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Textual Collection Subject Guides Summaries of collections on selected topics are linked from the list below. The summaries are current to the date shown. None of the summaries are as detailed, current, or comprehensive as the search reports available upon request from our internal PRESNET description database. Economic Policy (2012) Energy Policy (2012) National Security Adviser Files (2012) 1976 Presidential Campaign (2012) Richard Nixon Presidency (2007) Science and Technology (2005) U.S.-China …
Core Collection on the Presidency of Richard Nixon August 2007 Many Ford Library collections contain substantive materials from the presidency of Richard M. Nixon. The more notable are cited and summarized below. This summary does not include files that concern Nixon after he left the presidency, such as those relating to the Nixon pardon, disposition of the Nixon papers, or transition expenditures. Anyone is welcome to use these collections, and Library staff can provide assistance in finding material on …
Exhibits The permanent exhibition galleries at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan, allow visitors to explore key moments in President Gerald R. Ford and First Lady Betty Ford's lives and careers. Visitors learn about the impact of democratic citizenship through visually captivating displays and models, archival photography, sculptures, clothing, and other exhibits. Visitors can also visit a temporary exhibit gallery, which features a changing array of temporary and traveling …
Frequently Asked Questions Expand All Collapse All Who may use the Ford Library's research collections? Anyone may use the Ford Library's research collections. Scholars, mass media production staff, teachers, journalists, schoolchildren, attorneys, current government officials, and interested citizens are typical users by email, mail, and telephone. On-site users are typically less diverse, but all are welcome. Most on-site are faculty and students pursuing academic projects. On-site researchers under the …
Selected Documents on the 1976 Presidential Campaign The Ford Library has extensive holdings concerning the 1976 presidential campaign from both Gerald R. Ford's White House papers and the records of the President Ford Committee, the president's campaign committee. The Library's holdings on this topic are described in more detail in the handout Core Collections on the 1976 Presidential Campaign . The items below are but a small selection of the Library's holdings. They are arranged chronologically from …
Nixon Pardon A0627-8A. President Ford announcing his pardon of Richard Nixon from the Oval Office. September 8, 1974. President Ford announcing his pardon of Richard Nixon from the Oval Office, September 8, 1974. The Watergate scandal erupted after it was revealed that President Richard Nixon and his aides had engaged in illegal activities during his 1972 reelection campaign - and then attempted to cover up evidence of wrongdoing. With impeachment proceedings underway against him in Congress, Nixon bowed …
These media photo kits contain a total of over 100 images. Four of the galleries cover Gerald Ford's life from the age of 10 months through his youth, college, military, congress, his service as the nation's 38th President, and some events of his post-presidential years. An additional gallery contains images from Betty Ford's life, covering events from her childhood through 2006. All of the photos are in the public domain and require no special permission or usage fees. When images are used, please credit …
Pets VIEW GALLERY Ford Family Pets Liberty How the Fords Got Liberty (from President Ford's memoir A Time to Heal (Harper & Row, 1979), pp. 192-193) … our family didn't have a dog when we moved into the White House. Susan [the Fords' daughter] and David [David Kennerly, the White House photographer] thought that situation should be rectified before Betty [Mrs. Ford] came home from the hospital. Without telling me his intention, David did some research and discovered that a fine retriever had recently …
The Ford Library has extensive audiovisual holdings in many formats. Most items are among the historical materials donated to the U.S. Government by President Ford, but material has come from many other sources as well. The audiovisual reference staff can help you find and purchase copies of what you need. Much of the Library's audiovisual holdings, including all White House-produced photographs, motion picture films, and audiotapes, are in the public domain. Other material, such as donated items and White …
Topic Guides Interested in specific topics? Topic guides combine resources from the Archives, as well as museum and audiovisual collections, and more to help students, researchers, educators, and others focus on materials for their areas of interest. Each topic page includes an Archival Research Guide. Topics include Operation Babylift, The Nixon Pardon, Helsinki Accords, the Vietnam War, and more. Check back for new topic guides as more materials are processed and digitized. B1037-16A. President Ford at …
