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A3860-28A. President Ford carries a Vietnamese baby from “Clipper 1742," one of the Operation Babylift planes that transported approximately 325 South Vietnamese orphans from Saigon to the United States. San Francisco International Airport. April 5, 1975. A3860-28A. President Ford carries a Vietnamese baby from “Clipper 1742," one of the Operation Babylift planes that transported approximately 325 South Vietnamese orphans from Saigon to the United States. San Francisco International Airport. April 5, 1975. …
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The Fords Gerald R. Ford Explore the life of the 38th President Betty Ford Explore the life of Betty Ford Timeline of President Ford's Life and Career Timeline of Elizabeth (Betty) Bloomer Ford's Life and Career Combined Loading timeline: Combined Timeline of Gerald and Betty Ford ... Tributes and Honors President Ford died on December 26, 2006 at his home in Rancho Mirage, California. After ceremonies in California, Washington, and Grand Rapids, he was interred on the grounds of the Gerald R. Ford …
Biography Gerald Rudolph Ford, the 38th President of the United States, was born Leslie Lynch King, Jr., the son of Leslie Lynch King and Dorothy Ayer Gardner King, on July 14, 1913, in Omaha, Nebraska. His parents separated two weeks after his birth and divorced later that year. He and his mother eventually settled in Grand Rapids, Michigan where her parents lived. On February 1, 1916, Dorothy King married Gerald R. Ford, a Grand Rapids paint salesman. The Fords began calling her son Gerald R. Ford, Jr., …
Past Events Sep 18 2024 Panel and Preview: The American Vice President Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Join us for a film preview and discussion of American Experience PBS’ The American Vice President , which tells the little-known story of the second-highest office in the land, tracing its evolution from a constitutional afterthought to a position of political… Sep 13 2024 Exhibit Opening: ArtPrize Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum hosts over 30 artists for …
Topic Ideas for Student Papers The attached list identifies some of the topics that undergraduates might choose to research in the Ford Library's "open" collections. For some topics, the volume and quality of material are sufficient to support major honors thesis projects. In other cases, the scope of material might be more suitable to a 10-15 page seminar paper. In all cases, students must rely on other libraries for related books and articles. (The Ford Library's small printed works collection does not …
Student Online Research Projects Concerning the American Presidency June 10, 2019 The links below lead to online documents from the presidential libraries covering the American presidency since 1929. Herbert Hoover Hoover and the Supreme Court Stock Market Crash Franklin D. Roosevelt First 100 Days Franklin D. Roosevelt Day by Day Holocaust Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor Japanese-American Internment Roosevelt and the Supreme Court Tuskegee Airmen World War II See also the Roosevelt Library's virtual …
Gerald R. Ford Genealogical Information Table of Contents Ancestry of Gerald R. Ford President Gerald R. Ford was born on July 14, 1913 at Omaha, Nebraska and was originally given the name Leslie Lynch King, Jr. His parents, Leslie Lynch King and Dorothy Ayer Gardner, had been married on September 7, 1912 at Harvard, Illinois. Just over two weeks after the birth of their son, Dorothy separated from her husband and took her infant son to her sister's home in Oak Park, Illinois and then to her parents home …
Bibliography for Students Gerald R. Ford Aaron, Jan. Gerald R. Ford: President of Destiny . Fleet Press Corp., 1975. Booraem, Hendrik. The Education of Gerald Ford . William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2016. Booraem, Hendrik. Young Jerry Ford: Athlete and Citizen . William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013. Collins, David R. Gerald R. Ford: Thirty-Eighth President of the United States . Garrett Educational Corp., 1990. Francis, Sandra. Gerald R. Ford: Our Thirty-Eighth President . The Child’s …
Civics for All of US Civics for All of US is the new national civic education initiative from the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum and the National Archives.Our mission is to build civic literacy and engagement by providing exemplary civic education resources and programs for all ages using the records of the U.S. Government. Civics for All of US delivers thought-provoking educational programs and powerful educational resources to the public, regardless of their proximity to a National …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation Research Travel Grants Program The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation awards grants of up to $2,200 in support of research in the holdings of the Gerald R. Ford Library. A grant defrays travel and living expenses of a research trip to the Ford Library in Ann Arbor. Overseas applicants are welcome to apply, but they will be responsible for the costs of travel between their home country and North America. The grants only cover travel within North America. Library …
Brent Cebul Wins 2011 Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library is proud to announce that Brent Cebul has been chosen as the 2011 winner of the Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter. Mr. Cebul is a doctoral student in American History at the University of Virginia and is completing his doctoral dissertation: Freedom From: Small Government, Big Government Policies, and the Rise of Blue Collar Republicans, 1970-1994. He is …
Vanessa P. Walker Wins 2007 Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library is proud to announce that Vanessa P. Walker has been chosen as the 2007 winner of the Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter. Ms. Walker is a doctoral student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is completing her doctoral dissertation: Ambivalent Allies: Advocates, Diplomats, and the Struggle for Human Rights in Latin America . She is investigating how …
Directions to the Gerald R. Ford Library The Gerald Ford Library is located at 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, on the University of Michigan 's North Campus. It is open Monday to Friday, 8:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. (closed on Federal holidays). The Library is located at the convergence of Beal Avenue, Fuller Road, and Glazier Way. Many out of town visitors arrive via US 23, taking exit 39, Geddes Road westbound and continuing onto Fuller Road. Jump to information about getting to Ann Arbor , local …
President Gerald R. Ford's Executive Order 11905: United States Foreign Intelligence Activities Table of Contents February 18, 1976 Jump to the section banning political assassination [Text from the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents , Vol. 12, No. 8, February 23, 1976] By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the United States, including the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, and as President of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as …
Intelligence --Overview-- Information acquired by intelligence gathering sources is a fundamental component in the formulation of the foreign policy of the United States. A major objective of that policy is to provide for national security, which in the 70's requires preparation against economic reprisal and international terrorism as well as the threat of military action. Achieving this objective requires effective and responsible, covert intelligence operations to secure the necessary information. The …
Photo Descriptions and Contact Sheet Images, 1974 Click on a date to access a detailed report describing the photographs taken by the White House photographers that day. Reports contain links to digitized copies of contact sheets (1:1 images of 35 mm negatives) for each film roll. August 1974 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 1974 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 …
Gerald R. Ford Library Research Room Policies Complete a research application. Please provide personal photo identification and complete the research application form. Your signature to the form indicates that you understand and agree to follow National Archives research room regulations.* Retain your research card. You will receive a research card valid for one year. Please use your card number when signing-in and ordering reproductions. Leave in locker your spiral binders, backpack, coat, and …
Mandatory Declassification Review Requests The Ford Library’s "Mandatory Declassification Review" (MDR) program allows researchers to seek declassification of specific items that are closed due to national security restrictions. The requested items must be individually identified by the requester and readily locatable by an archivist. Typically, but not always, the requester draws upon citation information found on pink withdrawal notices that were placed in the folders during archival processing. …
1976 State Dinners January 27, 1976 - Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel Dinner Menu Entertainment Program Photographs Dinner Invitation Entertainment Invitation Event Outline Fact Sheet Guest List (Ford Daily Diary) Seating Chart "Memcon" from private discussions (not found) March 17, 1976 - Prime Minister Liam Cosgrave of Ireland Dinner Menu Entertainment Program Photographs Dinner Invitation Entertainment Invitation Event Outline Fact Sheet Guest List (Ford Daily Diary) Seating Chart "Memcon" from …