Displaying 1251 - 1260 of 1890 results
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Collection: Commission on Central Intelligence Agency Activities within the United States Files (Ford Administration)
William Schwarzer's and George Manfredi's Files …
Collection: Commission on Central Intelligence Agency Activities within the United States Files (Ford Administration)
MHCHAOS Exhibits …
This series contains James Cannon's memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford and members of the White House staff, meeting notes, schedules, occasional correspondence with the public and Republican officials, press releases, and newspaper clippings. This series concerns Republican Party political affairs during the Ford administration, especially President Ford's election campaign in 1976. Included is material on Cannon's activities with the campaign issues group and the White House coordinators group.
Collection: James M. Cannon Files (Ford Administration)
James Cannon's Political Files … This series contains James Cannon's memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford and members of the White House staff, meeting notes, schedules, occasional correspondence with the public and Republican officials, press releases, and newspaper clippings. This series concerns Republican Party political affairs during the Ford administration, especially President Ford's election campaign in 1976. Included is material on Cannon's activities with the campaign issues group and the …
This series contains James Cannon's memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, the White House staff, and the Domestic Council staff; briefing papers; meeting notes; agenda; and resumes. This series concerns Cannon's meetings on domestic affairs with his staff, the President, Cabinet members, members of Congress, businessmen, labor leaders, lobbyists, persons seeking jobs with the Domestic Council and others. The meetings held most frequently include those of the Domestic Council staff, the White House senior staff, a legislative liaison group, and the Economic Policy Board. While many files in this series contain little material or were received empty, those concerning the Economic Policy Board generally contain minutes of meetings and copies of policy papers discussed at the meetings.
Collection: James M. Cannon Files (Ford Administration)
James Cannon's Meetings Files … This series contains James Cannon's memoranda to and from President Gerald Ford, the White House staff, and the Domestic Council staff; briefing papers; meeting notes; agenda; and resumes. This series concerns Cannon's meetings on domestic affairs with his staff, the President, Cabinet members, members of Congress, businessmen, labor leaders, lobbyists, persons seeking jobs with the Domestic Council and others. The meetings held most frequently include those of the Domestic …
This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, articles, statements, reports, copy letters, schedule proposals, agendas, talking points, questions and answers, notes, press releases, and other items concerning Federal government involvement with the control of drug abuse. Included is information on the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention. Some transmittals are to and from his supervisor Geoffrey Shepard.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's Drug Abuse Subject Files … This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, articles, statements, reports, copy letters, schedule proposals, agendas, talking points, questions and answers, notes, press releases, and other items concerning Federal government involvement with the control of drug abuse. Included is information on the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention. Some transmittals are to and from his supervisor Geoffrey …
This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, reports, correspondence, articles, press releases, notes, statements, occasional questions and answers, and Congressional documents. The series concerns telecommunications policy and the Office of Telecommunications Policy (OTP). Major topics included cable television, Citizens Band (CB) radios, telephone systems, and a study of the OTP. Correspondents include Domestic Council staff members Geoffrey Shepard, Richard Parsons, and James Cannon; Paul W. MacAvoy of the Council of Economic Advisors; and various officials of the OTP.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's Office of Telecommunications Policy Subject Files … This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, reports, correspondence, articles, press releases, notes, statements, occasional questions and answers, and Congressional documents. The series concerns telecommunications policy and the Office of Telecommunications Policy (OTP). Major topics included cable television, Citizens Band (CB) radios, telephone systems, and a study of the OTP. Correspondents include Domestic Council staff members Geoffrey …
This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, press releases, fact sheets, articles, reports, bills, statements, Congressional documents, occasional schedule proposals, agendas, and other materials. The series concerns postal matters and the organization, operation, and legislative history of the U.S. Postal Service.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
Lynn May's Postal Service Subject Files … This series contains Lynn May's memoranda, press releases, fact sheets, articles, reports, bills, statements, Congressional documents, occasional schedule proposals, agendas, and other materials. The series concerns postal matters and the organization, operation, and legislative history of the U.S. Postal …
This series contains copies of correspondence and memoranda produced by George T. Kidd in his role as an assistant to Lynn May. The series concerns disaster relief, telecommunications, postal matters, and the General Services Administration.
Collection: F. Lynn May Files
George Kidd's Chronological Files … This series contains copies of correspondence and memoranda produced by George T. Kidd in his role as an assistant to Lynn May. The series concerns disaster relief, telecommunications, postal matters, and the General Services …
This series consists of the original audio recordings that are associated with the Naval Photographic Center (NPC) films that mostly document ceremonial and other events during the presidential administration of Gerald R. Ford.
Collection: Naval Photographic Center Film (Ford Administration)
Audio Recordings for Motion Picture Films of Presidential Events … This series consists of the original audio recordings that are associated with the Naval Photographic Center (NPC) films that mostly document ceremonial and other events during the presidential administration of Gerald R. …
Collection: Maria A. Downs Files (Ford Administration)
Maria Downs' Decor Files …