Displaying 1101 - 1110 of 1890 results
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This series consists of logs recording the use of White House badges by visitors, mostly vendors, contractors, press, and federal employees. The log includes the individual’s name, date of birth, and company, name of White House employee responsible for individual, badge number, and time signed in and out.
Collection: U.S. Secret Service. Executive Protective Service Collection (Ford Administration)
Badge Logs … This series consists of logs recording the use of White House badges by visitors, mostly vendors, contractors, press, and federal employees. The log includes the individual’s name, date of birth, and company, name of White House employee responsible for individual, badge number, and time signed in and …
This series consists of logs recording the use of White House badges by visitors, mostly vendors, contractors, press, and federal employees. The log includes the individual’s name, date of birth, and company, name of White House employee responsible for individual, badge number, and time signed in and out.
This series consists of photographs related to Anderson’s work as an assistant to Counsellor Robert Hartmann. Subjects include the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum; the Pacific Northwest; commemoration the Bicentennial of the U.S. Army; and various events attended by President Gerald R. Ford.
Collection: Gwen A. Anderson Files (Ford Administration)
Gwen Anderson's Photographs … This series consists of photographs related to Anderson’s work as an assistant to Counsellor Robert Hartmann. Subjects include the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum; the Pacific Northwest; commemoration the Bicentennial of the U.S. Army; and various events attended by President Gerald R. …
This series consists of photographs related to Anderson’s work as an assistant to Counsellor Robert Hartmann. Subjects include the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum; the Pacific Northwest; commemoration the Bicentennial of the U.S. Army; and various events attended by President Gerald R. Ford.
This series series consists of two photographs, one of Congressional candidate Grant P. Jones of California and the other of President Gerald R. Ford meeting with the Mayor of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Collection: John T. Calkins Files (Ford Administration)
John Calkins' Photographs … This series series consists of two photographs, one of Congressional candidate Grant P. Jones of California and the other of President Gerald R. Ford meeting with the Mayor of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. …
This series series consists of two photographs, one of Congressional candidate Grant P. Jones of California and the other of President Gerald R. Ford meeting with the Mayor of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
This series contains mainly internal memoranda and correspondence between William Baroody and other White House staff members in the Richard Nixon administration, although occasional notebooks, lists, speeches, and reports do appear. Common topics include the Watergate scandal, liaison with interest groups, the economy, women's issues and abortion, American Revolution Bicentennial, Veterans Administration, and foreign policy.
Collection: William J. Baroody Papers
Nixon Administration White House Staff Memoranda … This series contains mainly internal memoranda and correspondence between William Baroody and other White House staff members in the Richard Nixon administration, although occasional notebooks, lists, speeches, and reports do appear. Common topics include the Watergate scandal, liaison with interest groups, the economy, women's issues and abortion, American Revolution Bicentennial, Veterans Administration, and foreign …
This series contains mainly internal memoranda and correspondence between William Baroody and other White House staff members in the Richard Nixon administration, although occasional notebooks, lists, speeches, and reports do appear. Common topics include the Watergate scandal, liaison with interest groups, the economy, women's issues and abortion, American Revolution Bicentennial, Veterans Administration, and foreign policy.
This series contains carbon copies of outgoing correspondence primarily concerning White House liaison with interest groups.
Collection: William J. Baroody Papers
Nixon Administration White House Chronological Files … This series contains carbon copies of outgoing correspondence primarily concerning White House liaison with interest groups. …
This series contains carbon copies of outgoing correspondence primarily concerning White House liaison with interest groups.
This series contains mainly internal memoranda and correspondence between William Baroody and other White House staff members in the Gerald Ford administration. The materials primarily concern activities of the Public Liaison Office, White House liaison with interest groups, and Baroody's input on 1976 presidential campaign strategies and platforms.
Collection: William J. Baroody Papers
Ford Administration White House Staff Memoranda … This series contains mainly internal memoranda and correspondence between William Baroody and other White House staff members in the Gerald Ford administration. The materials primarily concern activities of the Public Liaison Office, White House liaison with interest groups, and Baroody's input on 1976 presidential campaign strategies and …
This series contains mainly internal memoranda and correspondence between William Baroody and other White House staff members in the Gerald Ford administration. The materials primarily concern activities of the Public Liaison Office, White House liaison with interest groups, and Baroody's input on 1976 presidential campaign strategies and platforms.