Review-for-Access Queue Several Library manuscript collections contain folders that require significant advance consultation with an archivist before materials can be released. These folders are in collections that are well-arranged and have accurate public finding aids, but Library staff have not reviewed folder contents for privacy, national security, or other restrictable information. Individual folders that require this review are identified on the collection finding aids as being “Closed” (rather …
Gerald R. Ford Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Gerald R. Ford Scroll Down Museum Grand Rapids, Michigan Hours Monday - Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday: 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Plan Your Visit Museum Grand Rapids, MI Map Library Ann Arbor, Michigan Hours Monday - Friday: 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Research by appointment only. Plan Your Visit Ann Arbor, MI Map Timeline of President Ford's Life and Career Timeline of Elizabeth (Betty) Bloomer Ford's Life and Career …
Bibliography The list below is a selection of published books, articles, and other media containing information about Mrs. Ford’s life and her role as First Lady. Anthony, Carl Sferrazza. First Ladies: The Saga of the Presidents' Wives and their Power, 1961-1990. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1991. " Betty Ford: The Real Deal " MacNeill/Lehrer Productions, 2009 (DVD). Black, Allida M. The First Ladies of the United States of America. Washington, DC: The White House Historical …
Quotes “He [Gerald R. Ford, Sr.] and Mother had three rules: tell the truth, work hard, and come to dinner on time—and woe unto any of us who violated those rules.” From President Ford's memoir, A Time to Heal 1979 “I am not a saint, and I am sure I have done things I might have done better or differently, or not at all. I have also left undone things that I should have done. But I believe and hope that I have been honest with myself and with others, that I have been faithful to my friends and fair to …
White House Photographic Office: The Photographers gerlads-photographers The White House Photo Office had its origins in the 1960s, when President Lyndon Johnson appointed Yoichi Okamoto as his personal photographer. Prior to that, photographers attached to the National Park Service or the Naval Photographic Center had photographed the activities of the President. Gerald Ford had an open policy when it came to documenting his presidency photographically. One of the first positions filled in his White House …
A Day in the Life of the President This exhibit allows the viewer to examine the daily diary (a log of the President Gerald R. Ford's meetings and activities) for April 28, 1975. By selecting links from certain activities, you can view documentation (documents, photographs, and even a short video clip) on them. Among other events on that day, the President spoke to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on regulatory reform, ordered the evacuation of the last Americans from South Vietnam, and posed for photographs …
Past Exhibits Current Exhibits Upcoming Exhibits Past Exhibits Online Exhibits There are no past exhibits, browse the Online exhibits below. …
Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award (Dissertation Award) in Honor of Robert M. Teeter Purpose The Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter is an annual award of $5,000 given to a doctoral student to support dissertation research and writing in any field related to any aspect of the United States political process and public policy during the last half of the 20th century. Of special interest is the role and analysis of public opinion in that process. The Selection Committee encourages …
Gerald and Betty Ford's White House Trips and Events The Library has digitzed several documents providing details on the daily activities and travel of the President and First Lady: Presidential Travel Records (Report including such details as miles traveled and hours away from Washington) Table of Contents Trips by State Trips by Country Trip Details, 1974 Trip Details, 1975 Trip Details, 1976 Presidential Daily Diary (Detailed log of meetings, activities, and telephone calls) First Lady Trips (List of …
President Ford's Briefing Book for Meeting with Chairman Mao The briefing book contains the following documents to prepare President Gerald Ford for his meeting with Mao. It was digitized from Box 19 of the collection "National Security Adviser. Trip Briefing Books and Cables for President Ford. Talking Paper for Your Meeting with Chairman Mao Mao Tse-tung's Personal Style and Political Views (Not yet open to research) Mao Tse-tung and the Party Debate on a Strategy for China's National Development Mao …