Displaying 131 - 140 of 896 results
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Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 85) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN CAMP DAVID, MARYLAND JANUARY 16, 1977 TIME DAY 9:00 a.m. SUNDAY -PHONE TIME l! ~ £ 1-------,,...------1" In Out ... '" 9:00 The President awoke. The President had breakfast. 10:15 11:31 11:33 P 12:07 12:22 ACTIVITY ~II The President talked with his son, Jack. The President was telephoned by his Consultant, …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 85) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NA TlONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE WITHDRAWAL SHEeT (PReSIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM or DOCUMENT la. list CORRE P Nf)~NT OAn OR TI fl.E Daily Diary 1/17/77 Attendees at Presidential Meeting (1 p.) 1/17/77 f- rrw: TI IN C(A) SANITIZED COpy IN FILE FILE LOCATION President's Daily Diary Ribbon Copy Folder: BloT 1/16-20/84 3/14/84 RCSTRICTION CODES A: Clasetl by E-.xccutIVO Ordllr 12065 !Jovr" ",nil …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 82) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN L ABOARD ARMY I HELICOPTER MAY 1, 1976 TIME DAY 12:01 a.m. SATURDAY PHONE f-- TIME '"~" '"'" 6: In Out ACTIVITY '"" ... '" II II 12:01 Enroute from Abilene, Texas the President arrived via helicopter on the South Grounds of the White House. 12:04 The President went to the second floor Residence. 8:40 The …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 82) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo.. Day. Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN L THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. MAY 4, 1976 TIME DAY 7:40 a.m. TUESDAY PHONE TIME In ' """~ '""'" Out a: … Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 82) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo.. Day. Yr.) PLACE DAY …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 82) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT L( ~ CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE ApP£t'\ d. ( X 1) (~C1CreJ. c.oPj QUa ifabl ~ i n o peYl f il.e') DATE RESTRICTION 5/ ~/7lt> C FILE LOCATION l:b;J1"'br o.r'j lR.,'bboYl Co ~ Vtkl~r '. fv1~~ , lip I, i 'f e$ i d t tt f"5 RESTRICTION CODES ''I IAI Closed by EXecutlVII Order 12356 !)Overning access to national …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 82) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE L THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME MAY 7, 1976 DAY 7:15 a.m. FRIDAY PHONE TIME In Out T ACTIVITY ... 7:15 The President had breakfast. 7:47 The President went to the doctor's office. 7:52 The President went to the Oval Office. 7:52 8:05 8:40 8:50 9:15 9:15 9:25 9:50 10:05 10:40 10:30 11:00 The President …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 81) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. APRIL 4, 1976 TIME DAY 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY ~ TIME ] ~--ln--~---O-ut--~ ct: l :0 ACTIVITY ~ ~ 9:50 The President had breakfast. 10:57 The President went to the South Grounds of the White House. 10:57 10:58 The President motored from the South Grounds to St. John's Episcopal …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 81) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) PLACE DAY BEGAN L THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. APRIL 6, 1976 TIME DAY 7:10 a.m. TUESDAY ~ TIME In il : > u £ .:! Out ..: 7:10 The President had breakfast. 7:35 The President went to the doctor's office. 7:42 The President went to the Oval Office. 8:35 9:00 9:20 9:20 The President met with: Richard B. Cheney, Assistant …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 80) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo .• Day, Yr.) THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D.C. FEBRUARY 23, 1976 TIME DAY 7:05 a.m. MONDAY PHONE '--- . '0 TIME In ~ Out ACTIVITY u ~ 7:05 The President had breakfast. 7:36 The President went to the Oval Office. 8:35 9:00 8:56 8:58 The President met with his Assistant, Richard B. Cheney. P The President talked with …
Daily Diary
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 81) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SER V ICE WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIA L LIBR ARIES) FORM OF OOCUMENT Li~~ CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE A{> pencf , X C ( redacY~d eoP'j aVa ilable. in open RESTRICTION DATE r:le) J.t /').7In, C RESTRICTION CODES (A) CIOSOd bv EXE!Cutll/o Order 12356 governing access to national security Information. (8) Cloced bv Disabled Veterans Committee) VHayne T. Brooks Organization …