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A0003-18A. A new President and a new First Lady descend the platform in the East Room of the White House where the swearing-in ceremony of Gerald R. Ford as the 38th Pres...Show moreA0003-18A. A new President and a new First Lady descend the platform in the East Room of the White House where the swearing-in ceremony of Gerald R. Ford as the 38th President of the United States has just taken place. August 9, 1974 Show less
A0004-10. Gerald R. Ford is sworn in as the 38th President of the United States by Chief Justice Warren Burger as Mrs. Ford looks on. August 9, 1974.
A1168. Official portrait of First Lady Betty Ford. October 2, 1974.
A1079-13A. Mrs. Ford and Susan Ford give Lady Bird Johnson, Luci Baines Nugent, Lynda Bird Robb, and Charles Robb a tour of the White House Residence prior to Mrs. Ford's...Show moreA1079-13A. Mrs. Ford and Susan Ford give Lady Bird Johnson, Luci Baines Nugent, Lynda Bird Robb, and Charles Robb a tour of the White House Residence prior to Mrs. Ford's admittance to Bethesda Naval Hospital for her breast cancer surgery. September 27, 1974. Show less
A1170-18A President and Mrs. Ford read a petition, signed by all 100 members of the United States Senate, in the President's Suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, M...Show moreA1170-18A President and Mrs. Ford read a petition, signed by all 100 members of the United States Senate, in the President's Suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD, following the First Lady's breast cancer surgery. October 2, 1974. Show less
A1201-27A - President and Mrs. Ford return to the President's Suite at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD, following the First Lady’s breast cancer surgery. Octobe...Show moreA1201-27A - President and Mrs. Ford return to the President's Suite at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD, following the First Lady’s breast cancer surgery. October 4, 1974. Show less
A1223-20A - President Ford, Bob Hope, and Hugh Davis visit Mrs. Ford at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD, during her recovery from breast cancer surgery. October...Show moreA1223-20A - President Ford, Bob Hope, and Hugh Davis visit Mrs. Ford at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD, during her recovery from breast cancer surgery. October 5, 1974. Show less
A1634-01. President and Mrs. Ford with their dog Liberty at the Camp David swimming pool. October 26, 1974
A2328-18A - President and Mrs. Ford hug each other in the Oval Office. December 6, 1974.
A2347-03A. First Lady Betty Ford and daughter Susan share the President's chair in the Oval Office. December 8, 1974.
A2852-13. First Lady Betty Ford gazes toward the Oval Office from a window in the White House residence. January 20, 1975.
A3503-07 - President and Mrs. Ford and Susan engage in a little family horseplay at Camp David. March 2, 1975.
A4024-19A - President and Mrs. Ford in the White House residence. April 13, 1975.
A4455-31A. President and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford pose on the South Lawn of the White House with Liberty, their pet golden retriever. May 9, 1975.
A6311-26. Jack and Steve Ford meet President and Mrs. Ford on the White House lawn following their arrival after the attempt on the President's life by Lynette "Squeaky" ...Show moreA6311-26. Jack and Steve Ford meet President and Mrs. Ford on the White House lawn following their arrival after the attempt on the President's life by Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme. September 5, 1975 Show less
A6311-33. Surrounded by Secret Service agents and the press on the South Portico of the White House, President and Mrs. Ford, with their son Steve, return home following ...Show moreA6311-33. Surrounded by Secret Service agents and the press on the South Portico of the White House, President and Mrs. Ford, with their son Steve, return home following the attempt on the President's life by Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme. September 5, 1975 Show less
A6332-04. President Ford and First Lady Betty Ford and their sons Jack and Steve watch television news coverage of the attempt on the President's life by Lynette "Squeaky...Show moreA6332-04. President Ford and First Lady Betty Ford and their sons Jack and Steve watch television news coverage of the attempt on the President's life by Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme in the White House residence. September 5, 1975 Show less
A6479-18. Susan, Mrs. Ford, and President Ford with Liberty and puppies. September 16, 1975
A6525-05. First Lady Betty Ford, unaware of Sara Jane Moore’s assassination attempt, greets President Ford inside Air Force One, for the trip back to Washington. Septemb...Show moreA6525-05. First Lady Betty Ford, unaware of Sara Jane Moore’s assassination attempt, greets President Ford inside Air Force One, for the trip back to Washington. September 22, 1975. Show less
A6748-06A. First Lady Betty Ford greets Empress Nagako as she arrives at the White House with Emperor Hirohito of Japan for a state dinner in their honor on their histori...Show moreA6748-06A. First Lady Betty Ford greets Empress Nagako as she arrives at the White House with Emperor Hirohito of Japan for a state dinner in their honor on their historic first visit to the United States. October 2, 1975. Show less
A6796-11. First Lady Betty Ford and her pet golden retriever, Liberty, watch over Liberty’s puppies on the South Lawn of the White House. October 5, 1975.
