Displaying 161 - 170 of 896 results
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Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 83) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo.• Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. JULY 22, 1976 TIME DAY 7:15 a.m. THURSDAY PHONE TIME -0 £1l 1 - - - - - - , - - - - 1 II In Out 0. :0 " ~ II c.: ACTIVITY 7:15 The President had breakfast. 7:44 The President went to the doctor's office. 7:50 The President went to the Oval Office. 9:15 9:40 The President met …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 83) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo .• Day. Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. JULY 24, 1976 TIME DAY 8:41 a.m. SATURDAY PHONE I-- TIME ~ :0 0:: ! ~ ~--I-n---r---O-ut--~ ACTIVITY .) ~ I 8:41 The President had breakfast. 9:05 9:10 9:50 10:00 The President went to the doctor's office. The President went to the Oval Office. The President met with his …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 76) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. JULY 14, 1975 TIME DAY 7:00 a.m. MONDAY PHONE I-- TIME I----..------l In Out 7:00 ] ~ 0.. '" 0:'I II 7:29 The President met with his Physician, Rear Adm. William M. Lukash. 7:51 7:55 The President went to the Oval Office. 8:00 The President met with: Donald H. Rumsfe1d, …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 76) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT 1a. DATE CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE Dat Il D1arl 7/25/75 Att adeea at Prelldential li t He t iDg (1 RESTR ICTION 7/25/7~ .) C(A) SANITIZED COpy IN H LE I I I r I . _. Pres 1dent Is Da 11y D1ary Ribbon Copy Folder: 7/19-25/75 R ESTRICTION COD ES I ._-- - - -- BW 3/13/84 ---.- l...._-- - - - - -- _._---- (A ) …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 76) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.} PLACE DAY BEGAN L THE SCHLOSS GYMNICH BONN, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY JULy 27, 1975 TIME DAY 7:30 a.m. SUNDAY ~ TIME 1 - - -..........- - - - 1 In Out I] II II Q.. '" ACTIVITY The President and the First Lady were overnight guests at the Schloss Gymnich, Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). 7:30 8:30 8:45 The President …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 76) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN JULY 6, 1975 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D• C• TIME DA Y ; toY 10:45 a.m. SA!l'.ILBDAY -PHONE TIME t-----,----; In Out ]~ ~ #?:: 0: II c.: II c.: 0.. ACTIVITY 10:45 The President had breakfast with: The First Lady Jack Ford 12:06 The President went to the South Grounds of the White House. 12:07 12:27 12:27 …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 75) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN JUNE 7, 1975 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME DAY 7:35 a.m. SATURDAY PHONE TIME In - ACTIVITY Out 7:35 The President had breakfast. 8:18 The President went to the doctor's office. 8:20 The President went to the Oval Office. 8:23 8:25 8:40 9:00 9:00 9:13 10:05 10:05 9 :13 10:05 R The President talked with …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 75) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN JUNE 8, 1975 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME DAY 7:25 a.m. SUNDAY PHONE TIME 1---------,-------1 In ] ~ 5:\I ~\I Out.. ACTIVITY : : The President had breakfast. 7:25 10:13 10:14 P The President talked with his son, Steve. 10:14 10:15 P The President talked with his son, Jack. 10 :48 ? P The President …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 76) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) THE WHIT~ HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME JUNE 20, 1975 DAY 7:05 a.m. FRIDAY PHONE I-- 1l "" TIME ACTIVITY g ~ 0:: - r---In--~---O-u-t~ ~ ~ "-' 7:05 The President had breakfast. 7:46 The President went to the Oval Office. 7:46 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:13 8:23 8:00 8:23 8:00 8:00 8:13 8:13 8:23 8:40 8:40 9:05 8:40 8:40 …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 75) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME JUNE 13. 1975 DAY 7:15 a.m. FRIDAY t HONE TIME "'2 ~ I------r----l In Out £~ II .. ACTIVITY' :1 ~ 7:15 The President had breakfast. 7:40 The President went to the Oval Office. 7:42 The President met with: David A. Peterson, Chief, Central Intelligence Agency/Office of …