Displaying 611 - 620 of 35248 results
Page 62 of 3525
... Scanned from the Kissinger Reports on USSR, China, and Middle East Discussions (Box 1 - Nov. 23-24, 1974 - Vladivostok Summit (1)) ~. at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library J --• ~ /SENSITIVE!XGDS VLADIVOSTOK SUMMIT ~ , ~. a j 1.1$ Memcons • "-ot\..;·...:~> ~.. I : .;t ~~ '- V November 23-24, 1974 \ The President ~SENSITIVE/XGDS .} "'"- ......... . .' ;' ..~ , .:.p OE::£ECi\E'I'/SENSTTTVE /XGDS ~ V l:!.::);P I VOST OK.2~n\;tf:-'UT No~mber ~}-241 1974 MEMCONS , Tab 1. 2:30 p. In. Sat•• Nov. 23. …
Scanned from Reading Copies of Presidential Speeches and Statements (Box 3 - Nov. 24, 1974, Remarks upon returning from trip to Japan, Rep. of Korea & USSR, Andrews Air Force Base) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THANK YOU ALL FOR COMI NG OUT TON I GHT TO WELCOME US. - SI NCE I LEFT WASHI NGTON EI GHT DAYS AGO, 1HAVE TRAVELLED SOME 17 THOU SAN DMI LES FOR PEACE AND NOT A SINGLE STEP - TOWARD WAR. - IA EVERY ONE OF THOSE MI LES WAS WORTHWHI LE. BUT, AS ~ALWAYS ~WHEN WE RETURN TO OUR OWN LAND, MY …
Scanned from the White House Press Release Unit (Box 4B - Nov. 23-26, 1974) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UNTIL 7:00 P. M. LOCAL TIME (4:00 .A. M. EST) NOVEMBER 2.4, 1974 Office of the White House Prese Secretary (Vladivostok, U. s. S. R) --------~--------------------------------------------- -------------- During their working meeting in the area of Vladivostok on November 23-24, 1974, the President of the USA Gerald R. Ford and General Secretary ot the Central Committee …