A7055-20. President and First Lady Betty Ford pause on the dance floor at a White House state dinner in honor of Egyptian President and Mrs. Anwar Sadat. October 27, 1975...Show moreA7055-20. President and First Lady Betty Ford pause on the dance floor at a White House state dinner in honor of Egyptian President and Mrs. Anwar Sadat. October 27, 1975. Show less
A7182-22A. President and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford and daughter Susan play with Liberty’s golden retriever puppies on the South Lawn of the White House. November 5, 1975.
A7235-08. Having selected “handmade and folksy” as the theme for Christmas at the White House, First Lady Betty Ford makes homemade ornaments with daughter Susan for the ...Show moreA7235-08. Having selected “handmade and folksy” as the theme for Christmas at the White House, First Lady Betty Ford makes homemade ornaments with daughter Susan for the tree in the third floor Solarium during a photo-op for Parade Magazine. November 10, 1975. Show less
A7323-16. Co-producer Ed Weinberger coaches First Lady Betty Ford and Mary Tyler Moore during the filming of a Mary Tyler Moore Show episode in which Mrs. Ford played her...Show moreA7323-16. Co-producer Ed Weinberger coaches First Lady Betty Ford and Mary Tyler Moore during the filming of a Mary Tyler Moore Show episode in which Mrs. Ford played herself. Hay-Adams Hotel, Washington, D.C. CBS television aired the episode on January 10, 1976. November 17, 1975. Show less
A7545-20A. While touring the Central May 7th College of Art in Peking, People's Republic of China, First Lady Betty Ford shares a dance move with one of the students. Dec...Show moreA7545-20A. While touring the Central May 7th College of Art in Peking, People's Republic of China, First Lady Betty Ford shares a dance move with one of the students. December 3, 1975 Show less
A7598-20A - President and Mrs. Ford, Vice Premier Deng Xiao Ping, and Deng’s interpreter have a cordial chat during an informal meeting. Beijing, China. December 3, 1975.
A7767. Portrait of First Lady Betty Ford. ca. December 24, 1975.
A8704. Portrait of First Lady Betty Ford. ca. December 24, 1975.
A9002-15A. President and Mrs. Ford say goodnight to King Hussein and Princess Alia of Jordon as they depart the White House after a state dinner in their honor. March 30...Show moreA9002-15A. President and Mrs. Ford say goodnight to King Hussein and Princess Alia of Jordon as they depart the White House after a state dinner in their honor. March 30, 1976. Show less
B0549-30. President and Mrs. Ford and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip on the Truman Balcony following the Queen's state arrival at the White House. July...Show moreB0549-30. President and Mrs. Ford and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip on the Truman Balcony following the Queen's state arrival at the White House. July 7, 1976. Show less
B0560-06. First Lady Betty Ford observes the table settings and staff preparations for the evening's state dinner in honor of Queen Elizabeth II of England and Prince Phi...Show moreB0560-06. First Lady Betty Ford observes the table settings and staff preparations for the evening's state dinner in honor of Queen Elizabeth II of England and Prince Philip. July 7, 1976. Show less
B0570-28. First Lady Betty Ford and Prince Philip dance during the state dinner in honor of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip at the White House. July 7, 1976.
B0986-19 - President and Mrs. Ford with Susan and Liberty at Camp David. August 7, 1976.
B1192-07 - President and Mrs. Ford at the Republican National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. August 19, 1976.
B1272-18A - President Ford, as the Republican nominee, shakes hands with nomination foe Ronald Reagan on the closing night of the Republican National Convention. August 1...Show moreB1272-18A - President Ford, as the Republican nominee, shakes hands with nomination foe Ronald Reagan on the closing night of the Republican National Convention. August 19, 1976. Show less
B1368-20A - Mike, Gayle, President Ford, Mrs. Ford, Jack, Susan, and Steve on the South Lawn of the White House. September 6, 1976.
B1963-21A. First Lady Betty Ford introduces her son Steve to a crowd gathered outside a President Ford Committee phone bank in Downey, California. October 19, 1976.
B2174-12 - President and Mrs. Ford offer each other comfort as they watch the election returns. November 2, 1976.
B2193-08A - Mrs. Ford reads President Ford's concession speech to the press. November 3, 1976. (l-r) Steve, President Ford, Susan, Mike, Gayle
B2384-25. As part of a televised farewell interview with President and Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Ford takes ABC correspondent Barbara Walters on a White House tour, showing for the...Show moreB2384-25. As part of a televised farewell interview with President and Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Ford takes ABC correspondent Barbara Walters on a White House tour, showing for the first time on television some of the occupied rooms on the third floor, such as the President’s private office shown here. December 4, 1976. Show less