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NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. BACKCHANNEL MESSAGES, 1974-77 Extent 4.0 linear feet (ca. 8000 pages) Scope and Content Note MOST OF THIS COLLECTION IS UNPROCESSED AND CLOSED TO RESEARCH. THE CONTAINER LIST SHOWS WHAT IS CURRENTLY OPEN. Record Type Textual Access Only a portion of this collection has been processed and opened to research. The rest of the collection is still unprocessed and closed. In the processed portions, some items are temporarily restricted under terms of the donor's deed of gift, a copy of …
GERALD R. FORD VICE PRESIDENTIAL PAPERS, 1973-74 Extent 105.2 linear feet (ca. 210,400 pages) Scope and Content Note The Ford Vice Presidential Papers include materials created and received by Gerald R. Ford and his staff between October 13, 1973 and August 9, 1974. During the first two months Ford was still House Minority Leader, but his staff decided to begin the Vice Presidential file upon nomination rather than waiting until he was sworn in. Therefore the collection documents the last few weeks of …
BETTY FORD WHITE HOUSE PAPERS, 1974-77 Extent 35.2 linear feet (ca. 70,400 pages) Scope and Content Note Betty Ford hired friend Nancy Howe as her personal assistant not long after Gerald Ford was nominated as Vice President. Mrs. Howe was in charge of guide book sales at the White House Historical Association and had been helping Mrs. Ford for several weeks prior to being officially hired. As First Lady, Mrs. Ford's staff, often referred to as the East Wing staff, numbered 26 to 28 and were responsible …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 SERVICE ACADEMY APPOINTMENT FILE SUB-GROUP, 1958-74 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Series List Service Academy Appointment File, 1958-74. (Boxes P1‑P18, 7.2 linear feet) This file concerns the selection of Fifth Congressional District high school students for appointment to the nation's five service academies (Army, Navy, Air Force, Merchant Marine, and Coast Guard). In making these appointments Ford relied solely on the results …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 CONTROL FILE SUB-GROUP, 1965-73 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Summary Description Ford Congressional Papers main page Has Digitized Content Off Alphabetical order title FORD, GERALD R., CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 CONTROL FILE SUB-GROUP, …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 PRINTED MATERIALS SUB-GROUP, 1947-73 Record Type Textual Processed by William McNitt, June 1984 Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Content Available Online No Summary Description Printed Materials, 1947-73. (231 linear feet) When Gerald Ford donated his congressional papers to the Library, he included a large collection of published materials which supplements those papers. Included are congressional publications (especially those relating to committees …
GERALD R. FORD CONGRESSIONAL PAPERS, 1949-73 WASHINGTON OFFICE FILE SUB-GROUP, 1949-74 Record Type Textual Last Modified Date Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:00 Series List Washington Office File, 1949-74. (Boxes M1‑M73, 24.4 linear feet) This is a collection of sixteen small series or file fragments formerly maintained by Ford's Washington office but otherwise unrelated. These series relate to Ford's official activities, the administration of his office, his personal finances, his participation in various …
GERALD R. FORD, Funeral Materials, ca. 2006-2007 Extent Approximately 46 linear feet (approximately 92,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Former President Gerald R. Ford died peacefully at his home in Rancho Mirage, California, on December 26, 2006. The following day, President George W. Bush issued a proclamation announcing President Ford’s death and directing US flags on all federal facilities be flown at half-staff. On December 28, 2006, President Bush issued Executive Order 13421 proclaiming January 2, …
National Security Adviser. Legislative Interdepartmental Group Files, 1971-1972 (1976) Extent 1.2 linear feet (ca. 2,400 pages) Scope and Content Note The Legislative Interdepartmental Group Files is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance of the Ford National Security Adviser Files and an explanation of the designations “Presidential” and “Institutional” are provided in Appendix A . The role of the Legislative Interdepartmental Group (LIG) was to …
