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Chapter 11 Special Operations Group“‘Operation CHAOS” Responding to Presidential requests to determine the extent of foreign influence on domestic dissidence, the CI,i, upon the instruction of the Director of Central Intelligence, established within the Counterintelligence Staff a Special Operations Group in August 1967, to collect, coordinate, evaluate and report on foreign contacts with American dissidents. The Group’s activities, which later came to be known as Operation CH,4OS, led the CL4 to collect …
Chapter 5 The Sources of CIA Authority The Kational Security Set of 1947 charges tlfe CIA with the duty of coordinating the intelligence activities of the federal go\-ernlllcllt and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence which affects national security. In addition, the Agency is to perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence as the Kational Security Council may direct. The statute makes the Director of Central Intelligence responsible for protecting intelligence sources …
Appendix VII Assistance To and From Federal, State and Local Agencies The following informat.ion is provided as a supplement to that material set forth in Chapter 17. Sect,ion B. involving CIA assistance to and from state and local law enforcement agencies. Its purpose is to provide addit,ional detail and ideut.ify some additional contacts between t.he CIA and state and local police authorities not referred to in the chapter. As specific Agency files on relations with stato and local law enforcement …
.. MEMORANDUM SECR:ET /NODIS/XGDS THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: ~ ,_ .-~ );• : r~r.~ ·. . DIICLASS1F'IID USSR: Leonid I. Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Andrei A. Gromyko, Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Georgi M. Kornienko, Director of the USA Department and Member of the Collegium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Andrei M. …
Conference on the American Experience in Southeast Asia, 1946-1975 September 29-30, 2010 U.S. Department of State George C. Marshall Conference Center Washington, D.C. • The U.S. Department of State’s Office of the Historian is pleased to invite you to a conference on the American Experience in Southeast Asia, 19461975, which will be held in the George C. Marshall Conference Center at the U.S. Department of State. • The conference will feature a number of key Department of State personnel, both past and …
Call for Papers U.S. Department of State Announces a Conference on the American Experience in Southeast Asia, 1946-1975 The Office of the Historian, Department of State, will hold a conference on September 29-30, 2010, on American policy and war in Southeast Asia, 1946-1975. The conference will take place in the George C. Marshall Conference Center at the Department of State in Washington, D.C. and will serve three purposes. It will showcase and commemorate the work of the Historian’s Office in documenting …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review April-June 2011 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.75 per page. Contact: Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Gerald R. Ford Vice Presidential Papers Melvin R. Laird Papers 65 C13 December 5, 1973 - January 18, 1974 NATO 1969-1973, Document 9-10 Melvin R. Laird Papers Melvin R. Laird Papers Melvin R. Laird Papers Melvin R. Laird Papers …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum Library: 1000 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Museum: 303 Pearl Street, NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 (734) 205-0555 fax (734) 205-0571 (616) 254-0400 fax (616) 254-0386 CORE COLLECTIONS ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS, 1970s During the 1970s, debate over women’s economic and civil rights, social role, and political power became a more prominent part of the public agenda. The Ford White House faced these issues in many guises: an Equal Rights Amendment …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers: Audiotapes, 1952-1973 Series Descriptions Audiotapes (60 hours) The Congressional Audio Tape Collection consists of tapes produced by Ford's office, government agencies, local media and private citizens. The tapes cover public appearances by Ford, including speeches, television and radio interviews, press conferences and campaign commercials. The …
