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JAMES M. WILSON PAPERS, (1952) 1958-77 Extent 2.4 linear feet (ca. 4,800 pages) Scope and Content Note The James M. Wilson papers mainly concern his career in the State Department, 1958‑77. The topics most completely documented are Micronesian status negotiations and State Department human rights and humanitarian affairs policies and activities. Wilson joined the State Department on detail from the Department of Defense in 1958 to work on the foreign aid program. He became a foreign service officer in 1961 …
MARK J. ROZELL INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS, 1989-90 Extent 0.1 linear feet (ca. 125 pages) Record Type Textual Access Open. Processed by Nancy Mirshah, November 1992 Copyright Mr. Rozell donated to the United States of America his copyrights in the unpublished contents of the interview transcripts. The interviewees' copyrights presumably remain with them. Last Modified Date Mon, 10/21/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Summary Description Research interviews conducted by Rozell while writing The Press …
WHITE HOUSE CONGRESSIONAL MAIL FILES, 1974-77 Extent 37.6 linear feet (ca. 75,200 pages) Scope and Content Note The Congressional Relations Office received and responded to dozens of letters addressed to the President from members of Congress each day. To control this mail and allow for easy reference, the Congressional Relations staff created a single centralized file of logs of incoming mail and copies of their outgoing letters. Copies of congressional letters drafted by other White House offices were …
WHITE HOUSE GIFT UNIT FILES, 1974-77 Extent 13 linear feet (ca. 20,800 pages) Scope and Content Note The White House Gift Unit is one of several permanent operating offices that provide support services to each administration. Marjorie Wicklein headed the office in the Ford administration, supervising a staff of eight. Wicklein reported to Robert Lindner, the Permanent Operations Offices' chief executive clerk, who in turn reported to the staff secretary, through David Hoopes, special assistant to the …
JAMES M. CANNON FILES, 1975-77 Extent 35.6 linear feet (ca. 71,200 pages) Scope and Content Note James M. Cannon, a former journalist and aide to New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller, joined the Ford administration in January 1975 as an assistant to Vice President Rockefeller. Soon thereafter, President Ford assigned the Vice President a major role in the formulation of domestic policy. On February 13, 1975, President Ford announced that Rockefeller would serve as vice chairman of the Domestic Council …
WILLIAM E. CASSELMAN FILES, 1974-75 Extent 1.6 linear feet (ca. 3200 pages) Scope and Content Note William E. Casselman developed a good working relationship with Congressman Gerald Ford and his staff during his tenure as Special Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations in the Nixon White House. On the strength of this relationship, Casselman was invited to work on the Ford Vice Presidential staff. When Ford became President, Casselman moved with him to the White House, as a Counsel to the …
BYRON M. "RED" CAVANEY PAPERS, (1972) 1974-76 Extent 19.9 linear feet (ca. 43,700 pages) Scope and Content Note The Byron M. “Red” Cavaney Papers document the work of the White House Advance Office. As head of the White House Advance Office, Mr. Cavaney oversaw the planning for President Ford’s domestic and international trips. In this role he also selected volunteers to assist with the trips. The files typically predate the official Presidential visits by two or three weeks as staff assistants met with …
RICHARD B. CHENEY Deputy Assistant to the President; Assistant to the President for White House Operations: Files , 1974-77 Extent 8.4 linear feet (ca. 16,800 pages) Scope and Content Note During the Ford administration, Richard Cheney held the positions of Deputy Assistant and Assistant to the President for White House Operations, titles commonly referred to by the news media and others as "Deputy Chief of Staff" and "Chief of Staff." He initially served as deputy to Donald Rumsfeld and succeeded him in …
THOMAS G. CODY PAPERS, (1969) 1972-1976 (1979) Extent 2.4 linear feet (ca. 4,800 pages) Scope and Content Note Thomas G. Cody was a former management consultant who served as Executive Director of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) from May 1972 to April 1974. Following his resignation from the EEOC, Cody became Assistant Secretary for Administration in the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in which position he served until November 1976. The Cody Papers consist of …
KENNETH R. COLE, JR. FILES, 1974-75 Extent 1.2 linear feet (ca. 2,400 pages) Scope and Content Note Kenneth R. Cole assumed the position of Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs in January 1974 while also serving as Executive Director of the Domestic Council, a post he had held since December 1972. Prior to those appointments he served as Deputy Director of the Domestic Council and Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs. Before entering government service, Cole was an executive …
