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STEPHEN G. McCONAHEY FILES, 1975-77 Extent 16.8 linear feet (ca. 33,600 pages) Scope and Content Note Stephen McConahey joined the White House staff on September 7, 1975 as the Domestic Council's Associate Director for Transportation. He later was named Special Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs on January 28, 1976, inheriting the responsibilities of Associate Director James H. Falk, who had resigned at the end of 1975. The McConahey files consist of materials accumulated by him …
DAVID MEEKER PAPERS, 1971-1984 Extent 9.6 linear feet (ca. 19,200 pages) Scope and Content Note David O. Meeker had a long career in public service for both the city of Indianapolis, Indiana and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. In Indianapolis, Meeker served several positions: Acting Director and Director of the Department of Metropolitan Development, Director of the Indianapolis Model Cities Program; member of the Mayor’s Task Forces on Housing and Relocation, Model Cities, Black …
PAUL A. MILTICH PAPERS, (1972) 1973-1977 Extent 3.6 linear feet (ca. 7200 pages) Scope and Content Note Paul Miltich became press secretary to House Minority Leader Gerald Ford in 1966 and continued in that role through the remainder of the congressional years and the Ford vice presidency. When Mr. Ford became President in August 1974, he appointed Jerald terHorst as his press secretary and named Miltich as an assistant press secretary (his title also appears as Special Assistant to the President for …
EDWARD L. SCHAPSMEIER AND FREDERICK H. SCHAPSMEIER MANUSCRIPT DRAFT, 1987 Extent 0.4 linear feet (ca. 700 pages) Scope and Content Note Political historians, Edward and Frederick Schapsmeier, have co-authored several works on politicians of the twentieth century including books on Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, journalist Walter Lippman, and Vice-President Henry Wallace. In 1987 they drafted a biography of President Ford and submitted it to him for comments and corrections. President Ford made several …
ALEXANDER M. SCHMIDT PAPERS, 1967-90 Extent 48.1 linear feet (approximately 85,400 pages) Scope and Content Note Dr. Alexander M. Schmidt began his career in medicine at the University of Utah College of Medicine, where he held several academic positions. He first entered government service in 1967 as Chief of the Education and Training Branch in the Regional Medical Programs (RMP) at the National Institutes of Health. The RMP, created during the Johnson Administration as a "Great Society" project, …
EDWARD SCHMULTS FILES, 1974-77 Extent 15.6 linear feet (ca. 31,200 pages) Scope and Content Note The Edward C. Schmults files, 1974-77, include materials created or received by Schmults and his two predecessors, Philip E. Areeda and Roderick M. Hills.Schmults had the title Deputy Counsel to the President while Areeda and Hills were Counsel to the President. The three had virtually the same duties and responsibilities and served successively as the primary assistant to Philip Buchen, head of the Counsel's …
FREDERIC W. SLIGHT FILES, (1969-73) 1974-77 Extent 9.7 linear feet (approximately 19,400 pages) Scope and Content Note This collection contains letters, memoranda, published articles and drafts, clippings, publications, planning calendars, and press releases compiled by Frederic Slight during his service as staff assistant to Counsellor to the President Anne Armstrong and as a special assistant in the Office of Communications. The files contain very few documents from the period Slight served in the Office …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS GENERAL COUNSEL'S OFFICE FILES, 1975-77 Extent . Scope and Content Note The General Counsel's Office Files are an important resource for examining the legal issues involved in the operation of a presidential campaign committee. In addition the collection extensively documents the development of the Federal Election Commission, its role in regulating campaign finances, and PFC receipts and expenditures. Smaller, but important, segments concern aspects of PFC operations …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS. PEOPLE FOR FORD OFFICE FILES, 1971-76 Extent . Scope and Content Note People for Ford (PFF) was the volunteer arm of the President Ford Committee formed during the general election to develop outreach efforts to special voter groups. Directed by long-time Republican National Committee activist Elly Peterson, the PFF staff targeted women, African-Americans, professional groups, ethnics, farmers, Jews, senior citizens, and young people for particular attention. Chairman …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS. PRESS OFFICE FILES, 1975-76 Extent . Scope and Content Note Press Secretary Peter Kaye formed the PFC's small in-house Press Office in October, 1975. Kaye directed the organization's radio, television, and news activities through the primary campaign, reporting to the PFC Chairman. He resigned in July, 1976, when the Press Office was subsumed under a larger Communications Division, headed by newly-appointed Deputy Chairman for Communications William I. Greener, …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS. VICE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OFFICE FILES, 1976 Scope and Content Note The Vice Presidential Campaign Office collection is primarily a reference file. It consists almost entirely of several small, routine, and likely incomplete, files, the bulk of which is contained in a large background book. Material of interest to researchers are selected Dole speech and interview transcripts, the Senator's voting record, and position papers on various campaign topics.The collection is …
