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MICHAEL RAOUL-DUVAL FILES, 1974-77 Extent 21.3 linear feet (ca. 42,600 pages) Scope and Content Note The Michael Raoul-Duval files document a significant portion of his activities as Domestic Council associate director, Executive Director of the Intelligence Coordinating Group, and advisor to the President for the 1976 presidential election campaign. Additional materials on these topics are also available in a separate collection of personal papers that Raoul-Duval donated to the Library. Raoul-Duval's …
ROCKEFELLER, NELSON - FBI VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION INVESTIGATION CASE FILE, (1950, 1952, 1969) August 1974 – December 1974 Extent 1.6 linear feet (4,010 pages) Scope and Content Note Special Note In an earlier version of the Jane Dannenhauer Files finding aid, this case file was listed as being part of the Dannenhauer Files. It was added to the Dannenhauer Files because the collection includes a copy of a similar document, the FBI's final investigatory report on Rockefeller, see series: Vice …
ERIC ROSENBERGER and DOUGLASS BLASER FILES, 1974-77 Extent 20.0 linear feet (ca. 37,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Eric Rosenberger and his successor, Douglass Blaser, directed White House press advance. Press advance was assistance to the White House press corps, the local press, and press office staff during all presidential trips outside the White House. Such assistance might include: visas, credentialling, air and ground transportation, lodging, camera lighting, press positions, equipment and space …
WAYNE H. VALIS FILES, 1973-77 Extent 6.6 linear feet (ca. 13,200 pages) Scope and Content Note Wayne Valis joined the White House staff during President Nixon's second term and performed duties in areas of public liaison, recruitment, legislative tracking and speechwriting under the direction of Melvin Laird and William J. Baroody. He continued to perform many of the same duties during the Ford administration and was given the title of Director of Planning and Research for the Office of Public Liaison …
DOROTHY DOWNTON FILES, (1972) 1974-77 Extent 2.0 linear feet (ca. 4,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Dorothy Downton joined the Ford congressional staff as a secretary in January 1967, becoming Mr. Ford's personal secretary in 1972, and remaining his personal secretary throughout the Ford Vice Presidency, the Presidency, and for three years after the Presidency in the Ford Office in California. During her tenure as secretary to the President, Downton worked in the Office of the President, reporting …
ROBERT M. TEETER PAPERS, 1967-2004 Extent 114 linear feet (ca. 228,000 pages) Scope and Content Note For nearly 40 years Robert M. Teeter was a leader in survey research and involved in campaign strategy for Republican presidential campaigns, and gubernatorial and senatorial candidates in nearly every state. Teeter participated in the senior management of seven Republican presidential campaigns, from Richard M. Nixon in 1968 to the George H. W. Bush re-election bid in 1992, of which he was national …
WILLIAM S. BALLENGER PAPERS, 1971-77 Extent 6.7 linear feet (approximately 13,400 pages) Scope and Content Note RELATED MATERIALS Related materials can be found in the White House Central Files Subject Files categories FG 23 and 23/A (Department of Health, Education, and Welfare), Presidential Personnel Office Files, and the David Mathew Papers. Record Type Textual Access Open. File units are available as review-on-request. Researchers wishing to view files should consult with an archivist prior to their …
WILLIAM J. BAROODY, JR., FILES, 1974-77 Extent 21.0 linear feet (ca. 42,000 pages) Scope and Content Note William J. Baroody, Jr., began his career in Washington as an aide to Republican congressman Melvin Laird. As Laird moved to other positions, including Secretary of Defense and then White House Counsellor, Baroody continued to assist him. Soon after joining the White House staff, Baroody began to do some liaison work with interest groups, although his was not the only office serving this function. He …
ROBERT QUARTEL PAPERS, 1975-76 Extent 3.8 linear feet (ca. 7,600 pages) Scope and Content Note While working as a Presidential Clemency Board (PCB) staff member and volunteering for the President Ford Committee (PFC), Fred Slight, Research Director of the PFC, offered Robert Quartel the position of Answer Desk Coordinator in the Research Office. Quartel accepted the position and held it until the end of the campaign. Quartel’s responsibilities involved vetting all policy statements for the campaign. When …
ROLAND L. ELLIOTT FILES, 1974-77 Extent 17.8 linear feet (ca. 35,600 pages) Scope and Content Note Roland L. Elliott became a special assistant to President Nixon and director of the Correspondence Office in 1971. He continued those duties through the end of the Ford Administration. As director of the Correspondence Office, he supervised the flow of mail to and from the White House, including presidential correspondence. One exception was correspondence between President Ford and his friends and family, …
