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… Home Front organization. Ford served 47 months on active duty, much of this time on the "USS Monterey." After the war he returned to Grand Rapids and joined the private law firm of Butterfield, Keeney and Amberg. He helped organize a … reveals Ford's views over time on such issues as agriculture, civil rights, defense, foreign affairs, taxes and the war in Vietnam. Further significance of this file lies in showing public opinion on these issues. The file also includes material … Ford on a wide variety of subjects such as: political concerns, campaigns, and contributions; Ford's public statements: the Vietnam War; revenue‑sharing; legislation; congressional housekeeping such as office supplies, telephones, parking permits; …
… several presidential pardons proposed or granted, but the bulk concerns either the Nixon pardon or the amnesty program for Vietnam War draft evaders. Scattered documents, such as letters from White House staff member Leonard Garment and Watergate Special … administration personnel matters, executive agreements with foreign leaders, and notifications required under the War Powers Resolution. Although the Buchen Files contain a significant quantity of materials on personal matters involving …
… budget decisions, or treaty ratifications. Frequent topics of discussions were antiballistic missiles (ABM), the Vietnam War, foreign aid, security-classified information, the defense budget, Radio Free Europe, treaties and international …
… part of his service) 1975 - Justice Department Content Available Online No Summary Description Extensive material on the Vietnam War clemency program for Vietnam-era draft evaders and military absence offenders and French's role as White House liaison with the Presidential …
… worked on the amnesty program, which offered clemency to those who had avoided serving in the Armed Forces during the Vietnam War. Buchen’s position as Counsel to the President, in addition to being laborious, was also a ceremonial role. He and his …
… The Country File contains strong materials on the normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China; the Vietnam War within the realm of South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; and the United Nations Command and US military presence in Korea. The Indochina Chronological …
… charged with creating a program of conditional clemency for those accused of draft or military absence offenses during the Vietnam War. The Board, chaired by former New York Senator Charles Goodell immediately began to develop the program and hire a … Member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council 2000 - Served as lead attorney for George W. Bush’s recount effort in Broward County, Florida. 2001 -- Attorney, partner at Patton Boggs in Washington, D.C. Content Available Online No Summary …
… opinion mail related to amnesty stemming from Gerald Ford's public announcement of the Presidential clemency program for Vietnam War draft-evaders and deserters. Also included in the series is late-term public opinion mail resulting from the request of the late Senator Phillip Hart's wife for unconditional amnesty for Vietnam War draft-evaders and deserters. Many of the letters also mention other issues, such as POWs and MIAs, Ford's pardon …
… from the 1964, 1968, 1972, 1980, 1988, and 1992 presidential contests, as well as materials on the civil rights movement, Vietnam War, anti-war protests, labor unions, the Christian right, Watergate, Cold War, Gulf War, and sexual misconduct. The collection also …
… Security Council was created in 1947 in response to the increased complexity of national security issues in the post-World War II period and the necessity for coordination of political, military and economic factors in developing and implementing … and agendas. Topics discussed during NSC meetings include: the Middle East peace negotiations, aid to Israel, SALT, the Vietnam War, Panama Canal Treaty negotiations, the Helsinki Agreements, Angola, American-Soviet relations, military … for the major issue under discussion. Topics include arms control, US military readiness, the Middle East, Angola, Vietnam, the Mayaguez, the Panama Canal, and investigations of the intelligence community. Tag - Office Name National …
… House and various social events. The files document White House lobbying, presidential meetings with senators, efforts toward Senate approval of presidential nominations, and continuous evaluation of senators' views on legislation and the potential outcome of votes. The files contain substantial material on several legislative topics, especially Vietnam, military spending, intelligence community oversight and various energy issues. This collection contains materials … from Kendall's predecessor, Tom Korologos, including occasional materials from the Nixon administration. These cover anti-Vietnam War vote tabulations and congressional response to the mining of North Vietnamese ports; extensive handwritten …
… found a cache of classified documents in the trunk of a car that had been stolen from former U.S. ambassador to South Vietnam Graham A. Martin. They turned the documents over to the FBI. The documents were embassy files Martin had taken with … designated by the FBI. In most cases, the reverse chronological order in which they were received has been changed to forward chronological order. The bulk of the materials in this collection are "backchannel" cables between the U.S. ambassadors … security advisers (McGeorge Bundy, Henry Kissinger, and Brent Scowcroft, successively) regarding the situation in South Vietnam or the peace negotiations. In addition, there are straight State Department cables, usually between the Secretary of …
… long-term topics such as relations with the Soviet Union, foreign aid, the Cyprus crisis, Middle East developments, or the Vietnam War, researchers will discover scattered items on most countries. The collection’s title derives from box titles applied by …
… of Defense Robert McNamara's management and decision making practices and the Johnson administration's handling of the Vietnam War. During much of his service on the Defense Appropriations Subcomittee, he sat side-by-side with Representative Gerald … the establishment of the All-Volunteer Force. Other accomplishments included the withdrawal of all combat personnel from Vietnam and establishing the Total Force Concept that made the National Guard and Reserve Forces an integral part of U.S. …
… NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. NSC VIETNAM INFORMATION GROUP: INTELLIGENCE AND OTHER REPORTS, 1967-75 Extent 4.8 linear feet (ca. 12,900 pages) Scope and Content Note The NSC Vietnam Information Group: Intelligence and Other Reports is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security … materials dating from the Ford administration. This collection provides important background information on the Vietnamese war and its impact on life in South and North Vietnam. The materials on South Vietnam primarily concern relations with the …
… issues, military appropriations, grain sent to India, Hoover Commission, Taft-Hartley Act amendments, government spending, Vietnam War, and busing. Two Ford form letters from the Vice Presidential and Presidential years are also included. Donor David …
… (ca.10,500 pages) Scope and Content Note Shirley Peck Barnes was a hospital administrator in Denver, Colorado, during the Vietnam War, and offered her facility and services to the Friends of Children of Vietnam (FCVN) adoption agency in April and May, 1975. FCVN was a participating agency in Operation Babylift, a coordinated …
… pages) Scope and Content Note Charles Goodell first reached prominence as a Republican U.S. Representative, Senator, and Vietnam War critic from the state of New York between 1959 and 1971. None of his papers from that phase of his career are included … his service as chairman of the Presidential Clemency Board, which carried out President Ford's plan for clemency for Vietnamese War draft evaders and military absence offenders in 1974 and 1975. The remainder consists of materials derived …
… GI 3 Gifts to President (includes Bicentennial) and PR 8-1 American Bicentennial Celebration. Related open materials on Vietnam War MIA/POW's are found especially in the John Marsh Files and in the White House Central Files category ND 8-1 Military … Available Online No Summary Description The collection documents Mitler's liaison activities with Bicentennial groups and Vietnam War MIA/POW groups. It also describes his occasional handling of White House meetings with veterans, educational, …
… liaison with the Justice Department, especially campaign finance reform, civil rights, drug abuse law enforcement, and Vietnam War amnesty. The materials described consist largely of files produced and accumulated by Shepard from August 1974 to … Lynn May worked with Shepard on most of his activities. The Shepard files document his role in policy development on Vietnam War amnesty, campaign finance reform, and busing; and his meetings and correspondence with agency officials handling …