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… liaison with the Justice Department, especially campaign finance reform, civil rights, drug abuse law enforcement, and Vietnam War amnesty. The materials described consist largely of files produced and accumulated by Shepard from August 1974 to … Lynn May worked with Shepard on most of his activities. The Shepard files document his role in policy development on Vietnam War amnesty, campaign finance reform, and busing; and his meetings and correspondence with agency officials handling …
… sent compact disks containing copies of materials relating to the recapture of the S.S. Mayaguez and other aspects of the Vietnam War to former President Gerald R. Ford. He donated them to the Ford Library. The CDs contain two sets of material. The first … concern the Mayaguez, the bulk of them date from 1965 to 1970 and concern these units’ involvement in other aspects of the Vietnam War. For the convenience of researchers, the Ford Library staff has printed to paper all operational records dating …
… a long and distinguished career in the Foreign Service, but this collection focuses narrowly on the time he spent in South Vietnam (1973-1975), especially the closing months of the Vietnam War and the evacuation from Saigon in April 1975. During his last year in South Vietnam, Lehmann served as the deputy to …
… Growing out of his work with military, veterans, and ethnic groups, he had special responsibilities for such matters as the Vietnam War amnesty program, MIAs, Indochina refugees resettlement, and illegal aliens. Marrs' office was also in charge of … organizations took a strong interest in, or even strongly opposed, President Ford's proposal for an amnesty program for Vietnam War draft evaders, and Marrs became heavily involved in that issue. His files include correspondence with veterans …
… are primarily related to unfolding events in Indochina. These materials concern intelligence reports on the situation in Vietnam and Cambodia, the administration’s request of Congress for supplemental assistance, and contingency planning for the … After the fall of Saigon, the focus is on refugee resettlement, disposition of American military equipment left in Vietnam, and consideration of America’s policy interests and presence in the region under the new circumstances. Many significant foreign policy events are covered in these files. Among these are the wars and their aftermath in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; seizure of the Mayaguez and subsequent investigations into the …