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MEMORANDUM TilE \VHI TE 110 t:SE WASHINGTON SECRET,.f,NODIS/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Senator Hugh Scott (R. -Pat ) Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, July 28, 1976 10:26 a. m. - 10:54 a. m. PLACE: The Oval Office [General Scowcroft joined the meeting when it was already in progress.] Scott: I spent two delightful weeks in China. Let me give you these Chinese …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 017965 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL TYPE OF MATERIAL . . . . National security restriction . . Memorandum of Conversation TITLE Kissinger, scowcroft, and Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz CREATION DATE 02/05/1975 VOLUME . 11 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID COLLECTION TITLE BOX NUMBER . …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library II THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON CONFiDENTU..L MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: DATE, TIME &: PLACE: Ambassador William R. Kintner. U. S. Ambassador to Thailand Lt. General Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Mr. W. R. Smyser, National Security Council Senior Staff Member Thursday, May 8 3:00 p. m. White House Ambassador Kintner said …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library I MEMORANDCM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON SBCIUi3'i' /NODIS/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PAR TICIPANTS: President Ford Donald Ru:msfeld, Secretary of Defense Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Monday, March 1, 1976 9:30 - 10: 18 a. m. PLACE: The Oval Office m~tJl-II", /II:~' osp&ey .1/.2/OLI _~ r.. . ""~tL()'i... Ru:msfeld: …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM - -B':E;CRET/NODIS/XGDS THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Vice Chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs, FRG Arn.b. Berndt von Staden, FRG Arn.bassador to the US Dr. Heinz Weber, :tv:Ii:nistry of Foreign Affairs (Inter Dr. Guenther Verheugen, Special Asst. preter) to Foreign Minister Pre sident Ford Dr. …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet / WITHDRAWAL ID 010707 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL . . National security restriction TYPE OF MATERIAL . Memorandum of Conversation CREATOR'S NAME • . Kissinger/Schlesinger/Scowcroft CREATION DATE • 08/30/1974 VOLUME • 6 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID COLLECTION TITLE • • . BOX NUMBER • • FOLDER …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library I NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 018047 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL TYPE OF MATERIAL TITLE CREATION DATE VOLUME • . . . . National security restriction . • Memorandum of Conversation Ford / ' Kissinger . 07/17/1975 . . . . 3 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID . 031400601 COLLECTION TITLE . . . . . National security …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library I MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~ECRETfNODffi!XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, November 16, 1976 10:36 - 11:18 a. m. PLACE: The Oval Office Kissinger: [Discussion of Carter press conference.] He wants to …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PAR TICIPANTS: President Ford Vladimir Alekseyevich Kirillin, Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers Dr. H. Guyford Stever, Director, National Science Foundation Mr. Yuly M. Vorontsov, Minister Counselor, Russian Embassy Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library , .~ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION The President PAR TICIPANTS: Secretary of State Henry A. Kis singer His Royal Highnes s Prince Fahd ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior His Excellency Ibrahim Al-Sowayel, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia -i DATE AND TIME: Thursday, June 6, 1974 10:00 a. m. PLACE: The Oval Office …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON May 4, 1976 -CONFIDENTIAL (GDS) MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PAR TICIPANTS: Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs His Excellency Charles Helou, former President of Lebanon The Honorable Joseph J. Sisco, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Mr. Robert B. Oakley\~SC Staff Ms. Stephanie Van Reigers berg, …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library \ MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSA TION PARTICIPANTS: President Nixon Congressman Robert H. Steele (R-Conn.) Congressman Louis Frey, Jr. (R-Fla). William Timmons, Assistant to the PresiciGnt for Legislative Aifairs Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, Deputy As d. sta:"Jt to the President for National f:ecuriiy },£iairs DATE AND TIME: Thursday, November 29, 1973 …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON SilbGRE'f!NODIS/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Amb. Malcolm Toon, U. S. Ambassador to Israel Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the Pre sident for National Security Affair s DA TE AND TIME: …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL 10 018404 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL TYPE OF MATERIAL . . · National security restriction . TITLE CREATION DATE VOLUME . · Memorandum of Conversation · Ford, Rumsfeld, and Scowcroft 04/06/1976 · 2 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER 10 . 031400855 COLLECTION TITLE . . . . . . . National …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .. MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON a~QiR]3Cf {NODIS/ XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION ::: ~ ~ ,~ PAR TIC IPANT S: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the ,President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Monday, April 14, 1975 9:32 - …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Gerald R. Ford General William C. Westmoreland Lt. General Brent Scowcroft# Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Mfairs DATE AND TIME: Thursday, March 13, 1975 12:40 p. m. PLACE: The Oval Offic;;e The White House President: You look good. Have you lost some …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 017663 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL TYPE OF MATERIAL CREATOR'S NAME. CREATION DATE VOLUME . . . . National security restriction . . . . . Memorandum of Conversation Ford, Resor, Kissinger, and Scowcroft • . 09/14/1974 . 3 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID . 031400227 COLLECTION TITLE . . …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM ~NODIS/XGDS ... THE WHITE HODSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the Pre sident for National Seourity Affair s DATE &: TIME: Thursday, April 24, 1975 10:43 - 11:00 a.m. PLACE: The …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 017905 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL TYPE OF MATERIAL . . . National security restriction . . TITLE . . . DESCRIPTION . . . . Ford, Schlesinger, Marsh, Buchen . . • Re Allegations of CIA Domestic Activities CREATION DATE . 01/03/1975 VOLUME . . . 4 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID …
MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HO USE !!;::CRE'i' !NODIS!XGDS WASHINGTON DECLASSIFIED E.O. 12968 Ste. 3.6 PlJ(. tn-!> 4-, -" i ME1vlORANDUM OF CONVERSATION By d.u.. 41t.,.:f&\. ,,/;0/01 ,HAM, Date 7U/~t PAR TICIPANTS: President Ford President Suharto, President of Indonesia Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for NSA Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for NSA Mr. Widodo (Indonesian Interpreter) DATE & TIME: July 5, 1975 - Saturday 12:40 p. m. - 2:00 …