Displaying 591 - 600 of 35248 results
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-, File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM 5436 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL {;ONFIDENl'IAESeptember 29, 1976 MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSA TION PAR TICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State William E. Simon, Secretary of Treasury George Bush, Director, Central Intelligence Agency Bipartisan Congressional Leadership (list attached) DATE AND TIM:E: Tuesday, September 28, 1976 8:00 - 9:05 …
• File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~ODIS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PAR TICIPANT S: President Gerald R. Ford Vuong Van Bac, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Vietnam Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President Tran Kim Phuong, Ambassador of the Republic of Vietnam Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PAR TICIPANTS: Umar a1-Saqqaf, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Saudi Arabia President Gerald Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE & TIME: …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON SECRET /NODIS /XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Sunday, January 25, 1976 PLACE: Oval Office SUBJECT: Report on Secretary Kissinger's Moscow Trip President: We held an interesting …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 6J30:aBT/NODIS!XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Amb. William Scranton, U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, August 4, 1976 3:30 - 3:59 p. m. PLACE: The Oval Office The White House Scranton: My first item is the …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~/SENSITIVE MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION President Ford Gyu1a Szeker. Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary Elliot Richardson. Secretary of Commerce Brent Scowcroft. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Amb. Ferenc Eszterga1yos. Hungarian Ambassador DATE AND TIME: Tuesday. May 4. 1976 11:58-12:15 p.m. PLACE: The Oval Office …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 010588 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL . . National security restriction TYPE OF MATERIAL . . Memorandum of Conversation CREATOR'S NAME . . Nixon/Haldeman/Agnew CREATION DATE 02/10/1973 VOLUME . . . 10 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID . 036600044 COLLECTION TITLE . . . . . . . …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 018273 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL . . National security restriction TYPE OF MATERIAL . . . Memorandum of Conversation . . TITLE Ford, Congresswoman Margaret Heckler, Portuguese-American Delegation CREATION DATE 09/09/1975 VOLUME . · 6 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID COLLECTION TITLE . …
• File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHI~GTO:-; SECRE'f /NODIS/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Brent Scowcroft , Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME Wednesday, July 7. 1976 10:03 - 10:45 a.m. PLA CE: The Oval Office Kissinger: I won't try to hit home runs in my Portland and …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~/NODIS/XGDS DECLASSIFIED EO. 12958 (as amended) SEC 8.3 MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION MR. /O-IIf,·/l.ilq JFII\.1.y;t14e.c\4.sJ; 4:6ttL \.(U "1/""9/10 B-1 ~DrJI.e_--:.:.'tI"I~ PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy …