Displaying 1151 - 1160 of 1890 results
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The series contains incoming letters, carbon copies of responses, inter-office memos, and letters not answered. The letters are mostly addressed to President Gerald R. Ford and are personal in nature, but include some 1976 presidential campaign correspondence, invitations, and a list of attendees for the swearing-in ceremony.
Collection: Mildred V. Leonard Files (Ford Administration)
Mildred Leonard's Subject Files … The series contains incoming letters, carbon copies of responses, inter-office memos, and letters not answered. The letters are mostly addressed to President Gerald R. Ford and are personal in nature, but include some 1976 presidential campaign correspondence, invitations, and a list of attendees for the swearing-in …
The series contains incoming letters, carbon copies of responses, inter-office memos, and letters not answered. The letters are mostly addressed to President Gerald R. Ford and are personal in nature, but include some 1976 presidential campaign correspondence, invitations, and a list of attendees for the swearing-in ceremony.
This series contains letters, memoranda, newsletters, diagrams, calendars, schedules, trip checklists, telephone listings, and White House Advance Office manuals that document Presidential trip advanceman roles and responsibilities.
Collection: Robin B. Martin Papers
Administrative Files … This series contains letters, memoranda, newsletters, diagrams, calendars, schedules, trip checklists, telephone listings, and White House Advance Office manuals that document Presidential trip advanceman roles and responsibilities. …
This series contains letters, memoranda, newsletters, diagrams, calendars, schedules, trip checklists, telephone listings, and White House Advance Office manuals that document Presidential trip advanceman roles and responsibilities.
This series consists of audio recordings of the HELP? public service radio series and of Virginia Knauer's appearance on the Today Show on April 9, 1969, as well as photographs relating to Knauer's work on consumer affairs. Some of the materials relate to her work in this field during the Richard Nixon administration.
Collection: Virginia H. Knauer Files (Ford Administration)
Audiovisual Materials … This series consists of audio recordings of the HELP? public service radio series and of Virginia Knauer's appearance on the Today Show on April 9, 1969, as well as photographs relating to Knauer's work on consumer affairs. Some of the materials relate to her work in this field during the Richard Nixon …
This series consists of audio recordings of the HELP? public service radio series and of Virginia Knauer's appearance on the Today Show on April 9, 1969, as well as photographs relating to Knauer's work on consumer affairs. Some of the materials relate to her work in this field during the Richard Nixon administration.
This series contains James Connors' copies of announcements, memoranda, agenda suggestions, agendas, talking points, attendance lists and background papers from all but a few Cabinet meetings, including two cancelled meetings. It also includes Warren Rustand's minutes for most meetings from October 1974 to October 1975.
Collection: James E. Connor Files
Cabinet Meetings Files … This series contains James Connors' copies of announcements, memoranda, agenda suggestions, agendas, talking points, attendance lists and background papers from all but a few Cabinet meetings, including two cancelled meetings. It also includes Warren Rustand's minutes for most meetings from October 1974 to October …
This series contains James Connors' copies of announcements, memoranda, agenda suggestions, agendas, talking points, attendance lists and background papers from all but a few Cabinet meetings, including two cancelled meetings. It also includes Warren Rustand's minutes for most meetings from October 1974 to October 1975.
Collection: President's Handwriting Files (Ford Administration)
President's Handwriting Chronological Files …
This series contains agendas and minutes for most, but not all, of the 39 National Security Council meetings held during President Gerald Ford's administration. Topics discussed include: the Middle East peace negotiations, aid to Israel, Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT), the Vietnam War, Panama Canal Treaty negotiations, the Helsinki Agreements, Angola, American-Soviet relations, military readiness, Southern Africa, and the investigations of Federal Government intelligence operations by Congress in 1975. The minutes also reflect relations between various members of President Ford's cabinet and advisors.
Collection: National Security Council Meetings Files (Ford Administration)
National Security Council Meetings Files from the Ford Administration … This series contains agendas and minutes for most, but not all, of the 39 National Security Council meetings held during President Gerald Ford's administration. Topics discussed include: the Middle East peace negotiations, aid to Israel, Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT), the Vietnam War, Panama Canal Treaty negotiations, the Helsinki Agreements, Angola, American-Soviet relations, military readiness, Southern Africa, and the …
This series contains agendas and minutes for most, but not all, of the 39 National Security Council meetings held during President Gerald Ford's administration. Topics discussed include: the Middle East peace negotiations, aid to Israel, Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT), the Vietnam War, Panama Canal Treaty negotiations, the Helsinki Agreements, Angola, American-Soviet relations, military readiness, Southern Africa, and the investigations of Federal Government intelligence operations by Congress in 1975. The minutes also reflect relations between various members of President Ford's cabinet and advisors.