COMPOSITE GRAND RAPIDS ACCESSIONS, 1912-2013 Extent 3.1 linear feet (ca. 5,600 pages) Scope and Content Note . Record Type Textual Access Open unless noted otherwise for individual entry. Processed by Sandra Raub, August 1982; revised by Helmi Raaska, July 1996; revised by William McNitt, July 2002; revised by Hannah Brookhart, December 2014 Copyright Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. In addition, Mr. Ford has donated to the United …
COMPOSITE ORAL HISTORY ACCESSIONS 1971-Present Extent Less than one linear foot (includes pages, audio cassettes, video cassettes, DVD, CD) Record Type Electronic Records Videos Access See notation for each interview. Copyright Copyright status varies. Consult with Library staff for further information about particular interviews. Last Modified Date Fri, 03/07/2025 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Summary Description Transcripts and/or recordings of research interviews with former President Ford and …
U.S. MARINE CORPS. HISTORY AND MUSEUMS DIVISION. COPIES OF ORAL HISTORIES ON THE MAYAGUEZ ACTION AND RELATED MARINE UNIT OPERATIONAL RECORDS, 1965-77 Extent 2.4 linear feet (33 compact disks and ca. 4,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The Marine Corps History and Museums Division collects oral histories and documents concerning the history of the Marine Corps. In 2004 they sent compact disks containing copies of materials relating to the recapture of the S.S. Mayaguez and other aspects of the Vietnam War …
U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INSTITUTIONAL FILES, (1969) 1974-77 (1980) Extent 47 linear feet (approximately 94,400 pages) Scope and Content Note The National Security Council was established by the National Security Act of 1947 in recognition of the need for coordination of political, military, and economic considerations in the development of national security policy in the post-World War II period. By the Reorganization Plan of 1949, the NSC was placed in the Executive Office of the President. The …
U.S. NATIONAL STUDY COMMISSION ON RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS OF FEDERAL OFFICIALS SELECTED DUPLICATE RECORDS, 1974-77 Extent 8.0 linear feet (ca. 16,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The National Study Commission on Records and Documents of Federal Officials, also known as the Public Documents Commission, was established by Title II of the Presidential Records and Materials Preservation Act (Public Law 93‑526), signed December 19, 1974. Events during the last years of the Nixon Presidency aroused controversy …
ROBERT E. HAMPTON PAPERS, 1960-77 Extent 16.4 linear feet (ca. 32,800 pages) Scope and Content Note President John F. Kennedy appointed Robert Hampton to the U.S. Civil Service Commission (CSC) in 1961. In 1969, Hampton accepted President Richard M. Nixon's appointment as CSC Chairman, a post he held until he left the Commission in 1977. The CSC was the federal agency with a primary responsibility for the human resources of government. The Commission handled federal personnel management issues such as …
ELISKA HASEK FILES, 1974-1977 Extent 2.8 linear feet (ca. 5,600 pages) Scope and Content Note The Presidential Messages Office (PMO) provided the President with written messages of commendation to the public, expressing his greetings and good will (see Appendix A). Director Eliska Hasek authored statements and messages in the styles of Presidents Johnson and Nixon in her prior White House experience. She joined the Ford administration in August, 1974. The Hasek collection includes the files of Associate …
JUDITH R. HOPE FILES, 1974-77 Extent 18.4 linear feet (ca. 36,800 pages) Scope and Content Note Judith Richards Hope, a graduate of Wellesley College and Harvard Law School, was associated with law firms in Washington, DC and California. She also spent one year as deputy director of the California Rural Development Corporation before joining the Domestic Council. Hope was appointed to the Domestic Council Staff on a part-time basis as a consultant in October 1975. In her first few months she handled policy …
TOD R. HULLIN FILES, 1974-76 Extent 1 linear foot (ca. 2,000 pages) Scope and Content Note In 1969, Tod Hullin began working at the White House as a staff assistant to the President. When the Domestic Council was organized, he joined it as Executive Assistant to the Director. He was appointed Associate Director for Housing and Community Affairs in May 1974 and remained in this position until his departure in January 1976. Within his area of responsibility, Hullin received communications from executive …
EDWARD RANDALL ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OF GERALD AND BETTY FORD'S RANCHO MIRAGE HOME, 1977 Extent 31 drawings Scope and Content Note RELATED MATERIALS Additional documents pertaining to the design and construction of the home are located in the Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files, General Subject File series, under "Ford - Rancho Mirage Residence". Record Type Textual Access Open. Processed by Prepared by J.P. Schmidt, January 2016 Copyright The copyrights to materials within this collection are …