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Digitized from the Shelia Weidenfeld Files (Box 30) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library D.:;[:;; in:.!,:1.... 8L13l74 . Pat Howard ..•.. _." ....... ... ~~,--. -;h' - - , _ . - ... - ... ,~-.----.-.-.--- __ ~ _.____ ~_ - Sacf:al: .~, ~ rY;D/I~.fJ _______...~ __________- __-_.__~ ___....____ ._--------- e·;.~:;_;'(1J~au/7 ' -.~ . :.:::::.=::.:.=---------. . - --- (:on t,',;-/ct __ ---_._-.-.-_. ..--_._---- (,'1 rr:'~li) ".~-;""'-!. • :1.•.. ____ -...,-=---------.. . - ----..-. …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 18) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DINNER IN HONOR OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL AND MRS. RABIN - January 27, 1976 8:00 p. m. Dress: Black tie ... long dresses for the ladies Arrival: I • 8: 00 p. m. at North Portico Entrance ... Prime Minister and Mrs. Rabin, Ambassador and Mrs. Catto. You and Mrs. Ford will greet. Photo coverage of greeting. Yellow Oval Room: Vice President and Mrs. Rockefeller; …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 28) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 12) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library REVISED May 15, 1975 10: 00 a. m. THE WHITE HOUSE VVASnlNGTON DINNER IN HONOR OF THEIR IMPERIAL MAJESTIES THE SHAHANSHAH ARYAMEHR OF IRAN AND THE SHAHBANOU May 15, 1975 8: 00 p. m. Dress: White tie ... long dresses for the ladies Arrival: 8: 00 p. m. . .. at North Portico Entrance ... Shahanshah Aryarnehr of Iran and The Shahbanou, Ambas sador and Mrs. Catto You and Mrs. Ford will greet Photo coverage of …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 23) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DINNER IN HONOR OF THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN OF SPAIN June 2, 1976 8: 00 p. m. Dress: White tie ... long dresses for the ladies Arrival: 8: 00 p. m . . . . at North Portico Entrance ... King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sophia, Ambassador and Mrs. Catto. You and Mrs. Ford will greet. Photo coverage of greeting. Yellow Oval Room: Secretary and Mrs. Kissinger; Minister of Foreign …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 27) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library …
... . Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 16) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library . DINNER __-::__ ~Lllesday, Janucny 27, 1976 (PriLl.c Mi.nister of Israel & Mrs. Rabin) TABLE 1 Mrs. Levi Mr. Dubinsky Mrs. Agron3ky Mr. Sisco Rep. Aspin Mrs. Carlen Dr. Matzkin Mr. Bunting Mrs. Goldwin Mr. Wald TABLE 2 Sen. Gravel Mrs. Holloway TH Hanan Dar··On l\'~ 1:5. Horn Mre Margalit. Chf. of Protocol JV1rs. Schindler Mr. Levens Mr. Rothberg Mrs. Regula TABLE 3 Sen. Buckley Mrs. Nunn Mr. Rosenbaum …
D'AGOSTINO, CHARLOTTE National Security Council DALE, LEWIS Deputy Special Assistant Presidential Personnel Office Resigned 8/ 31/74 c DALLAS, PAMELA L. Clerk-Stenographer Counsel to the President Resigned 11/23/74 D 1 AMICO, JENNIE M. Secretary Council on International Economic Policy DANCHECK, LEONARD H. Presidential Clemency Board ( DANIELS, LORNA T. Clerk (Stenographer) Correspondence Section Permanent Operating Offices Appointed 3/17/75 Secretary (Gorog) Economic Affairs Office Appointed 6/8/75 …
RAIMAN s GAIL ANN Personal Assistant (Hartmann) Counsellors to the President Appointed Secretary 12/22/74 Title change 6/1/76 ( RAINEYs WAVERLY B. Special Assistant to Chief of Mails Mail Room Permanent Operating Offices Resigned 4/15/76 RAISH, ANGELA M. Secretary Counsellors to the President (Armstrong) Appointed 11/18/74 Resigned 8/23/75 c RANSOM, DAVID National Security Council RAOUL-DUVAL, MICHAEL 1 of 2 Associate Director for Natural Resources (esp . Energy &Transportation) Domestic Council Appointed …
Table of Contents Page IX Part Chapter I.-Summary of the Investigation 1. The Fundamental Issues-- -__ ___ ____ - _______ ___ _ __ ______ 2. The Need for Intelligence_____ _________________________ 3. Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations--Part II. The CIA’s Role and Authority 4. Intelligence and Related Activities by the United States before 1947--___------------------------------------5. The Sources of CIA Authority ___________________________ 6. Legal Analysis________ _________ - …
Chapter 17 CIA Relationships with Other Federal,State and Local Agencies 13ecausc of its practice of occasiom~lly lending assistance to various fctlcral. state ant1 local law enforccuwnt agencies, qwstions have been raisul as to whether the CIA has engaged in internal security functions or exercised police or law rnforcenieiit powers contrary to the restrictions of the National Security Act. T,il;c other :LI’I~K~of the governftwfit. the (‘IA frccl~wntl~ lw owasion either to give assistance to or receive …
Chapter 18 Indices and Files on American Citizens The collect.ion of information about people is a major function of the CIS. Biographical information is collected not only in response to specific requirements but also to accumulate background of likely relevance to be drawn on when needed. The collection of this information is incidental to the CL4’s normal activities, and the inclusion of information about persons who may be -4merican citizens is largely incidental to collecting information about people …