Displaying 391 - 400 of 896 results
Page 40 of 90
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 78) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo" Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEG AN '- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. NOVEMBER 6, 1975 TIME DAY 6:40 a.m. THURSDAY PHONE !-- il TIME In Out iu "0 'll '" 6:40 The President had breakfast. 7:03 The President went to the dentist's office. 7:55 The President went to the Oval Office. 7:58 8:05 The President met with his Deputy Assistant for …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 78) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. NOVEMBER 8, 1975 TIME DAY 8:28 a.m. SATURDAY PHONE f-- TIME ... ;:; .. '" "" ." III Ii: In " Out II ...'" ACTIVITY II 8:28 The President had breakfast. 9:12 The President went to the Oval Office. 9:14 9:20 10:05 10:05 10:25 10:25 10:05 10:25 10:05 10:05 10 :10 10 :10 10::a5 …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 74A) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo .. Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN APRIL 15, 1975 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D. C. TIME 1l '" ~ r~ --..------1 n TIME Oul ~ .. DAY 7:05 a.m. TUESDAY ACTIVITY '"' "" 7:05 The President had breakfast. 7:45 The President went to the Oval Office. 7:48 8:00 The President met with: David A. Peterson, Chief, Central Intelligence AgencYI Office of …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 74A) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE A.~ p.entli 'l. \' A II Lis~ RESTRICTION DATE If/tA1J 7 5 C (R~da."r4!c.t tOPj AVLl,1able j Yl oPfn ~,'f.e) . FILE l.OCATION l)tA~''j Dto.y"! C~;bbot1 tofl~) t="old-er·, " Aeri \ ~\ I \9"15 II :Yr- .t;\d,Rt'\fs RESTRICTION CODES (AI Closed by Executive Order 12356 governing access to national security information. (81 …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 74A) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN \.... APRIL 22 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. t TIME TIME 6:56 a.m. TUESDAY HONE .", ;C "i;l " J> : " 0: In Out II 0- ACTIVITY II J> : 6:56 The President had breakfast. 7:30 The President went to the Oval Office. 7:42 7:52 8:10 8:10 1975 DAY The President met with: David A. Peterson, Chief, Central Intelligence …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 74A) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo .• Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN APRIL 28, 1975 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME DAY 6:50 a.m. MONDAY PHONE I-- TIME ~ I--In----,..---O-U(--I l ACTIVITY 6:50 The President had breakfast. 7:34 The President went to the Oval Office. 7:45 7:57 The President met with: David A. Peterson, Chief, Central Intelligence Agency/Office of …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 74A) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R, FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN APRIL 29, 1975 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME DAY 12:24 a.m. TUESDAY PHONE TIME I ] "'" a: :.:" In Out II 0- ACTIVITY II :.: 12:24 12:25 R The President talked with Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. 12 :43 12:44 R The President talked with Secretary Kissinger. 1:08 1:11 R The President talked …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 75) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.• Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME MAY 4. 1975 B~ TIME 1-_ _~_ _ _---1 ~ ti! In Out The President had breakfast with: The First Lady Dr. James Ford, the President's brother Mrs. James Ford Gregg Ford, the President's nephew Robert Ford, the President's nephew 10:47 P 11:51 11:51 The President talked with …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 75) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. MAY 5, 1975 TIME DAY 6:55 a.m. MONDAY PHONE TIME '0 ~ '0 .~ ACTIVITY 1------.--------1 ~ ~ In '--' Out c.. '" 6:55 The President had breakfast. 7:15 The President went to the Oval Office. 7:43 7:57 The President met with: David A. Peterson, Chief, Central Intelligence …
Daily Diary
r Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 75) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN MAY 9, 1975 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME TIME DAY 12:30 a.m. FRIDAY il ACTIVITY i;j 0: r---ln--'--O-ut---1 ~ 12:30 Following a State Dinner for Prime Minister of Singapore and Mrs. Lee Kuan Yew, the President and the First Lady went to the second floor Residence. 6:50 The President had breakfast. …