PRESIDENT'S PAPERWORK LOGS, 1974-77 Extent 1.3 linear feet (ca. 2,600 pages) Scope and Content Note The presidential paperwork logs (daily item by item listings of material crossing the President's desk) were compiled in the office of the Staff Secretary. That office coordinated the routine flow of paperwork to and from the President. Log entries were primarily made by staff assistant Dianna Gwin through early June 1975 and thereafter by Trudy Fry, head of the Special Files Unit. The logs appear to be …
PRESIDENT'S SPEECHES AND STATEMENTS: READING COPIES, 1974-77 Extent 16.8 linear feet (ca. 33,600 pages) Scope and Content Note This file consists almost entirely of the reading copies of President Ford's 1,051 public messages. They are arranged chronologically. Related and supporting materials appear occasionally and include preliminary drafts and, less frequently, background material. In addition to speeches there are veto messages, legislative messages to Congress, statements accompanying bill signing, …
PRESIDENTIAL HANDWRITING FILE Documents Annotated by the President, 1974-77 Extent 41.4 linear feet (ca. 82,800 pages) Scope and Content Note History of the Presidential Handwriting File President Lyndon Johnson's staff started the practice of maintaining a separate handwriting file. Gertrude Fry copied the practices of the Johnson White House when she joined the Nixon staff and continued to be responsible for the file under President Ford. Ms. Fry and her staff filed the documents chronologically by the …
RICHARD FELTNER PAPERS, 1974-77 Extent 0.4 linear feet (ca. 800 pages) Scope and Content Note Richard L. Feltner was an academic expert in the field of agricultural economics when he became the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Consumer Services. After earning his doctorate, he pursued a career in education in the agricultural departments of Michigan State University and the University of Illinois. The position of Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Consumer Services …
JAY FRENCH FILES, 1974-75 Extent 2.8 linear feet (ca. 5,600 pages) Scope and Content Note The Jay T. French Files concern his work in the Counsel's Office, primarily his role as White House liaison with the Presidential Clemency Board. Described below under separate headings are French's role in the White House, the scope and content of his files, and related materials in other Ford Library collections. French's Role in the White House French served as Staff Assistant from September 6, 1974 to June 21, …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 GENERAL AND CASE FILE SUB-GROUP, 1963-73 Extent . Scope and Content Note FILE HEADINGS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Letters acknowledged in Mr. Ford’s absence; also letters which were acknowledged by Ford without commenting on the specific question raised. (1966-1973) AGRICULTURE BULLETINS Requests for bulletins from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (1963-1973) AGRICULTURE YEARBOOKS Requests for copies of the yearbooks published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 ROBERT T. HARTMANN FILES SUB-GROUP, 1965-73 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Series List Robert T. Hartmann Files, 1965-73. (Boxes R1‑R34, 13.6 linear feet) Robert Hartmann assisted House Republicans, 1966‑69, as editor of the House Republican Conference and Minority Sergeant‑at‑Arms. He then served Ford as Legislative Assistant to the Minority Leader, chief of staff to the Vice President, and Counsellor to the President. To …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 INVITATIONS FILE SUB-GROUP, 1962-73 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Summary Description Ford Congressional Papers main page Has Digitized Content Off Alphabetical order title FORD, GERALD R., CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 INVITATIONS FILE SUB-GROUP, …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 PRESS SECRETARY AND SPEECH FILE SUB-GROUP, 1948-73 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Series List Press Secretary and Speech File, 1948-73. (Boxes D1‑D119, 47.6 linear feet) This file illustrates the public relations activities of Congressman Ford, especially as evidenced in his speeches, newsletters, press statements, magazine articles, interviews, and local radio broadcasts. The file likewise documents the functions of a press …