STANTON D. ANDERSON PAPERS, (1972) 1975-76 Extent 0.8 linear feet (ca. 1,600 pages) Scope and Content Note Stanton D. Anderson, an international lawyer, long-time Republican political activist, and White House staff member during the Nixon administration, was the President Ford Committee's (PFC) convention operations director in 1976.He was the PFC's principal liaison with the Republican National Committee during planning of the party's national convention in Kansas City in August 1976.Anderson was also in …
THOMAS ARANDA, JR., FILES, 1976-77 Extent 5.5 linear feet (ca. 11,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Thomas Aranda was appointed Special Assistant to the President for Hispanic Affairs on July 29, 1976, three months after Fernando De Baca resigned the position. Working in the Office of Public Liaison (OPL) under the direction of William J. Baroody, Jr., Aranda provided liaison to Hispanics during the 1976 campaign and the last six months of the Ford administration. In the remaining weeks after the election, …
F. LYNN MAY FILES, 1974-77 Extent 18 linear feet (ca. 36,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Lynn May received a B.A. degree in history from Union College, Schenectady, New York, in 1964, and completed course requirements for a PhD in history at UCLA in 1972. From May 1972 to April 1974 he was special assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. In April 1974 he became staff assistant to Geoffrey C. Shepard, Associate Director, General Government, of the Domestic …
YANEK MIECZKOWSKI RESEARCH INTERVIEWS, 1994-2007 Extent 5 linear inches (ca. 800 pages) and 47 audiocassettes Scope and Content Note The audiocassettes and transcripts included in this collection result from interviews by Yanek Mieczkowski with 39 government officials, including congressmen, Ford White House staff, agency officials, and four interviews with former President Ford. Dr. Mieczkowski used the interviews as sources of information for his dissertation, book (Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the …
Michael Kelley Political Campaign Ephemera Collection 1896-2008 Extent 19.5 linear feet (approximately 39,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Michael Kelly is an avid collector of political memorabilia and Editor of The Keynoter , the primary publication of the American Political Items Conservators. The Michael Kelly Political Campaign Ephemera Collection consists of printed material and other memorabilia related to presidential campaigns from 1896 to 2008. The collection is divided into six series: …
BOBBIE GREENE KILBERG FILES, 1974-77 Extent 10 linear feet (ca. 20,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Bobbie Kilberg came to the Ford White House with a background as an attorney, college administrator, Republican activist, and board member of interest groups supporting the rights of Native Americans and women. She also had served in the Nixon administration as a White House Fellow and Domestic Council staff assistant. Kilberg served as Associate Counsel to the President from July 1975 to January 1977. Her …
C. WILLIAM KONTOS PAPERS, 1976-82 Extent 0.4 linear feet (ca. 800 pages) Scope and Content Note C. William Kontos was named first Director of the United States Sinai Support Mission on January 15, 1976. This independent body was formed by joint resolution of Congress to organize, coordinate and provide overall management of an American early-warning system in the Sinai, and to maintain the UN buffer zone between Egyptian and Israeli forces. Kontos, as the Director of the Mission, was designated a Special …
MARVIN KOSTERS FILES, 1974-75 Extent 2.0 linear feet (ca. 4,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Dr. Marvin H. Kosters, an economist who had been involved in the planning and analysis of wage and price controls with the Cost of Living Council during the Nixon administration, joined the Ford administration as consultant to the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy in December 1974. He remained with the administration until May 1975 when he returned to a position as resident scholar at the American …
MYRON B. KUROPAS PAPERS, (1963) 1975-77 Extent 9.8 linear feet (ca. 19,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Myron B. Kuropas joined the White House staff in January 1976 as Special Assistant for Ethnic Affairs. The purpose of this newly created position was to maximize communication between government officials and ethnic communities, a key demographic group for the upcoming election. As part of the Office of Public Liaison (OPL) this position reported directly to William J. Baroody, Jr. Kuropas had …
ROBERT GOLDWIN FILES, 1974-76 Extent 2 linear feet (ca. 4,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Long-time confidant of Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Goldwin served in the White House as Special Consultant to the President. Congressmen Rumsfeld and Gerald Ford attended conferences run by Goldwin when he was director of the Public Affairs Conference Center. In 1973 he went to Brussels to aid Rumsfeld, then Ambassador to NATO. When Rumsfeld took over from Alexander Haig as Ford's chief of staff, Goldwin accompanied him …