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National Security Adviser WHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM PRESIDENTIAL DAILY BRIEFINGS, 1974-77 Extent 7.6 linear feet (ca. 6,000 pages) Scope and Content Note This collection mostly comprises White House letterhead memoranda submitted by National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft to President Ford on virtually a daily basis. These highly-classified memoranda are labeled “Information Items” and are usually two to three pages in length. They contain information and analysis on developments …
WHITE HOUSE TELEGRAPH & TRAVEL SECTION: SAMPLE OF TELEGRAMS, 1974-77 Extent 1.5 linear feet (ca. 3,000 pages) Scope and Content Note As a permanent operating unit of the Office of the Chief Executive Clerk [ 1 ], the White House Telegraph and Travel Section arranged travel for White House staff, assisted with travel arrangements for the White House press corps, and received and dispatched all telegrams for the White House Office. The collection has no information on these duties, but does contain a sample …
WHITE HOUSE USHER'S OFFICE FILES, 1974-77 Extent 3.3 linear feet (approximately 1,925 pages) Scope and Content Note RELATED MATERIALS (October 2015) Additional material related to the Executive Residence are found primarily in the White House Central Files Subject File, category WH (White House), as well as FG-100 (Committee for the Preservation of the White House) and FG-180 (National Park Foundation) categories. Materials pertaining to the swimming pool specifically can be found in the John Stiles and …
I. DAVID WHEAT, JR., FILES, 1974-75 Extent 0.8 linear feet (ca. 1,600 pages) Scope and Content Note David Wheat joined the White House Staff in March 1973, as assistant to Anne Armstrong, Counsellor to the President. Although Armstrong departed the White House in December 1974, Wheat remained through May 1975 and provided assistance to the Economic Policy Board staff. The majority of his files concern his work for Anne Armstrong. As staff assistant, Wheat aided Armstrong on routine office correspondence; …
JAMES H. FALK FILES, 1974-75 (1976) Extent 14 linear feet (ca. 28,000 pages) Scope and Content Note James H. Falk joined the Domestic Council staff in March 1971 as a staff assistant to Edward Morgan, Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs. Falk was promoted to Associate Director in 1973 and assumed responsibility for activities associated with intergovernmental affairs, reporting directly to the director of the Domestic Council. He remained in this position until leaving the White House …
MICHAEL J. FARRELL FILES, (1969-73) 1974-77 Extent 24.8 linear feet (52,500 pages) Scope and Content Note Michael Farrell joined the White House staff on March 24, 1969, and became Director of the White House Visitors Office in 1974 during the Nixon administration, a post he held through the entire Ford administration. Most of the collection dates from the Ford administration, but includes some Nixon administration materials, most notably the group tour calendar books, going back as far as 1969. The …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. NSC EUROPE, CANADA, AND OCEAN AFFAIRS STAFF FILES, 1974-77 Extent 30.8 linear feet (ca. 61,600 pages) Scope and Content Note The “NSC Europe, Canada, and Ocean Affairs Staff Files” is a sub-collection of the National Security Adviser Files. The provenance of the Ford Library’s National Security Adviser Files is described in Appendix A. The NSC Europe, Canada, and Ocean Affairs staff provided foreign policy support to the President, Vice President, and National Security Adviser on …
NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. PRESIDENTIAL COUNTRY FILES FOR EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC, 1974-77 Extent 8.4 linear feet (ca. 16,800 pages) Scope and Content Note The Presidential Country Files for East Asia and the Pacific is one of many subcollections that comprise the National Security Adviser Files. The Presidential Country Files described here concern U.S. relations with countries of eastern Asia and the Pacific Ocean, and address regional issues as well as issues specific to individual countries. …
JUDITH A. JOHNSTON FILES, 1973-77 Extent 1.4 linear feet (ca. 2,800 pages) Scope and Content Note Judith Ann Johnston, a former legal secretary, joined the Domestic Council staff as a secretary in February 1973. She first worked in the office of the Executive Director, Kenneth Cole, but from October 1974 on she was staff secretary for the Domestic Council under the Deputy Director for Operations. As staff secretary, Johnston was responsible for maintaining the Domestic Council administrative files. She …
JERRY JONES FILES, 1974-77 Extent 23.6 linear feet (ca. 47,200 pages) Scope and Content Note Jerry Jones began his White House career during the Nixon administration and remained on staff for the entire Ford presidency. He held several positions in the White House Personnel Office from 1971-74, and in April 1974 was appointed Staff Secretary. He continued as Staff Secretary in the Ford administration until June 1975 when he was appointed Director of the Scheduling and Advance Office. The Jones Files are …