The series contains carbon copies of outgoing letters, memoranda, and trip schedules. Following trips by President Gerald Ford or First Lady Betty Ford, advancemen would submit requests to the Correspondence Office for letters of appreciation to people who had been helpful before or during the trip. Similarly, White House staff would request thank you letters for those who assisted with preparations for social events. Mary Fenton was responsible for preparing both types of thank you letters.
Collection: Roland L. Elliott Files (Ford Administration)
Roland Elliott's Files of Thank You Letters for Trips and White House Social Events … The series contains carbon copies of outgoing letters, memoranda, and trip schedules. Following trips by President Gerald Ford or First Lady Betty Ford, advancemen would submit requests to the Correspondence Office for letters of appreciation to people who had been helpful before or during the trip. Similarly, White House staff would request thank you letters for those who assisted with preparations for social events. …
The series contains carbon copies of outgoing letters, memoranda, and trip schedules. Following trips by President Gerald Ford or First Lady Betty Ford, advancemen would submit requests to the Correspondence Office for letters of appreciation to people who had been helpful before or during the trip. Similarly, White House staff would request thank you letters for those who assisted with preparations for social events. Mary Fenton was responsible for preparing both types of thank you letters.
The series contains carbon copies of letters, memoranda, and lists of names. The material relates to letters signed by President Gerald Ford that were sent to persons whose work resulted in saving government money or resources.
Collection: Roland L. Elliott Files (Ford Administration)
Roland Elliott's Files of Cost Savings Reduction Program Letters … The series contains carbon copies of letters, memoranda, and lists of names. The material relates to letters signed by President Gerald Ford that were sent to persons whose work resulted in saving government money or …
The series contains carbon copies of letters, memoranda, and lists of names. The material relates to letters signed by President Gerald Ford that were sent to persons whose work resulted in saving government money or resources.
The series contains acknowledgement cards for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or charitable contributions; form responses on issues; envelopes; and letter enclosures such as photographs, signature cards, copies of First Lady Betty Ford's recipes, House and Senate documents, White House publications explaining legislative vetoes by President Gerald Ford, and ceremonial proclamations he issued. These materials were used by Roland Elliott and his staff in responding to mail received by the White House.
Collection: Roland L. Elliott Files (Ford Administration)
Roland Elliott's Correspondence Enclosures and Supplies Files … The series contains acknowledgement cards for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or charitable contributions; form responses on issues; envelopes; and letter enclosures such as photographs, signature cards, copies of First Lady Betty Ford's recipes, House and Senate documents, White House publications explaining legislative vetoes by President Gerald Ford, and ceremonial proclamations he issued. These materials were used by Roland Elliott and …
The series contains acknowledgement cards for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or charitable contributions; form responses on issues; envelopes; and letter enclosures such as photographs, signature cards, copies of First Lady Betty Ford's recipes, House and Senate documents, White House publications explaining legislative vetoes by President Gerald Ford, and ceremonial proclamations he issued. These materials were used by Roland Elliott and his staff in responding to mail received by the White House.
This series contains memorandums, letters, spreadsheets, and other budget planning documents. The series documents the budget review process of the OMB during the two budget planning cycles of the Gerald R. Ford administration. The documents include materials related to the four main steps in the budget review process (Spring Planning Review, Director’s Review, Presidential Review, and Budget Appeal). Not all departments and agencies are represented within this series. Also, some smaller agencies are grouped under the budget analyst’s name, for example, “O’Neill’s Small Agencies.”
Collection: James T. Lynn Papers
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Budget Review Files … This series contains memorandums, letters, spreadsheets, and other budget planning documents. The series documents the budget review process of the OMB during the two budget planning cycles of the Gerald R. Ford administration. The documents include materials related to the four main steps in the budget review process (Spring Planning Review, Director’s Review, Presidential Review, and Budget Appeal). Not all departments and agencies are …
This series contains memorandums, letters, spreadsheets, and other budget planning documents. The series documents the budget review process of the OMB during the two budget planning cycles of the Gerald R. Ford administration. The documents include materials related to the four main steps in the budget review process (Spring Planning Review, Director’s Review, Presidential Review, and Budget Appeal). Not all departments and agencies are represented within this series. Also, some smaller agencies are grouped under the budget analyst’s name, for example, “O’Neill’s Small Agencies.”