THOMAS G. FORD PAPERS AND BOOKS, 1880-1980 Extent 5.0 linear feet (20 pp. documents, 62 books, 100 page scrapbook) Scope and Content Note The papers and books that constitute the Thomas Ford collection include materials originally belonging to Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Gerald R. Ford, Sr., Dorothy Ford, and other members of the family, as well as Thomas Ford himself. The collection is arranged in three parts: a small amount of correspondence and autographed banquet programs; books belonging to members of the …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS STAFF FILES, 1974-77 Extent 6 linear feet (12,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The NSC Latin America Staff Files is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. In general, materials in Staff Files tend to be more routine in nature than those found in Presidential Files. They are non-record working and reference files maintained by staff members in their offices. The Latin American Affairs staff, composed of a senior staff …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. STAFF ASSISTANT ROBERT C. ("BUD") MCFARLANE FILES, 1974-77 Extent 3.0 linear feet (ca. 6,000 pages) Scope and Content Note After a long career as a Marine Corps officer and a year as a White House Fellow, Robert C. (“Bud”) McFarlane joined the National Security Council staff as military aide to the National Security Adviser in June 1973. He remained in that position for the rest of the Nixon administration and much of the Ford administration, then was promoted to Special …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. NSC MIDDLE EAST AND SOUTH ASIAN AFFAIRS STAFF FILES, 1974-77 Extent 33.6 linear feet (ca. 67,200 pages) Scope and Content Note The Office of Middle East and South Asian Affairs provided the primary staff support to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs on foreign policy and defense issues for thirty countries ranging geographically from Morocco to Saudi Arabia to India. As with the National Security Council's other geographic offices, the Office of Middle …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. NSC STAFF SECRETARY FILES, (1973) 1974-77 Extent 4.6 linear feet (ca. 8,800 pages) Scope and Content Note Jeanne Davis served as National Security Council (NSC) Staff Secretary throughout the Ford administration, a role which she had also filled during the bulk of the Nixon years. She and her staff handled NSC document control, intra-staff coordination, review of staff work, management of State visits, approval of foreign travel by administration officials, and administrative …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. OUTSIDE THE SYSTEM CHRONOLOGICAL FILE, 1974-77 Extent 2.0 linear feet (ca. 3,800 pages) Scope and Content Note The Outside the System Chronological File is one of many sub-collections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. When National Archives staff received this collection at the end of the Ford administration, the boxes were labeled “Outside the System.” The exact office of origin is uncertain. The collection consists almost entirely of photocopies, with …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. PRESIDENTIAL COUNTRY FILES FOR MIDDLE EAST AND SOUTH ASIA, 1974-77 Extent 14 linear feet (ca. 28,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The Presidential Country Files for the Middle East and South Asia is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. This particular subcollection concerns U.S. relations with all countries in the Middle East and South Asia, encompassing both regional and bilateral matters. In arrangement, the first folders concern the …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. PRESIDENTIAL NAME FILE, 1974-77 Extent 1.2 linear feet (ca. 2,400 pages) Scope and Content Note The Presidential Name File is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The Name File comprises material filed by the name of an individual. Most of the documents were sent or received by either Henry Kissinger, as National Security Adviser to the President, or Brent Scowcroft, as Kissinger's deputy and then National Security Adviser himself. It is …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. NSC PRESS AND CONGRESSIONAL RELATIONS ADVISER, 1973-76 Extent 3.2 linear feet (ca. 6,400 pages) Scope and Content Note NSC Press and Congressional Liaison Staff Files is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. Duties of Janka and Vanderhye Leslie Janka and Margaret Vanderhye handled National Security Council (NSC) press and congressional liaison during the Ford administration. Janka served as staff assistant for press liaison from 1971 until …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. NSC PROGRAM ANALYSIS STAFF FILES, 1969-77 Extent 26 linear feet (ca. 52,000 pages) Scope and Content Note . Record Type Textual Access Only a portion of this collection has been processed and opened to research. The rest of the collection is still unprocessed and closed. In the processed portions, some items are temporarily restricted under terms of the donor's deed of gift, a copy of which is available on request, or under National Archives and Records Administration general …
DAVID MATHEWS PAPERS ON MICROFILM, 1975-77 Extent 8.3 linear feet (ca. 28,000 pages) Scope and Content Note This finding aid was drafted by the Special Collections Library staff at The University of Alabama. It has been modified by the Ford Library staff to match the format of the Library's other finding aids. The papers of the Honorable David Mathews, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (August 8, 1975-January 20, 1977), have been arranged chronologically within correspondence or record …