This series contains material prepared for and by President Gerald R. Ford's National Security Adviser and National Security Council staff. Memoranda, reports, briefing papers, schedule proposals, and telegrams make up the bulk of the series.
Many significant foreign policy events are covered in these files. Among these are the wars and their aftermath in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; seizure of the ship "Mayaguez" and subsequent investigations into the administration's handling of the incident; and the normalization process for relations with the People's Republic of China. Other major topics are U.S. military bases and the presence of American troops, especially in Thailand, Philippines, Diego Garcia, Republic of China (Taiwan) and North and South Korea. General topics covered throughout the collection include trade, arms transfers, mutual defense agreements, and meetings between American and foreign leaders.
Documents concerning President Ford's trips to the region are also available. The President visited Japan and Korea in 1974, and the People's Republic of China, Indonesia, and the Philippines in 1975.
In addition, materials on the following countries appear: Australia, Brunei, Burma, Fiji, Guam, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, and Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands.
State Department telegrams provide an interesting look at international relations and communications between officials in Washington and staff at embassies throughout the region. They are valuable for on-the-scene current reporting and analyses of conversations and events.
Collection: Presidential Country Files for East Asia and the Pacific (Ford Administration)
East Asia and Pacific Country Files … This series contains material prepared for and by President Gerald R. Ford's National Security Adviser and National Security Council staff. Memoranda, reports, briefing papers, schedule proposals, and telegrams make up the bulk of the series. Many significant foreign policy events are covered in these files. Among these are the wars and their aftermath in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; seizure of the ship "Mayaguez" and subsequent investigations into the administration's …
This series contains material prepared for and by President Gerald R. Ford's National Security Adviser and National Security Council staff. Memoranda, reports, briefing papers, schedule proposals, and telegrams make up the bulk of the series.
Many significant foreign policy events are covered in these files. Among these are the wars and their aftermath in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; seizure of the ship "Mayaguez" and subsequent investigations into the administration's handling of the incident; and the normalization process for relations with the People's Republic of China. Other major topics are U.S. military bases and the presence of American troops, especially in Thailand, Philippines, Diego Garcia, Republic of China (Taiwan) and North and South Korea. General topics covered throughout the collection include trade, arms transfers, mutual defense agreements, and meetings between American and foreign leaders.
Documents concerning President Ford's trips to the region are also available. The President visited Japan and Korea in 1974, and the People's Republic of China, Indonesia, and the Philippines in 1975.
In addition, materials on the following countries appear: Australia, Brunei, Burma, Fiji, Guam, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, and Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands.
State Department telegrams provide an interesting look at international relations and communications between officials in Washington and staff at embassies throughout the region. They are valuable for on-the-scene current reporting and analyses of conversations and events.
This series consists of material were collected in an album to memorialize President Richard Nixon’s second inauguration on January 20, 1973 and the work of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, of which Gerald Ford was a member. The series includes invitations, printed images of President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew, President’s platform seating diagram, an Inauguration Ceremonies program, tickets, Inauguration luncheon program, an automobile police pass, news clippings, legislation, and copies of correspondence and a press release from the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.
Collection: Gerald and Betty Ford Special Materials
1973 Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Album … This series consists of material were collected in an album to memorialize President Richard Nixon’s second inauguration on January 20, 1973 and the work of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, of which Gerald Ford was a member. The series includes invitations, printed images of President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew, President’s platform seating diagram, an Inauguration Ceremonies program, tickets, …
This series consists of material were collected in an album to memorialize President Richard Nixon’s second inauguration on January 20, 1973 and the work of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, of which Gerald Ford was a member. The series includes invitations, printed images of President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew, President’s platform seating diagram, an Inauguration Ceremonies program, tickets, Inauguration luncheon program, an automobile police pass, news clippings, legislation, and copies of correspondence and a press release from the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.
Collection: Judith Fink Papers
Photographs and Visual Materials …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, press releases, speech drafts, reading copies of speeches, travel documents and receipts, and brochures pertaining primarily to Alexander Schmidt’s speeches on a variety of food and drug-related issues before governmental and private interest groups during his career in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and in academia. Also included are files for meetings and conferences attended by Schmidt when not making a speech.
Collection: Alexander M. Schmidt Papers
Speech and Conference Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, press releases, speech drafts, reading copies of speeches, travel documents and receipts, and brochures pertaining primarily to Alexander Schmidt’s speeches on a variety of food and drug-related issues before governmental and private interest groups during his career in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and in academia. Also included are files for meetings and conferences attended by …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, press releases, speech drafts, reading copies of speeches, travel documents and receipts, and brochures pertaining primarily to Alexander Schmidt’s speeches on a variety of food and drug-related issues before governmental and private interest groups during his career in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and in academia. Also included are files for meetings and conferences attended by Schmidt when not making a speech.