Displaying 4281 - 4290 of 35248 results
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Appendix IV Biographical Information Acknowledgements and Members of Commission The Honorable Xrlson A. Rockefeller, Vice President of the United States: was graduated from Dartmouth College with a B.A. degree in 1930, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Vice President Rockefeller \vas elected Governor of Kew York in 1958 and was reclcctcd in 1962, 1966 and 1970. In 19?3, he resigned to organize the Coniniission on Critical Choices for Americans and to serve as its Chairman. From 1940-K he served as …
Chapter 3 Summaq of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations As directed by the President, the Commission has investigated the role and authority of the CIA, the adequacy of the internal controls and external supervision of the Agency, and its significant domestic activities that raise questions of compliance with the ,limits on its statutory authority. This chapter summarizes the findings and conclusions of the Commission and sets forth its recommendations. A. Summary of Charges and Findings The initial …
Chapter 15 Domestic Activities of the Directorate of Operations ‘I’ll~ T> irectornte of Operations is the CL1 component with primary responsibility for the collection of foreign intelligence overseas and for the conduct of other covert operations outside of the I-nited States. In support of these missions, the Directorate engages in a variety of a&\-ities within the T-nited States. The major domestic activities of the Directorate, including those which raise questions of compliance with the -1gency’s …
Part I Summary of the Investigation … Part I Summary of the Investigation …
. ' ., ' ,. • WELCOME . ................................................................ ........ ......... Charlton Heston NATIONAL ANTHEM .. ............... .... .................. .... ..... U.S. Armed Forces Bicentennial Band Chorus INVOCATION . .' ................................................................. John Cardinal Krol, D.D., J.C.D. Archbishop of Philadelphia PAGEANT OF FLAGS ......... .. ....... .. ................................. . .... Larry Kane, News Commentator Girl Scouts of …
lc_ DRAFT JOINT COMMUNIQUE BETWEEN PRIME MINISTER KAKUEI TANAKA AND PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD November 20, 1974 I President Ford of the United States of America paid an official visit to Japan between November 18 and 22 at the invitation of the Government of Japan. President Ford met Their Majesties The Emperor and Empress of Japan at the Imperial Palance on November 19. II Prime Minister Tanaka and President Ford held discussions on November 19 and 20 concerning matters of interest to both countries, and …
MEMORA NDUM 1947 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTO N INFORM ATION MEMORA NDUM FOR THE PRESIDE NT FROM: Henry A. Kissinge r SUBJECT : Impact of European Security Conferen ce on Baltic States Members of the Baltic America n Commun ity have recently been seeking reaffirma tion of the United States' policy toward the Baltic States, believing such reaffirma tion is importan t on the eve of the European Security Conferen ce. This memoran dum addresse d the questions you have raised on this subject. The anticipat ed …
(Outside System.) MEl\ ORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINOTOK ':FOF &: ECR~! /SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY ME .~.ORANDUM FOR INFORMATION THE PRESIDENT FRG.1: Henry A. Kissinger SUBJECT: Leonid Brezhnev: The Man and His Style By yay of background information for your Vladivostok visit, this memorandum seeks to capture the flavor and style of General Secretary LeoPid Brezhnev. It is based both on my encounters with Brezhnev and on OTlJ" observations of his interaction with other leading Soviet officials. The Personal …
.. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEETING WITH NATO HEADS OF GOVERNMENT Thurs~ay, May 29, 1975 4:30p.m. (90 minutes) Friday, May 30, 1975 10:00 a.m. (two sessions concluding at 4:30 p.m.) NATO Headquarters Brussels, Belgium From: I. Henry A. Kissinger PURPOSE You will be meeting with the NATO Heads of Government in Brussels to reaffirm Allied solidarity, to discuss the challenges conlrontiug the Alliance and to identify the steps required both to maintain the strength of the Alliance and to achieve priority …