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Collection: Paul A. Theis Papers
Campaign Management and Training Literature …
Collection: Paul A. Theis Papers
White House Weekly Presidential Mail Sample Reports …
This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda to and from other members of the White House staff. The memos cover many aspects of the work of the second Nixon administration, although the focus is on the areas in which Baroody was most involved - especially liaison with interest groups. Some material concerns the brief time when he served as a deputy to White House Counsellor Melvin Laird. The largest files are for Ken Clawson, H. R. Haldeman, Dick Howard, Jerry Jones, Bruce Kehrli, Dave Parker, and Dave Wimer.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Nixon Administration White House Staff Memoranda … This series contains William J. Baroody's memoranda to and from other members of the White House staff. The memos cover many aspects of the work of the second Nixon administration, although the focus is on the areas in which Baroody was most involved - especially liaison with interest groups. Some material concerns the brief time when he served as a deputy to White House Counsellor Melvin Laird. The largest files are for Ken Clawson, H. R. Haldeman, Dick …
This series consists of video recordings made or acquired by the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) that document news and public affairs broadcasts from the national television networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC); the public broadcast station WETA in Washington, DC; and various local station affiliates. Programs include news special reports, national presidential addresses and press conferences, local presidential events, guest interviews of administration officials, appearances of Ford family members, and all other major broadcasts involving the President Gerald R. Ford. They also document both Ford's and Nelson Rockefeller's Vice-Presidential confirmation hearings; the resignation of President Richard Nixon; the Nixon pardon announcement and the subsequent Hungate Committee hearings; the fall of Saigon and the end of U.S. involvement in Vietnam; much of the 1976 Republican National Convention; the Gerald Ford-Jimmy Carter campaign debates; and WHCA-created weekly compilation video recordings of selected stories from network evening news programs.
Collection: White House Communications Agency Video Recordings (Ford Administration)
Video Recordings of Public Affairs, News, and other Television Broadcasts … This series consists of video recordings made or acquired by the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) that document news and public affairs broadcasts from the national television networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC); the public broadcast station WETA in Washington, DC; and various local station affiliates. Programs include news special reports, national presidential addresses and press conferences, local presidential events, guest …
This series contains Michael Raoul-Duval's briefing and budget materials, miscellaneous printed materials, reports, memoranda and correspondence. Topics include transportation, energy policy, community development, and other issues. Some material, notably on community development issues and President Richard Nixon's trip to Poland, date from the Nixon administration.
Collection: Michael Raoul-Duval Files
Michael Raoul-Duval's General Subject Files … This series contains Michael Raoul-Duval's briefing and budget materials, miscellaneous printed materials, reports, memoranda and correspondence. Topics include transportation, energy policy, community development, and other issues. Some material, notably on community development issues and President Richard Nixon's trip to Poland, date from the Nixon …
This series primarily contains Michael Raoul-Duval's working reference files on the preparation of the 1976 Republican Party platform. Included are drafts by platform working groups and consultants, background research on issues, comments by White House staff, and memos and notes on platform negotiations among various party factions. Also included are miscellaneous suggestions on 1976 presidential campaign debate issues and strategy from staff and others.
Collection: Michael Raoul-Duval Files
Michael Raoul-Duval's Political Subject Files … This series primarily contains Michael Raoul-Duval's working reference files on the preparation of the 1976 Republican Party platform. Included are drafts by platform working groups and consultants, background research on issues, comments by White House staff, and memos and notes on platform negotiations among various party factions. Also included are miscellaneous suggestions on 1976 presidential campaign debate issues and strategy from staff and …
This series contains miscellaneous very small accessions of papers donated to the Library by various individuals. The materials concern Gerald Ford, his family, and his career.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection
Composite General Files … This series contains miscellaneous very small accessions of papers donated to the Library by various individuals. The materials concern Gerald Ford, his family, and his career. …
This series consists of motion picture film taken by the Naval Photographic Center (NPC) that document President Gerald R. Ford, mostly at ceremonial events and major news events. These events include bill signings, speeches, announcements, photo-opportunity events, press conferences, state dinners and entertainment, and some domestic and foreign trips. Also, in a few instances, the NPC filmed public events featuring First Lady Betty Ford or the Ford children. Many of the motion picture films were shot without audio accompaniment.
Collection: Naval Photographic Center Film (Ford Administration)
Motion Picture Film of Presidential Events … This series consists of motion picture film taken by the Naval Photographic Center (NPC) that document President Gerald R. Ford, mostly at ceremonial events and major news events. These events include bill signings, speeches, announcements, photo-opportunity events, press conferences, state dinners and entertainment, and some domestic and foreign trips. Also, in a few instances, the NPC filmed public events featuring First Lady Betty Ford or the Ford children. …
This series contains index cards of approximately 15,000 individuals who wrote to President Ford Committee (PFC) headquarters during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign and received a response from Committee staff. For each correspondent, the staff prepared an index card with the individual's address, date of response, and an annotation concerning the topic of the contact.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Correspondence Card Index … This series contains index cards of approximately 15,000 individuals who wrote to President Ford Committee (PFC) headquarters during Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign and received a response from Committee staff. For each correspondent, the staff prepared an index card with the individual's address, date of response, and an annotation concerning the topic of the …