PETER VOGT PAPERS Photographs Box Folder Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AV90-10-1 to 11 AV90-10-12 AV90-10-13 AV90-10-14 to 15 AV90-10-16 AV90-10-17 AV90-10-18 to 19 AV90-10-20 to 23 AV90-10-24 to 26 AV90-10-27 to 34 AV90-10-35 AV90-10-36 AV90-10-37 to 50 AV90-10-51 to 55 AV90-10-56 to 57 AV90-10-58 AV90-10-59 AV90-10-60 AV90-10-61 AV90-10-62 AV90-10-63 to 64 AV90-10-65 AV90-10-66 AV90-10-67 AV90-10-68 AV90-10-69 AV90-10-70 AV90-10-71 AV90-10-72 AV90-10-73 AV90-10-74 AV90-10-75 AV90-10-76 AV90-10-77 AV90-10-78 …
MELVIN R. LAIRD PAPERS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL SERIES A: PHOTOGRAPHS BOX FOLDER CONTENTS 1 1-------------------------------------------------------- AIRLIE AFTERMATH, 1967 2000-NLF-034-001 Photograph of Laird with GRF and three unknown individuals. Items 002 through 005 are duplicate copies of the same image. 2000-NLF-034-005 2-------------------------------------------------------- CAMPAIGN, 1968 – Laird/Nixon Traveling File 2000-NLF-034-006 Headshot of GRF, 1968 2000-NLF-034-007 Headshot of Bob Wilson …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Composite Audiovisual Accessions This collection contains small accessions received by the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library from various donors over the years. The list below is arranged by accession number. To obtain additional information about these materials, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library reference staff at Number Donor Generic Description Date Type of Material Copyright 1983‐323 WJKW‐TV contains brief description of …
Debate Rehearsal Summaries Tape Tape Name Date Time Number AV1992- Debate Rehearsal 9/19/1976 0:00 012-136 Tapes - Reel 1 VTR 1, 10:00 AM AV1992012-136 Debate Rehearsal 9/19/1976 4:00 Tapes - Reel 1 VTR 1, 10:00 AM AV1992012-136 Debate Rehearsal 9/19/1976 8:00 Tapes - Reel 1 VTR 1, 10:00 AM AV1992012-136 Debate Rehearsal 9/19/1976 12:00 Tapes - Reel 1 VTR 1, 10:00 AM AV1992012-136 Debate Rehearsal 9/19/1976 16:00 Tapes - Reel 1 VTR 1, 10:00 AM AV1992012-136 Debate Rehearsal 9/19/1976 20:00 Tapes - Reel 1 …
JULIUS SHISKIN PAPERS Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection Box Folder Contents 1 AV84-15 1 AV84-16 AV84-17 AV84-18 AV84-19 2 AV84-146-1 to 2 3 AV84-147-1 to 13 4 AV84-147-14 to 26 5 AV84-148-1 to 5 6 AV84-149-1 to 3 7 AV84-150-1 AV84-150-2 to 4 8 AV84-151-1 AV84-151-2 AV84-151-3 AV84-151-4 9 10 11 AV84-152-1 to 7 AV84-152-8 to 10 AV84-153-1 to 12 AV84-154-1 to 2 North American Conference on Labor Statistics, 6/26/78, (AV Materials Transferred: NACLS-San Francisco) (3/4") "The …
ROBERT M. TEETER PAPERS Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection The audiovisual portion of the Robert M. Teeter Papers consists of 183 video cassettes, the majority of which contain political advertisements from the 1980s to early 2000s. Advertisements are present from both major political parties, though most are for Republican candidates. Much footage is included from the 1988 and 1992 Presidential campaigns of George H.W. Bush, during which Robert Teeter served as Senior Campaign …
SHEILA R. WEIDENFELD FILES Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection Box Folder 1 1 2 Contents AV86-34-1 AV86-34-2 AV86-34-3 AV86-34-4 3 AV86-34-5 4 AV86-34-6 AV86-34-7 AV86-34-8 AV86-34-9 AV86-34-10 5 6 AV86-34-11 AV86-34-12 7 8 AV86-34-13 AV86-34-14 to 15 AV86-34-16 AV86-34-17 to 18 AV86-34-19 9 10 11 17 18 19 AV86-34-20 AV86-34-21 AV86-34-22 AV86-34-23 AV86-34-24 AV86-34-25 AV86-34-26 AV86-34-27 AV86-34-28 AV86-34-29 AV86-34-30 AV86-34-31 20 AV86-34-32 12 13 14 15 16 WHITE HOUSE …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers: Films/Video, 1946-1973 Series Descriptions Videotape, 1972 (30 minutes) The series consists of one 3/4" video cassette. The tape is a compilation of four separate programs originally recorded in 1972 on 2" tape. The House of Representatives film office produced three of the programs while the fourth came from WKZO-TV, Kalamazoo, Michigan. The programs are …