Displaying 1121 - 1130 of 1890 results
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This series contains files on subjects pertaining mostly to the day-to-day work of the Presidential Personnel Office. The files include reports on Federal non-career hiring and Federal employment statistics, office procedures and forms, and correspondence with potential Presidential appointees, confirmed appointees, and their references.
Collection: Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration)
Operations Subject Files … This series contains files on subjects pertaining mostly to the day-to-day work of the Presidential Personnel Office. The files include reports on Federal non-career hiring and Federal employment statistics, office procedures and forms, and correspondence with potential Presidential appointees, confirmed appointees, and their …
This series contains files on subjects pertaining mostly to the day-to-day work of the Presidential Personnel Office. The files include reports on Federal non-career hiring and Federal employment statistics, office procedures and forms, and correspondence with potential Presidential appointees, confirmed appointees, and their references.
This series contains letters and memoranda, mostly incoming to Roderick Hills. Some correspondence from notable government officials appears, including Anne Armstrong and Senator Edward Kennedy. The series contains material that is often personal in nature (e.g., congratulatory letters received upon his appointment or letters requesting or recommending other governmental appointments).
Collection: Roderick M. Hills Papers
White House Correspondence Files … This series contains letters and memoranda, mostly incoming to Roderick Hills. Some correspondence from notable government officials appears, including Anne Armstrong and Senator Edward Kennedy. The series contains material that is often personal in nature (e.g., congratulatory letters received upon his appointment or letters requesting or recommending other governmental …
This series contains letters and memoranda, mostly incoming to Roderick Hills. Some correspondence from notable government officials appears, including Anne Armstrong and Senator Edward Kennedy. The series contains material that is often personal in nature (e.g., congratulatory letters received upon his appointment or letters requesting or recommending other governmental appointments).
This series contains personnel resumes and recommendations, various Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reports, clippings, printed materials and conference reports. Included are articles and reports published by various committees and associations, such as the American Bar Association, the American Assembly, and American Society of International Law. Although the series contains material about the SEC and securities-related matters handled by the Commission, it does not contain much that illustrates Roderick Hills' duties or accomplishments as SEC Chairman.
Collection: Roderick M. Hills Papers
Securities and Exchange Commission Subject Files … This series contains personnel resumes and recommendations, various Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reports, clippings, printed materials and conference reports. Included are articles and reports published by various committees and associations, such as the American Bar Association, the American Assembly, and American Society of International Law. Although the series contains material about the SEC and securities-related matters handled by the …
This series contains personnel resumes and recommendations, various Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reports, clippings, printed materials and conference reports. Included are articles and reports published by various committees and associations, such as the American Bar Association, the American Assembly, and American Society of International Law. Although the series contains material about the SEC and securities-related matters handled by the Commission, it does not contain much that illustrates Roderick Hills' duties or accomplishments as SEC Chairman.
This series contains speeches, correspondence, printed materials and conference reports concerning Roderick Hills' speeches and trips. The speeches are usually draft reading copies or formal transcripts of Hills' statements concerning economic and finance issues, a large focus of which is the role of federal regulation in the securities industry. Speeches span from Hills' time as Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman to many years after, when he was still called upon to deliver advice and recommendations.
Collection: Roderick M. Hills Papers
Speeches … This series contains speeches, correspondence, printed materials and conference reports concerning Roderick Hills' speeches and trips. The speeches are usually draft reading copies or formal transcripts of Hills' statements concerning economic and finance issues, a large focus of which is the role of federal regulation in the securities industry. Speeches span from Hills' time as Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman to many years after, when he was still called upon to deliver advice and …
This series contains speeches, correspondence, printed materials and conference reports concerning Roderick Hills' speeches and trips. The speeches are usually draft reading copies or formal transcripts of Hills' statements concerning economic and finance issues, a large focus of which is the role of federal regulation in the securities industry. Speeches span from Hills' time as Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman to many years after, when he was still called upon to deliver advice and recommendations.
This series contains correspondence requesting special group tours of the White House, copies of group tour request forms filled out by the White House Tour Office, and group tour schedules and calendars.
Collection: Michael J. Farrell Files (Ford Administration)
Group Tours Files … This series contains correspondence requesting special group tours of the White House, copies of group tour request forms filled out by the White House Tour Office, and group tour schedules and calendars. …
This series contains correspondence requesting special group tours of the White House, copies of group tour request forms filled out by the White House Tour Office, and group tour schedules and calendars.
This series contains White House Historical Association tour guides and other monographs.
Collection: Michael J. Farrell Files (Ford Administration)
Publications … This series contains White House Historical Association tour guides and other monographs. …
This series contains White House Historical Association tour guides and other monographs.
This series contains condolence books collected by federal government organizations, including Blair House, Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, US Congress, US Department of State/United Nations, US Supreme Court, and the White House.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Funeral Materials
Condolence Books from Federal Government Organizations … This series contains condolence books collected by federal government organizations, including Blair House, Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, US Congress, US Department of State/United Nations, US Supreme Court, and the White …
This series contains condolence books collected by federal government organizations, including Blair House, Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, US Congress, US Department of State/United Nations, US Supreme Court, and the White House.
This series contains condolence books from funeral homes and churches in California, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia. Included with the condolence books are prayer cards, mass enrollment cards, drawings, letters, notes, and clippings.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Funeral Materials
Condolence Books from Funeral Homes and Churches … This series contains condolence books from funeral homes and churches in California, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia. Included with the condolence books are prayer cards, mass enrollment cards, drawings, letters, notes, and …
This series contains condolence books from funeral homes and churches in California, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia. Included with the condolence books are prayer cards, mass enrollment cards, drawings, letters, notes, and clippings.
This series contains printed material covering the death of Gerald R. Ford and subsequent funeral ceremonies in California, Washington DC, and Michigan. Contents include print editions of Newsweek, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Desert Sun, and The Grand Rapids Press.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Funeral Materials
Publications … This series contains printed material covering the death of Gerald R. Ford and subsequent funeral ceremonies in California, Washington DC, and Michigan. Contents include print editions of Newsweek, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Desert Sun, and The Grand Rapids …
This series contains printed material covering the death of Gerald R. Ford and subsequent funeral ceremonies in California, Washington DC, and Michigan. Contents include print editions of Newsweek, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Desert Sun, and The Grand Rapids Press.
This series contains correspondence, publications, letters of recommendations for Presidential appointments to advisory committees and councils, congressional reports and recommendations, personnel files, employee evaluations, as well as U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare organizational and operational information.
Collection: William S. Ballenger Papers
General Files … This series contains correspondence, publications, letters of recommendations for Presidential appointments to advisory committees and councils, congressional reports and recommendations, personnel files, employee evaluations, as well as U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare organizational and operational …
This series contains correspondence, publications, letters of recommendations for Presidential appointments to advisory committees and councils, congressional reports and recommendations, personnel files, employee evaluations, as well as U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare organizational and operational information.