings with members of Congress, mostly on foreign affairs and defense issues. Major topics include the embargo on arms transfers to Turkey, the federal budget for national defense, and legislative liaison with …
This series contains survey reports, detailed data tables, charts, maps, and other information from a series of national proportional probability surveys of prospective voters in the 1976 presidential campaign. These public opinion surveys were administered in November 1974, February 1975, November 1975, June 1976, and throughout September and October 1976 and concern views on President Gerald Ford and various issues. The February 1975 study includes reports on focus group interviews, a random national sample, an intensive sample of Michigan voters, and a variety of supplementary analyses. Also included is a copy of the campaign strategy for the general election.
Collection: Robert M. Teeter Papers
National Surveys for the Republican National Committee … This series contains survey reports, detailed data tables, charts, maps, and other information from a series of national proportional probability surveys of prospective voters in the 1976 presidential campaign. These public opinion surveys were administered in November 1974, February 1975, November 1975, June 1976, and throughout September and October 1976 and concern views on President Gerald Ford and various issues. The February 1975 study includes …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, agenda, minutes, cables, printed materials, clippings, and reports that are most directly related to the activities of the National Council for United States-China Trade's president, vice president, and their support staff. The material relates to administrative matters such as organizing the office; setting policy, goals, and objectives for the Council; making arrangements and compiling materials for the board and general membership meetings; and communicating with member companies. It documents the formation and history of the Council; its role in developing trade relations with China, and its relationship with other organizations involved in trade, scholarly, or cultural exchanges with China, and with U.S. Government agencies. Also documented is the establishment of liaison with the People's Republic of China Liaison Office and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.
The Board of Directors Meetings subseries relates to arrangements for and the business conducted at the semiannual meetings of the Board. The Annual Meetings subseries relates to arrangements for and the proceedings of the Council's annual membership meetings. The General Correspondence subseries includes inquiries about Council membership and services, invitations to trade fairs, trade with China, and employment opportunities. The Associations, Councils, Societies, and Committees subseries reflects cooperative efforts between the Council and other organizations in promoting common goals and sharing information. The Government Agencies subseries concerns the close working relationship between the Council and various agencies. The State Files subseries contains correspondence with officials from universities, banks, port authorities, state governments, trade and economic development councils, and chambers of commerce relating to Council membership and services, and developing commercial relations and exchanges with China. The Cables subseries relates to arrangements for delegations; Council activities in China, Hong Kong, and at the Canton Fair; and press releases to be issued when delegations left China. The Chronological Files subseries relates to topics such as the Beijing office, exhibitions, trade agreements, export controls, and various issues concerning normalization of U.S. - China relations. The Central Files subseries includes both courtesy correspondence and substantive materials relating to Council activities. The Account Files subseries contains financial records relating to delegations, special events, and the Beijing office. The Subject File subseries includes inter-office memoranda and communications with members, as well as material relating to conferences and delegations. The Office Reading Files Subseries includes occasional trip reports and minutes of meetings with committees and Chinese representatives. The Staff Files subseries contains material predating formal organization of the Council.
Collection: United States - China Business Council Records
Administrative Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, agenda, minutes, cables, printed materials, clippings, and reports that are most directly related to the activities of the National Council for United States-China Trade's president, vice president, and their support staff. The material relates to administrative matters such as organizing the office; setting policy, goals, and objectives for the Council; making arrangements and compiling materials for the board and general membership …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, minutes, printed materials, press releases, clippings, and reports that are most directly related to publications and research. Some of the materials concern the production and promotion of the "China Business Review" and the National Council for United States - China Trade's other publications concerning trade between the two countries. Other material concerns the preparation of speeches, articles, testimony, briefing books, and issues papers. The files reflect the work of Nicholas Ludlow, director of the Department.
The Administrative Files subseries relates to research and the development of publications, including summer interns, potential staff, and legislation affecting China trade. The Staff Files subseries relates to writing and research projects, but also to other Council activities. The Publications subseries contains copies of Council publications including annual reports, China Business Review, special reports, directories, and brochures. The China Business Review Background Files subseries relates to the production of each issue of the magazine. The Publications Staff Subject Files contain a reference file of materials relating to the major issues of China trade, especially in 1979. The Nicholas H. Ludlow Files document his role in providing assistance in writing articles, speeches, and testimony; attendance at conferences; and involvement with delegations.
Collection: United States - China Business Council Records
Publications and Research Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, minutes, printed materials, press releases, clippings, and reports that are most directly related to publications and research. Some of the materials concern the production and promotion of the "China Business Review" and the National Council for United States - China Trade's other publications concerning trade between the two countries. Other material concerns the preparation of speeches, articles, testimony, briefing books, …
This series contains material related to annual membership meetings, delegations, briefings, investment seminars, client studies, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, shipping issues and general trade issues. The Council changed its name from the National Council for US-China Trade to the US-China Business Council in 1988 and the series includes material from both organizations.
Collection: United States - China Business Council Records
China Business and Trade Files … This series contains material related to annual membership meetings, delegations, briefings, investment seminars, client studies, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, shipping issues and general trade issues. The Council changed its name from the National Council for US-China Trade to the US-China Business Council in 1988 and the series includes material from both …
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, speeches, scheduling proposals and logs, guest and invitation lists, programs, question and answer sheets, press releases, printed material, proposals and studies, resumes and recommendations. Topics include Office of Public Liaison functions and meetings with private sector individuals and interest group organizations, legislation, presidential personnel appointments, and private sector research.
Collection: Wayne H. Valis Files
Wayne Valis' Subject Files … This series contains correspondence, memoranda, speeches, scheduling proposals and logs, guest and invitation lists, programs, question and answer sheets, press releases, printed material, proposals and studies, resumes and recommendations. Topics include Office of Public Liaison functions and meetings with private sector individuals and interest group organizations, legislation, presidential personnel appointments, and private sector …
This series contains carbon copies of outgoing letters drafted by Nancy Howe (First Lady Betty Ford's personal assistant), and Elizabeth O'Neill's predecessors: Marba Perrott (director of correspondence) and Thomas McCoy (acting director of correspondence). The materials concern the First Lady and issues of interest to her.
Collection: Elizabeth M. O'Neill Files
Nancy Howe, Marba Perrott, and Thomas McCoy's Chronological Files … This series contains carbon copies of outgoing letters drafted by Nancy Howe (First Lady Betty Ford's personal assistant), and Elizabeth O'Neill's predecessors: Marba Perrott (director of correspondence) and Thomas McCoy (acting director of correspondence). The materials concern the First Lady and issues of interest to …