SAMUEL HALPER FILES, 1974-76 Extent 1.2 linear feet (ca. 2,400 pages) Scope and Content Note Samuel Halper, a journalist with lengthy ties to Puerto Rico, served as a consultant to the Domestic Council from May 1975 to April 1976, responsible for reviewing the proposed Compact of Permanent Union between Puerto Rico and the United States and making recommendations to the President. The Halper files consist of a small number of documents he accumulated as well as a working file inherited from Domestic …
RAYBURN D. HANZLIK FILES, 1975-76 Extent 11 linear feet (ca. 22,000 pages) Scope and Content Note Ray Hanzlik joined the Domestic Council staff in August 1975 to help coordinate the six White House forums on domestic policy. He remained on the staff throughout 1976 as an assistant to Special Assistant for Intergovernmental Affairs Stephen McConahey. The materials described consist of working files accumulated by Hanzlik and the forums staff in 1975 and by Hanzlik in 1976, arranged by function and topic. …
ROBERT HARTMANN FILES, 1974-77 Extent 38.4 linear feet (ca. 76,800 pages) Scope and Content Note Discussed below under separate headings are: Robert Hartmann's role in the Ford White House, the scope and content of the Hartmann files, and related collections at the Ford Library. Hartmann's Role in the Ford White House Gerald R. Ford appointed his long-time aide Robert Hartmann as Counsellor to the President (with Cabinet status) as one of the first official acts of his Presidency. In this position …
WARREN K. HENDRIKS, JR. Director, Office of Presidential Spokesmen: Files , (1974) 1975-76 Extent 3.2 linear feet (ca. 6,400 pages) Scope and Content Note Beginning in January 1976, Hendriks served as Director of the Presidential Spokesmen’s Office. This office handled event invitations that the President had to decline, but which were considered important enough that the administration should be represented at the event. The office coordinated the schedules of administration spokesmen such as Cabinet …
A. JAMES REICHLEY FILES, 1976 Extent 2.0 linear feet (ca. 4,000 pages) Scope and Content Note The files of James Reichley cover the period May-October 1976 when he served as a political consultant for White House Chief of Staff Richard Cheney. A journalist with practical experience in the political arena, Reichley assisted Cheney with President Ford's primary and general election campaigns. His broad responsibility was to consider long range goals and policies, and to generate new ideas. In particular, …
KATHLEEN RYAN CHRONOLOGICAL FILE, 1975-76 Extent 0.4 linear feet (ca. 400 pages) Scope and Content Note Kathleen Ryan joined the Domestic Council staff in April 1975 as Assistant Director for General Government under Associate Director Glenn Schleede. General Government included energy and science, culture and consumer affairs. Ryan emphasized the latter two and, in early 1976, her title was changed to Assistant Director for Consumer and Cultural Affairs to more accurately reflect her duties. She resigned …
TERRENCE O'DONNELL FILES, 1974-77 Extent 14.4 linear feet (ca. 25,900 pages) Scope and Content Note Related Material Significant related materials are located in White House Central Files (WHCF) subject file categories FG (Federal Government) and TR (Trips), and the White House Scheduling and Advance Office staff files. Record Type Textual Access Open. Researchers wishing to view papers should consult with an archivist prior to their visit in order to request that specific folders be added to the Library's …
OFFICE OF WHITE HOUSE CENTRAL FILES FILES, (1971) 1974-77 Extent 3.3 linear feet (ca. 2,700 pages) Scope and Content Note . Record Type Textual Access Open. Processed by Nancy Mirshah, November 1992, revised by J.P. Schmidt, September 2012 Copyright Mr. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. Works prepared by …
WILLIAM T. KENDALL FILES, (1971) 1974-77 Extent 6.6 linear feet (ca. 13,200 pages) Scope and Content Note William T. Kendall came to the White House in February 1975 directly from the staff of Senator Charles Mathias, Jr. He was appointed deputy assistant for legislative affairs (Senate) and reported to Max L. Friedersdorf, head of the Congressional Relations Office. His predecessor, Tom C. Korologos, had served President Nixon since 1971 and remained on President Ford's staff from August through December …
DAVID LISSY FILES, 1974-77 Extent 18.8 linear feet (ca. 37,600 pages) Scope and Content Note Lissy joined the Domestic Council in September 1975 as Associate Director where he assumed Roger Semerad's responsibilities for labor, veterans and education issues, along with his active files. In this capacity, he monitored legislation in the Congress, drafted presidential statements, and prepared briefing papers and memoranda for the President and Domestic Council staff. Lissy worked closely with the Departments …