Displaying 4041 - 4050 of 35248 results
Page 405 of 3525
Gerald R. Ford Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review FY 13 2nd Quarter January - March 2013 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.80 per page Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Document Identification Date # Pages International Economic Affairs Staff Files 10 August 1976 (2) Memo Hormats to Scowcroft re NSSM 237 and US Energy Policy 8/9/1976 1 International Economic Affairs Staff Files 10 August 1976 (2) Memo Hormats to …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review April - June 2012 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.75 per page. Contact: Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Document Identification Date # Pages Barry Roth Files 2 Helms and Chile (3) Scowcroft to Kissinger re White House Involvement in Chilean Election 3/28/1973 4 Memo Marsh to President + Attachments re Senate Select Committee …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum One Click History NASA Then and Now Activity The goal of this activity is to use primary source materials for research, content, and understanding. Linked are four documents, each looking toward the future of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Have students read each document, completing a Document Analysis Worksheet (linked) for all three. Follow this with a class discussion centered on the differences and similarities in the United States space …
Amending The Constitution Pre-Visit Activities A Program for 8th Grade Students Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Pre-Visit Preparation Key Vocabulary Abridged Amendment Amendment Process Basic Freedoms Bill of Rights Cabinet Confirm Constitution Declaration of Independence Equality Executive Branch Individual Rights Legislative Branch Liberty Nominate President President Pro-tempore Ratify Representative Resign Scandal Senator Student Stations Station 1: The 25th Amendment Station 2: The Equal Rights …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Field Trip Reservation Form Name of School Street Address: Area Code/Phone Number: PLEASE NOTE: Fax Number: Teacher’s Name: • All students visiting the Museum as part of an organized school visit are admitted free of charge, as are the 10:1 required number of adult chaperones. For every 10 students, we require 1 adult chaperone. • Docent-led tours require 2 weeks prior notice and are limited to classes of 30 or less. • For more than 75 students, consider requesting a …
Date: 03011975 Day: SATURDAY Timein: Timeout: Phone: Activity: A complete record of the President's activities was not available for the Daily Diary. Date: 03011975 Day: SATURDAY Timein: 10:00 Timeout: 10:03 Phone: P Activity: The President talked with Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs, Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft. Date: 03021975 Day: SUNDAY Timein: Timeout: Phone: Activity: A completed record of the President's activities was not available for the Daily Diary. Date: 03021975 Day: SUNDAY Timein: …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Planning Your Field Trip Reservation Form Name of School Street Address: Area Code/Phone Number: Fax Number: Teacher’s Name: PLEASE NOTE E-mail Address: Docent-guided tours are limited to classes of 30 or less. Please contact the Museum at least two weeks prior to your visit. Number of Students: Grade Level: For self-guided tours of groups larger than 75 students, we suggest you divide the students into smaller groups for maximum efficiency. An example of a large class …
PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVES ISSUED AT THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ON MAY AGUEZ INCIDENT National Security Council Meeting (draft minutes Tab A) Monday, May 12, 1975: 12:05 - 12:50 p.m. During the course of the NSC meeting the President issued the following directives: We will issue a strong public statement within an hour or so. Let us not tell Congress that we will do anything militarily since we have not decided [yet]. We should turn the Coral Sea around; get a task force assembled at Subic Bay …