Displaying 4741 - 4750 of 35248 results
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Digitized from Box 4 of the Ron Nessen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library This Copy For_______________ N E WS C0 N F E RE NC E #90 AT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH RON NESSEN AT 12:17 P.M. EST DECEMBER 6, 1974 FRIDAY MR. NESSEN: I am sorry to keep you waiting. have a lot of stuff today, and I wanted to nail down a few facts before I came out here. We Today, the President continued his round of meetings with Chancellor Schmidt. The President began his meeting at 11 o'clock. It lasted about an hour. Our …
Digitized from Box 12 of The Ron Nessen File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library N E WS C0 NF E RE NCE #1327 AT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH RON NESSEN AT 11:35 A.M. EDT SEPTEMbER 23, 1975 TUESDAY MR. NESSEN: Let me mention two additions to the President's schedule, or one addition today -- in fact right about now. The President is going to meet with three New York City bankers. Namely, David Rockefeller of the Chase Manhattan; Walter Wriston of City Bank; and Elmore Patterson of Morgan, together with …
Digitized from Box 5 of The Ron Nessen File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library This Copy For ---------------- N E WS C 0 N F E RE NCE #122 AT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH RON NESSEN AT 12:45 P.M. EST JANUARY 10, 1975 FRIDAY MR. NESSEN: The President came into work this morning at 8 o'clock and he spent about 45 minutes meeting with Dr. Burns to discuss the economy and to discuss the proposals and recommendations that the President is about to make. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the President will be meeting …
Digitized from Box 21 of the Ron Nessen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library This Copy For ------------N E W S #571 CONFERENCE AT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH RON NESSEN AT 1:10 P.M. AUGUST 30 , 19 76 MONDAY MR. NESSEN: I am sorry for the delay, but the Cabinet meeting ran considerably longer than expected and then I wanted to talk to the President about a couple of things after that, First, the President asked me to announce to you today his appointment of James H. Cavanaugh as Deputy Assistant to the …
Digitized from Box 13 of the Ron Nessen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library This Copy For________________ N E WS C0 NF E RE NCE #350 AT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH RON NESSEN AT 10:35 A.M. EDT OCTOBER 20, 1975 MONDAY MR. NESSEN: We really have a fairly busy day. At 11 o'clock there will be a briefing here on food stamps, as you know. At 11:30, Mrs. Ford will fill in for Mr. Ford at the tree planting ceremony. Q What time is the second one? MR. NESSEN: The 11:30 one is the tree planting, with Mrs. …
Digitized from Box 10 of The Ron Nessen File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library This Copy For_________________ N E WS CONFERENCE #248 AT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH RON NESSEN AT 12:05 P.M. EDT JUNE 17, 1975 TUESDAY HR. NESSEN: Senator Scott and Congressman Rhodes came out and gave you a report on the meeting with the Republican leaders this morning and, as they told you, there were three items on the agenda-- consumer protection legislation, the crime bill that will go up either later this week or the …
Digitized from Box 1 of The Ron Nessen File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library This Copy For ---------------- N E WS #12 C 0 N F E R E NCE AT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH JERRY TER HORST AT 11:46 A.M. EDT AUGUST 22, 1974 THURSDAY MR. TER HORST: I will go through the announcements and then take your questions. The President started his day early this morning. He was examined at 6:30 by Dr. William Lukash, his personal physician. I can give you some notes on that from Dr. Lukash. This was the President's …
Digitized from Box 7 of The Ron Nessen File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library This Copy For N E WS -------- C 0 N F E R E NC E #160 AT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH RON NESSEN AT 11:50 A.M. EDT MARCH 6, 1975 THURSDAY MR. NESSEN: Good morning. Gaylord Shaw is going to go to the L.A. Times. The L.A. Time's gain is really AP's loss. (Laughter) Let me read a state~ent by the President. I think that w:~ hav(~ copies of it. vJ.hil-: it is being passed out, I will read it. It is a statement by the President. "The …
ARTHUR F. BURNS PAPERS Audiovisual Materials Transferred from the Textual Collection Summary Description The Arthur F. Burns audiovisual material consists of photographs and audio tapes sent to Arthur Burns while he was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Among the photographs, which date from 1969 to 1980, are official White House photos from the Nixon and Ford administrations, along with official Federal Reserve Board photos and those which document public appearances by Burns at various functions. …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Digital Copies of White House Communications Agency Audiotapes of President Gerald R. Ford, 1974-77 The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) recorded President Ford's speeches, news conferences, and other public statements. A select group of audio recordings have been digitized and are available as WAV and MP3 Files through links in the table below. The information in the table is based on WHCA’s daily log inventory. Actual tape times may differ from what was …