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ANNE KAMSTRA FILES, 1974-77 Extent 6.9 cubic feet (approximately 47,000 cards) Record Type Textual Access Open. Processed by Eryn C. Killian, October 2013 Copyright Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public …
VIRGINIA H. KNAUER FILES, (1967-68) 1969-77 Extent 34.1 linear feet (approximately 62,200 pages) Scope and Content Note Virginia H. Knauer joined the Nixon administration staff in April 1969 as Chairman of the President’s Committee on Consumer Interests (PCCI) and Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs. President Nixon named Knauer Director of the Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) when it replaced PCCI in 1971. Knauer remained head of the OCA after it was absorbed by the Department of …
GERALD R. FORD LIBRARY ORAL HISTORY PROJECTS, 1981-2009 Extent 0.9 linear feet (approximately 1,800 pages); 51 audiocassettes, 14 microcassettes, 1 Beta SP, and 3 DVDs Scope and Content Note . Record Type Textual Access Open. Some interviews remain restricted pending completion of transcriptions and deeds of gift. Processed by William H. McNitt, February 2009; revised May 2012, September 2017, and August 2019 Copyright Most interviewees have donated to the United States of America their copyrights in the …
WARREN “BILL” L. GULLEY PAPERS, 1974–77 Extent 3 linear inches (ca. 400 pages) Scope and Content Note Related Materials (June 2012) Passenger lists for all air and helicopter flights made by President Ford and the First Family are included in the collection White House Military Aide’s Office: Files, 1973-77. Record Type Textual Access Open. Some items may be temporarily restricted under terms of the donor's deed of gift, a copy of which is available on request, or under National Archives and Records …
KENNETH A. LAZARUS FILES, 1974-77 Extent 23.6 linear feet (ca. 47,200 pages) Scope and Content Note Kenneth Lazarus joined the White House staff in December 1974 as Associate Counsel to the President. Lazarus reviewed a wide array of issues and topics for possible legal problems. He facilitated, evaluated, or assessed substantive policy, legislative programs, enrolled bills, proclamations, executive orders, agency actions where law required presidential approval, executive privilege, and staff dealings …
WOLFGANG J. LEHMANN PAPERS, 1973-79 (2002) Extent 0.7 linear feet (ca.1350 pages) Scope and Content Note Wolfgang Lehmann had a long and distinguished career in the Foreign Service, but this collection focuses narrowly on the time he spent in South Vietnam (1973-1975), especially the closing months of the Vietnam War and the evacuation from Saigon in April 1975. During his last year in South Vietnam, Lehmann served as the deputy to Ambassador Graham Martin. The collection does not contain Lehmann’s …
UNITED STATES-CHINA BUSINESS COUNCIL Records, (1973) 1979‑82 (1984) Accretion Extent 83.5 linear feet (ca. 167,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The initial accession of Council records documents the formation of the Council and its role in establishing trade relations with China, 1973‑78. An overview of the Council's formation, programs, and services is given in the finding aid to those records. This accretion documents the ongoing activities of the Council during the eventful years from 1979‑82. On …
MARTIN R. HOFFMANN PAPERS, (1962) 1971-1977 (1991) Extent 25.6 linear feet and 9 volumes (ca. 52,000 pages) Scope and Content Note In 1971, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Chairman James Schlesinger asked Martin Hoffmann, who had previous Washington experience as a congressional staff member, to leave a private sector position to serve as AEC General Counsel. Hoffmann served in this role until 1973 when Schlesinger became Secretary of Defense. Hoffmann joined him at the Department of Defense and served …
JONATHAN D. HOORNSTRA FILES, 1975 Extent 7.9 linear feet (ca. 15,800 pages) Scope and Content Note Jonathan D. Hoornstra joined the news summary staff in February 1972. The President’s daily news summary was an objective compilation of television and national wire services’ news reports covering foreign and domestic events. In the Nixon White House, the news summary was under the direction of the communications office. Mr. Hoornstra’s primary responsibility was to review 35-40 daily newspapers from across …
GEORGE HUMPHREYS FILES, 1975-77 Extent 11.6 linear feet (ca. 23,200 pages) Scope and Content Note George Humphreys joined the Domestic Council as associate director for environment in August 1975 and served in that post until the end of the Ford administration. A graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Humphreys held posts as Assistant Commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and President and Director of the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation …
A. JAMES REICHLEY INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS, (1967) 1977-81 Extent 1.0 linear feet (ca. 2,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The James Reichley interview transcripts result from his interviews with over 160 government officials in conjunction with the writing of his book Conservatives in an Age of Change: The Nixon and Ford Administrations (Brookings Institution, 1981). They focus primarily on the personalities, philosophies, and issues of the Nixon and Ford administrations, although one series concerns the …
JOHN W. "BILL" ROBERTS PAPERS, 1973-77 Extent 14 linear feet (ca. 28,000 pp.) Scope and Content Note John W. "Bill" Roberts's background was in radio and television news reporting. He was a newscaster for radio and television stations in Iowa and then Washington bureau chief for stations owned by Time, Inc. and McGraw-Hill. When McGraw-Hill closed its Washington bureau, Roberts joined Vice President Ford's staff. As Deputy Press Secretary to the Vice President, Roberts assisted in planning media …
KENNETH RUSH FILES, 1974 Extent 0.25 linear feet (ca. 500 pages) Scope and Content Note As Counsellor for Economic Policy to President Nixon, a position of Cabinet rank, Rush became the President's "primary adviser for and the coordinator of foreign and domestic economic policy". He was often called upon to mediate disputes between other presidential economic advisers, particularly Secretary of the Treasury William E. Simon and Office of Management and Budget Director Roy L. Ash. His responsibilities …
CABINET MEETINGS FILES, 1974-76 Extent 1.6 linear feet (ca. 3,000 pages) Scope and Content Note President Ford's Cabinet met 35 times during his administration, from August 1974 to November 1976. Most meetings took place in the morning in the White House Cabinet Room and lasted from one to two hours. Notable meetings that deviated from this routine include the May 7, 1975 meeting aboard the Presidential yacht Sequoia, which sailed in the evening; the Cabinet dinner on the evening of November 6, 1975; and …
FOSTER CHANOCK FILES, 1975-76 Extent 1.6 linear feet (ca. 3,200 pages) Scope and Content Note Foster Chanock joined the White House staff as a consultant on October 14, 1975 and handled special projects for White House Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld, including the preparation of background materials for Mr. Rumsfeld's confirmation hearings as Secretary of Defense. Virtually no materials from this period appear in this collection. After Richard Cheney became Assistant to the President for White House …
DUDLEY CHAPMAN FILES, 1974-1976 Extent 4.0 linear feet (ca. 8,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Dudley H. Chapman moved from the Justice Department to the White House Legal Counsel's Office during the Nixon administration and stayed on in that office when Gerald R. Ford became president. During the Ford administration, Chapman received most of his work assignments from Rod Hills and later Edward Schmults. As much as sixty percent of Chapman's time was spent in routine services, which meant answering legal …
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. HISTORICAL OFFICE. PUBLIC STATEMENTS OF SECRETARY DONALD RUMSFELD, 2001-06 Extent 4.8 linear feet (ca. 9,600 pages) Scope and Content Note . Record Type Textual Access Open. Processed by William H. McNitt, June 2012 Copyright Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. Last Modified Date Fri, 03/07/2025 - 12:00 Biography Donald H. Rumsfeld July 9, 1932 - Born, Chicago, IL 1954 - B.A. in Politics, Princeton University …
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF PROTOCOL. CEREMONIALS DIVISION: Gerald R. Ford Condolence Books, 2006-2007 Extent 3.9 linear feet (approximately 7,800 pages) Scope and Content Note The Ceremonials division within the Department of State’s Office of the Chief of Protocol plans, executes and supports a wide range of ceremonial and official functions hosted by the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and other high-ranking United States Government officials. The division also …
U.S. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. HISTORICAL OFFICE ORAL HISTORIES AND PUBLICATIONS, 1972-93 Extent 0.5 linear feet (ca. 1000 pages) Scope and Content Note . Record Type Textual Access Open. Processed by Jennifer Sternaman, March 1994 Copyright Researchers are advised to contact NASA regarding the copyright status of items in this collection. In general, works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to oral history …
U.S. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSION ON OLYMPIC SPORTS RECORDS, 1975-77 Extent 45.2 linear feet (ca. 90,400 pages) Scope and Content Note The President's Commission on Olympic Sports (PCOS), was created by Executive Order 11868 on June 19, 1975. According to its First Report to the President, it was formed "partly in response to the continuing conflicts among various organizations involved with amateur sports in this country and partly in response to declining performance by the United States in international …