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Finding Aid
Materials of Robert Hormats and his staff, mostly from 1976, on U.S. international economic policy, economic relations with foreign countries, and the Rambouillet and Puerto Rico economic summits. Specific topics include foreign aid, monetary affairs, foreign investment, trade, commodities, energy, oil, civil aviation, and maritime affairs.
Finding Aid
Material concerning his work as an assistant to Robert C. McFarlane, primarily in the area of NSC interactions with the congressional select committees on intelligence and Ford administration efforts to reform the intelligence community. Some materials on other topics appear, including a significant file on the administration's self-evaluation of the handling of the Mayaguez incident.
Finding Aid
A chronological file documenting handling of letters addressed to Kissinger or Scowcroft and reminders to the National Security Adviser about matters requiring his attention, and a fragmentary subject file concerning several foreign policy issues. A few important documents appear, including a handwritten memorandum of conversation of Henry Kissinger's discussions with President Asad of Syria on Aug. 23, 1975 and original maps associated with the negotiation of the Sinai Accords. Most memoranda of conversations for foreign affairs meetings that Rodman produced do not appear here, but can be…
Finding Aid
Copies of State Department telegrams and White House backchannel messages between U.S. ambassadors in Saigon and White House national security advisers, talking points for meetings with South Vietnamese officials, intelligence reports, drafts of peace agreements, and military status reports. Subjects include the Diem coup, the Paris peace negotiations, the fall of South Vietnam, and other U.S./South Vietnam relations topics, 1963 to 1975.
Finding Aid
Photostatic copies of memoranda, correspondence, handwritten notes, reports, diary entries, oral history transcripts, and tape recordings gathered from eight presidential libraries to illustrate prominent personalities, issues, and events in recent American history. The staff of each presidential library selected the particular items which appear in this collection. Prominent subjects include the New Deal, World War II, civil rights, relations with the Soviet Union, and U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The files are arranged chronologically by the library of origin and thereunder…
Finding Aid
This rich collection has two distinct facets. The first relates directly to Kissinger’s trips, including briefing materials for meetings with foreign leaders and reports to the President on those meetings. The second relates to cable traffic, on myriad foreign affairs topics, exchanged during the trip between Kissinger and his travel staff on one hand, and State Department and White House officials on the other hand.
Finding Aid
This collection consists of Gerald R. Ford’s special agent application case file, which includes his application and medical examination, field investigation reports, and correspondence compiled by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters officials. Also included in the file are memorandums dating to the Ford presidential period regarding the storage of FBI records on Gerald Ford, and press inquiries into the reason why Ford was not offered a special agent position.
Finding Aid
The collection contains materials primarily documenting the public side of diplomacy, especially Henry Kissinger's public statements and press conferences (1974-75) and Robert Anderson's later positions as U.S. Ambassador to Morocco and the Dominican Republic.
Finding Aid
Periodic memoranda sent by the Ford White House to former President Richard Nixon containing reports and analysis of world events, often presenting the inside story based on various intelligence sources. Each memorandum covers a one to two week period and is from ten to fifteen pages in length.