Displaying 4751 - 4760 of 35248 results
Page 476 of 3525
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library White House Communications Agency (WHCA): Videotapes of Public Affairs, News, and Other Television Broadcasts Weekly News Summaries, 1974-77 WHCA created weekly compilation tapes of selected stories from the evening news broadcasts of the CBS, NBC, and ABC television networks. It offered these “Weekly News Summaries” to White House staff via an internal cable TV system. The stories range across a host of national political, domestic policy, and foreign affairs topics. …
OFFICE OF PUBLIC LIAISON WILLIAM J. BAROODY FILES AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL Box Folder Contents 1 1 2 3 AV82-1-1 to 11 AV82-1-12 to 14 AV82-1-15 to 21 4 5 6 AV82-1-22 to 26 AV82-1-27 AV82-1-28 to 34 7 8 AV82-1-35 to 38 AV82-1-39 to 52 9 AV82-1-53 to 60 10 AV82-1-61 11 12 13 14 AV82-1-62 to 66 AV82-1-67 to 70 AV82-1-71 to 75 AV82-1-76 to 89 15 16 17 AV82-1-90 to 95 AV82-1-96 to 108 AV82-1-109 to 113 AV82-1-114 to 118 18 AV82-1-119 to 124 19 AV82-1-125 to 134 20 21 AV82-1-135 to 140 AV82-1-141 22 23 AV82-1-142 …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library White House Photographic Office: Secretary of State Photographs The Ford Library has no negatives and only a partially complete set of contact sheet prints of the photographs of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's foreign trips taken by the White House photographers. Descriptions of the contact sheets owned by the Library appear below. Note: Photographs of Secretary of State Kissinger's trip to Africa in April-May 1976 are included in Series A: Ford White House …
RONALD H. NESSEN PAPERS Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection Box Folder Contents 1 1 AV85-32-1 2 AV85-32-2 AV85-32-3 3 AV85-32-4 to 19 4 AV85-32-4 AV85-32-5 AV85-32-6 to 7 AV85-32-8 AV85-32-9 to 10 AV85-32-11 AV85-32-12 to 13 AV85-32-14 to 15 AV85-32-16 AV85-32-17 to 18 AV85-32-19 AV85-32-20 to 33 5 AV85-32-20 AV85-32-21 to 22 AV85-32-23 AV85-32-24 to 25 AV85-32-26 to 27 AV85-32-28 AV85-32-29 to 30 AV85-32-31 to 32 AV85-32-33 AV85-32-34 to 46 6 AV85-32-34 AV85-32-35 to 36 …
Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum Public Programs (2006 – Present) SUMMARY DESCRIPTION A continuously growing collection of DVD and video recordings of Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum public programs for which the Library and/or Museum has contracted the recording services of a local vendor, or which were copied by Museum staff on Museum equipment. Public programs include those associated with exhibit …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers: Films/Video, 1946-1973 Series Descriptions Videotape, 1972 (30 minutes) The series consists of one 3/4" video cassette. The tape is a compilation of four separate programs originally recorded in 1972 on 2" tape. The House of Representatives film office produced three of the programs while the fourth came from WKZO-TV, Kalamazoo, Michigan. The programs are …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 DOUGLASS BLASER AND ERIC ROSENBERGER FILES, 1974-77 Directors of Press Advance Press Secretary's Office Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection Summary Description The Douglas Blaser and Eric Rosenberger audiovisual series consists of photographs of Gerald R. Ford at various events; the Naval Petroleum Reserve in Elk Hills, California; and President Richard Nixon riding …
PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE RECORDS: Actualities Audiotapes TAPE NUMBER 1-1 1-2 1-3 CONTENTS Bob Dole at the Maryland State Fair (:53) Charles Pickering re: Haley Barbour appointment Haley Barbour (:20) Haley Barbour re: Jimmy Carter (:24) Haley Barbour re: Jimmy Carter (:27) Bob Dole, Topeka Press Conference re: Jimmy Carter Bob Dole re: Jimmy Carter - right to work/tax reform (:32) Bob Dole re: Jimmy Carter - draft evaders (:38) Unidentified Sue Katenya re: day care in Illinois Senator John Tower (TX) re: …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum Library: 1000 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (734) 205-0555 fax (734) 205-0571 Press Release Contact: Kate Murray, Program Coordinator (734) 205-0555 HEAD OF NATIONAL ARCHIVES' PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS TO SPEAK AT FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AS PART OF U. OF M. MUSEUM THEME YEAR Ann Arbor, Mich… Presidential libraries and museums have been in the news lately as historians and some members of Congress have …
nn Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 303 Pearl Street, NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 (616) 254-0400 fax (616) 254-0386 Press Release For Immediate Release 1/12/2008 Contacts: Kristin Mooney, Public Affairs (616) 254-0374 Jim Kratsas, Deputy Director (616) 254-0385 CELEBRATE THE PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION AT THE FORD MUSEUM SEE THE WHITE HOUSE IN MINIATURE – NEW FEATURE EXHIBIT Grand Rapids, Mich…Watch the festivities unfold as the nation confirms its 44th President Barack …