Displaying 4771 - 4780 of 35248 results
Page 478 of 3525
Gerald R. Ford Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review FY 14 3rd Quarter April - June 2014 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.80 per page Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Document Identification Date # Pages U.S. National Security Council Institutional Records 22 Meeting Minutes - Verification Panel (Drafts), January-February 1976 Typed Draft Minutes 1/5/1976 5 U.S. National Security Council Institutional Records 22 …
Gerald R. Ford Library Guide: Introduction GUIDE TO HISTORICAL MATERIAL in the GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY October 2009 By David A. Horrocks Supervisory Archivist Address: 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Telephone: 734-205-0555 E-mail: Fax: 734-205-0571 Library-Museum Website: General reception and main numbers: Gerald R. Ford Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan 734.205.0555 Gerald R. Ford Museum, Grand Rapids, Michigan 616.254.0400 …
Gerald R. Ford Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review FY 13 4th Quarter July - September 2013 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.80 per page Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Document Identification Date # Pages Melvin R Laird Papers C3 Chemical Warfare and Biological Research, Document 19 A Report by the Ad Hoc PSAC Panel on Chemical and Biological Warfare and Cover Memo 8/22/1976 18 Dale Van Atta Papers 5 Intelligence …
DOMESTIC COUNCIL Audiovisual Material Transferred from Textual Collections Box Folder Contents BARNES, DENNIS - ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ENERGY AND SCIENCE 1 1 AV82-146-1 A9733-7A - GRF signing legislation, 5-11-76, [National Science and Technology Policy, Organization and Priorities Act of 1976--Signing Ceremony] 1 DOMESTIC COUNCIL Audiovisual Material Transferred from Textual Collections Box Folder Contents CANNON, JAMES M. - ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR DOMESTIC AFFAIRS; EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2 AV82-116-1 …
RICHARD B. CHENEY FILES Audiovisual Material Transferred from the Textual Collection Box Folder Contents 1 AV85-2-1 to 2 AV86-12-1 1 2 AV86-12-2 AV86-12-3 AV86-12-4 AV86-12-5 AV86-12-6 AV86-12-7 AV86-12-8 AV86-12-9 AV86-12-10 AV86-12-11 AV86-12-12 AV86-12-13 AV86-12-14 2 AV86-12-15 3 AV86-12-16 AV86-12-17 Primary Campaign Interview Rehearsal Tapes [Files of Richard Cheney] Exhibit P1 - At about 4:40 p.m. on Thursday, January 9, a group of Panamanian students entered the Canal zone carrying flags, signs and …
U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INSTITUTIONAL FILES Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection AV2007-NLF-047 – (001—27) all 8x10 color photographs (001-011) (012-017) 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 Loaded SFM Jeeps and yellow bulldozers on World Airways plane parked at hangar; photos of Jeff Boswell drawings of camp. Construction activity in desert; photos of Jeff Boswell drawings of camp. Arrival of modules at SFM Power Station at permanent camp during construction (fuel tanks …
Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers – Robert Hartmann Series: Photographs Box Folder Contents 1 1 AV82-15-1 2 AV82-15-2 AV82-15-3 AV82-15-4 AV82-15-5 to 6 3 AV82-15-7 to 11 4 AV82-15-12 to 14 AV82-15-15 AV82-15-16 5 AV82-15-17 to 27 6 AV82-15-28 to 34 7 AV82-15-35 to 39 8 AV82-15-40 to 43 9 AV82-91 10 AV82-92 11 AV82-144-1 to 29 12 AV82-144-30 AV82-144-31 GRF with 91st Congress Republican Executive Committee of the Committee on Committees, 1969, {seated l-r: Jo Wilson, (Secretary), John Rhodes (AZ), Frank …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 GWEN A. ANDERSON FILES, 1974-77 Deputy Assistant to Counsellor Robert T. Hartmann; Director of Presidential Messages and Research, Editorial Staff Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection Summary Description The Gwen A. Anderson audiovisual series consists of miscellaneous photographs related to Anderson’s work as an assistant to Counsellor Robert Hartmann. Topics include …
L. WILLIAM SEIDMAN FILES Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection AV transfers from the L. William Seidman Files consist of photographs, slides, audiotape, film strips, a 33 1/3 rpm record and an audiocassette. The latter item was disposed of, due to a damaged head. The items are listed below, with a brief description. Bolded headings correspond to the box and folder in the Manuscript portion of the Seidman Files from which the materials were transferred. The record and film strip are …
FEDERAL RECORDS Audiovisual Materials Transferred from Textual Collections Box Folder Description COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS 1 1 AV83-12-1 to 14 2 AV83-13-1 to 2 3 AV83-14-1 to 4 Federal Energy Administration slides, [Files of Paul W. MacAvoy: Correspondence with Federal Agencies - Federal Energy Administration (3)] Modified Tricycle by Kenneth Wilson, color, [Files of Alan Greenspan: General Correspondence 1975 (W)] Portraits of Alan Greenspan and three unidentified people, color, (Ruth Gaines) [Files …